Himuro said:Sarah better not be a damn mage.
Lost Odyssey is pretty much what I wanted from ps2 Final Fantasy's the entire generation (FFX and X-2 aside). It's like the Final Fantasy XI and XII I never got.
Takuhi said:Sorry. I blame the copy editors.![]()
There is not a single doubt that FFXIII will outdo LO in the graphics and also certainly in the cutscene department. When UE3 agrees with the current level's graphics LO looks great, but when it doesn't it can be quite average looking.Teknoman said:After playing Lost Odyssey...FFXIII better deliver. Heh it would be funny if it outdid the game both in all departments.
Yeah it's my least favorite dungeon so far.purg3 said:Anyone else find that haunted mansion to be a complete pain in the ass. Glad that is over with.
Himuro said:My party looks like this.
Kaim - Warrior (No battle skills at all, just owning fools with elemental and species rings)
Seth - Thief/Assassin (Run away skill, steal, doesn't use elemental or species rings, mostly atk + or critical + rings like Herculean ring)
Mack - Monk (Uses skills and spirit magic for buffs. Rarely use attack with Mack so I don't equip a ring on him)
These three all have abilities or some way to increase GC, they're my tanks.
Jansen - Red Mage (never attacks, only uses magic or defends. Maybe I should put the GC charge while defending accessory on my guys in the back?)
Cooke - White Mage (bad ass spunky girl is bad at combat but my main healer. She's also an important asset for Jansen, my magic offense guy. She helps make magic attacks that would normally take 2 turns to cast 1 turn to be cast. Awesome.)
Now that I know that Ming's accessory will let Jansen cast black magic on all enemies, there's no need for her!
If you can't pick up LO without returning BD, then yes, absolutely.TylerPwnsYou1986 said:GAF, i still have my copy of Blue Dragon unopened. Should i return it and pick up Lost Odyssey?
Durante said:If you can't pick up LO without returning BD, then yes, absolutely.
Durante said:I think that's simply a normal enemy, but you're far too low level to defeat it at this point.
Gothza is still very far away, but the point you need to go to now should be marked on the map (far to the east).
Durante said:Yes, my point was that it's a normal enemy for a much later part of the game.
Ash Sparrow said:Wonders how the game is doing, not that it has much to do with whether its a great game or not.
Cool i havent been on in a bit got to see if my friends are playing it.BenjaminBirdie said:It's penetrated my Friend's List rather decisively, and the thread here at least seems to be busier than Blue Dragon's. I have no anecdotal real world sales evidence though, but I think it will do fairly well, all told.
Ash Sparrow said:Cool i havent been on in a bit got to see if my friends are playing it.
I must buy it myself, take matter into my own hands![]()
Tabris said:Ugh! I got a dirty disc read error last night after like 20-30 mins of story after fighting a bunch of knights and a giantbefore that. So I need to repeat that all over againworm![]()
Otheradam said:That sucks. I just beat that part myself last night. Took a few tries. The bosses in this game are actually hard!
chespace said:Really enjoying the game, and I'm only 2.5 hours in. I've spent most of my time just running around and having dreams, which are really fantastic. The presentation for the dreams are just so well done. I want a soundtrack for this.
And yeah, I have read 4 dreams and am on my way to this guy's mansion because he's under house arrest. And I feel like I know this protagonist better than just about any RPG I've ever played.
The Little Liar story was so creepy and good. Jay Rubins is godly.
Yeah you can go back during disc 4.John Harker said:You did 4 dreams before the mansion? I only did 3, so I must have missed one.
Can you go back and get these things? I wouldn't want to miss out on any...
Durante said:Did you get the huge one in the middle of the town? Because that's the only one I missed on my first try :lol
Himuro said:Don't worry. The j-gaffers weren't feeling it, and that pretty much guaranteed it'd be worth checking out.
Himuro said:I can count too many times I haven't entirely agreed with their perceptions! I remember them spooging over FFXII, Kingdom Hearts II, Contact, Okami, and a few others. They were all meh. Yakuza was good gameplay wise, but the story they hyped so much was typical shit. The fact they didn't feel LO's story is pretty expected!
They prefere Kluke's birthday party and Marumaru's happy dance festivel in Blue Dragon, that pretty much sums it up.Tabris said:Actually I dunno, I think bebpo and duckroll usually are pretty close with impressions, but I'm also really loving Lost Odyssey right now. So my guess is the reason they gave the story a bad review is probably because it has a bad ending or something that left a sour taste in their mouth.
I agree with most of your points, but I have to comment here since it comes up so often. I think that's mostly because a lot of people that have not played many JRPGs during the last few years play this. Because developers have taken note -- years ago: except for intentional genre dinosaurs like Dragon Quest, there has not been any need to grind in the vast majority of PS2 and even most PS1 JRPGs. It's not a new development, albeit a very welcome one.IJoel said:+ No need for grinding is AWESOME. Developers should take note.
Nah, FFXII and Okami are good games. I agree with them as often as I violently disagree: just like with most people actually.Himuro said:I can count too many times I haven't entirely agreed with their perceptions! I remember them spooging over FFXII, Kingdom Hearts II, Contact, Okami, and a few others. They were all meh.