Nemesis556 said:Where can I find Terrace Cavern?
It's on the island to the south west of the main continent. You have to submerge and go through a crack to get there.
Nemesis556 said:Where can I find Terrace Cavern?
siamesedreamer said:I'm kinda curious about this too. I took out Janson and relaced him with Ming. But, for some reason, Mack is the target for all the powerful physical attacks. And he's started becoming a huge drain on health supplies (MP and items).
Has everyone just ditched Mack altogether?
Greatness Gone said:Should I replace Mack with Ming at the start of disc 2?
Greatness Gone said:Holy. Fucking. Shit. This game is kicking my ass. I'm at the haunted mansion on Disc 2. I'm, like, level 22 with all of my characters. Should I go someplace else and level up? Any tips?
I find the enemies pretty smart in that they'll often try to target people with the highest chance to die. If you put Mack in your front (and especially if he still has low HP) then they'll often hit him hard. For the early parts, I put him in the back and simply used his Spirit magic. He just wasn't strong enough to make it worth while to have him fight up front (and the decrement of my GC of course). This allowed me to level him up til he was strong enough to take hard hits, pick up some stronger weapons and contribute to the GC. Ultimately, though, I still prefer to leave Kaim and Seth in front, with the rest in the rear (unless I could really use the extra GC to protect the rear magicians).
Darkman M said:Learn macks skills then drop him, mack is ass period. Theirs only one unique mortal in the game worth keeping in and you haven't got that far yet.
it's the FMVs and pre rendered scenes that take much space, not the audio.Gamer @ Heart said:I just got to disc three. Did they really need to have so many audio options? Arent the costs asscociated with reprograming a disc for a different region, less that putting them all in 4 discs when they could have stuffed it into 2? Oblivion fit in one and that had tons of audio.
McDragon said:it's the FMVs and pre rendered scenes that take much space, not the audio.
i dunno, i don't think the japanese edition had all these audio options yet it was 4 discs, same for BD (BD japanese = 3 discs with one audio, BD US = 3 discs and 3 audio options)Gamer @ Heart said:There arent neary as much FMV as i thought there would be and how many scenes locales are pre rendered because i havent notice many. At this rate, FF10 had more FMV's.
Gamer @ Heart said:Im shocked at all the difficulty claims. Im not having any problems at all. The dark cave was a bitch because of those magic casters and stone dudes, but thats it for me.
Gamer @ Heart said:Im shocked at all the difficulty claims. Im not having any problems at all. The dark cave was a bitch because of those magic casters and stone dudes, but thats it for me.
Gamer @ Heart said:Im shocked at all the difficulty claims. Im not having any problems
Gamer @ Heart said:I just got to disc three.
BenjaminBirdie said:WOW. The battle at the end of Disc 3 was the hardest I've ever had to fight in an RPG, bar none. "Hey, no way you can cast magic! By the way, Mack is your only non-magic character! Have fun!"
Mack was literally the last one standing, everyone around him was dead. I barely got off a Combo before that fucker demolished me. You know a boss fight is hard when you're praying for Trample.
ALL the fights in that cave were tough but none tougher than like SEVEN of those Yeti motherfuckers. Are you kidding me? I fucking BOLTED through that cave. I'll come back for what I missed with a more appropriate party, but with the cats you're stuck with first time around? Good lord.
Yeah, from Disc 1 to Disc 3 this game never lets up on the difficulty level. I'm now in the first dungeon of Disc 4 and the game has been raised AGAIN.
This shit is the Devil May Cry 3 (is that the hard one?) of RPGs. Or rather, RPGs That I Have Actually Played.
i don't remember that it tells you but you should have looked at the back of the manual or at least do what i do, press every damn button whenever you play any game for the first time.DIrtyWeasel said:I'm several hours into the game and I just now find out that holding down X makes you run faster...
Why doesn't the game tell you this? or did I miss it? I found this out from somebody else who is much farther into the game than I am, and just now discovered it.
DIrtyWeasel said:I'm several hours into the game and I just now find out that holding down X makes you run faster...
Why doesn't the game tell you this? or did I miss it? I found this out from somebody else who is much farther into the game than I am, and just now discovered it.
BluWacky said:Spoilerz
Blimblim said:In other news, I just received my french retail copy of LO, and it's the same awful packaging as the US.
Phthisis said:Obviously you already beat it so this doesn't help now, but for that fight, I did the following:
Had Ming equipped with Spirit Magic in addition to white/black and composite
Mack casted Powera on himself, Ming casted Speeda on Mack, Jansen casted All Shield, and Cooke used Casting Support on Ming.
Next turn.
Mack attacked, Ming healed, Jansen casted All Barricade.
From there on out, I had three people healing for the whole fight and was able to finish with close to full HP on everyone.
DIrtyWeasel said:I'm several hours into the game and I just now find out that holding down X makes you run faster...
Why doesn't the game tell you this? or did I miss it? I found this out from somebody else who is much farther into the game than I am, and just now discovered it.
Australian version = Asian version. That's the reason why that version was dual region asia/pal, and why it was released earlier.scorpian007 said:I've got an Australian copy and it's the good packaging
I'm just upto Disc 4 about 44 hours in and doing the sidequests. I'm loving this game, for me it's on par with FF7 and 8. I'm completely hooked and I have to work tomorrow :lol
Blimblim said:In other news, I just received my french retail copy of LO, and it's the same awful packaging as the US.
Ricker said:Just to be on the safe side,for those wondering if they should use so and so instead of so and so,just try and keep everyone pretty close level wise,believe me,you will thank me later on disk 3![]()
Hunahan said:It can be even easier than that. You know all those "ground bombs" that they keep giving you throughout the game but you never use?
Yeah, they don't reflect.
Easy cheesy.
FoeHammer said:I want to commit genocide on those damn thief monkeys in the Ice Canyon. God, I was so sick of those things by the time I got out of there.
scorpian007 said:You can get all your stolen items back after you recover the Elmon Crown and let them steal it in battle, then you go back south and fight the Elmon King up the top
scorpian007 said:You can get all your stolen items back after you recover the Elmon Crown and let them steal it in battle, then you go back south and fight the Elmon King up the top
BenjaminBirdie said:Where and when do I "recover" this?
FoeHammer said:I want to commit genocide on those damn thief monkeys in the Ice Canyon. God, I was so sick of those things by the time I got out of there.
scorpian007 said:It should be at the frozen monster/boss' feet or something near the end of the Ice Canyon, my memory is failing :lol
Nexus Zero said:I've gotta say, after playing through as much Blue Dragon as I could stand, I look at it now and have to ask, "What the fuck was that all about?" I don't know how something so soul-crushingly average and unlikeable could be made by the same people as this.
AgentOtaku said:i'm sorry, I have to disagree with you as I had a gleeful grin across my face the entire time I played BD
the game has alotta heart