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Official North American Lost Odyssey Thread


bob_arctor said:
Huh. All I've heard is the opposite. I am currently playing through BD (more than halfway through Disc 1 currently) and am very much enjoying it. I planned to get LO when I was done. What does BD do better? I really enjoy the brisk pace of BD's story more than anything. It combines the laid-back vibe I crave in my JRPG's with a sense of always moving things along without having to linger in any one particular area to the point of boredom or stagnancy.
The story isn't overdone or too dramatic. Battles are fun; it takes some of the best elements of, say, old school FF, Chrono Trigger/Cross, and even some Dragon Quest, and combines them. The characters are simple and likable, graphics are absolutely beautiful, presentation and pacing is near flawless, and the soundtrack is superb (probably Uematsu's best since FFVIII). Much like Dragon Quest VIII, it really does seem like an old school RPG, but modernized.

It's unfortunate that so many people seem to hate Blue Dragon for almost no reason.


Diablos said:
The story isn't overdone or too dramatic. Battles are fun; it takes some of the best elements of, say, old school FF, Chrono Trigger/Cross, and even some Dragon Quest, and combines them. The characters are simple and likable, graphics are absolutely beautiful, presentation and pacing is near flawless, and the soundtrack is superb (probably Uematsu's best since FFVIII). Much like Dragon Quest VIII, it really does seem like an old school RPG, but modernized.

It's unfortunate that so many people seem to hate Blue Dragon for almost no reason.

Yup, that's pretty much exactly why I really like Blue Dragon. I'll get LO eventually but I'm pretty sure it's slower pace will bug me at some point.


QVT said:
If you're on the fourth disc, you've missed them. They're the only two missable spells in the game.

Are they Shieldus and Barricadus?

I´m on 4th disc. I have all White magic spells, missing one black magic (ground mine perhaps) and from Spirit magic i´m missing 4, ome from 3rd level (I have speeda slower lost) and from 4th, 5th, 6th levels i´m missing the last/rightest ones. So can i still get those?


Diablos said:
The story isn't overdone or too dramatic. Battles are fun; it takes some of the best elements of, say, old school FF, Chrono Trigger/Cross, and even some Dragon Quest, and combines them. The characters are simple and likable, graphics are absolutely beautiful, presentation and pacing is near flawless, and the soundtrack is superb (probably Uematsu's best since FFVIII). Much like Dragon Quest VIII, it really does seem like an old school RPG, but modernized.

It's unfortunate that so many people seem to hate Blue Dragon for almost no reason.

I liked Blue Dragon, but lets be honest, you need to have a story to begin with in order for it to be "not overdone or too dramatic"


I just beat Disc 1 of Lost Odyssey and stopped before putting in Disc 2. Are there any things in Disc 1 that you can't get ever again if you miss them? That's the most annoying thing about JRPGs.


I'm pretty pissed right now - I'm on Disc 4, doing a bunch of sidequesting...

I try to go to Uhra, and what happens? Disc read error. Ugh. Now I can't get back there AT ALL. I guess my 360 is dying, again.
TimeKillr said:
I'm pretty pissed right now - I'm on Disc 4, doing a bunch of sidequesting...

I try to go to Uhra, and what happens? Disc read error. Ugh. Now I can't get back there AT ALL. I guess my 360 is dying, again.
Or it could be the fourth disc. Got one too when I put disc #4 in and my last DRE occurred at least a year ago.

My 360 also makes a different noise when that particular disc is in. Every other disc has been fine.


I have a quick question to anyone who is higher than level 18...

So I am just starting out in the
Crimson Forest
and I am curious about a couple of things...

1. As I level up does the game compensate for that, and increase the stats of the enemies? Like Mass Effect?

2. Is there some better way to level up my group? I keep fighting enemies and it seems like I only get 1xp per enemy, sometimes I get almost 20xp per battle... but I dont understand if I missing something, some condition of the battle, that would give me more xp... I understand that the level up system is based on a std 100pt system, but I mean how do they expect you to beat certain bosses, if you can level up above that boss...
Diablos said:
It's unfortunate that so many people seem to hate Blue Dragon for almost no reason.
Now, now. There are plenty of reasons to dislike Blue Dragon: relatively uninspired dungeons (save a few); stupid boss theme; way too conservative of a story,
giving its goods at the very final battle
, with only a few memorable story moments throughout the game; so-so voice acting; ridiculously easy, for anyone; some irritating achievement tasks; mostly dull characters. I really liked Blue Dragon, but...for no reason? Come on. There are a few.


Anyway, besides derailing the thread, I popped in to say, wow, disc 3 was sweet. Ghotza is one of the coolest cities I've seen in an RPG, and all the cinematics and areas that followed it were great. The main plot seems to be disappointing, but I admit that I love the characters and the presentation of the story. Music's excellent--one of Uematsu's best--but it is way too short. As much as I love these tracks (most of them, anyway), they play one too many times, and there are still areas with no music. Huh.

I really like the dungeon/area designs of this game, though. They definitely feel derived from Shadow Hearts.

Alright, disc 4!


aparisi2274 said:
1. As I level up does the game compensate for that, and increase the stats of the enemies? Like Mass Effect?

No. I've heard on plenty of podcasts that people think the game levels up with you - it doesn't.

2. Is there some better way to level up my group? I keep fighting enemies and it seems like I only get 1xp per enemy, sometimes I get almost 20xp per battle... but I dont understand if I missing something, some condition of the battle, that would give me more xp... I understand that the level up system is based on a std 100pt system, but I mean how do they expect you to beat certain bosses, if you can level up above that boss...

If you're getting tiny amounts of exp per battle, then you've hit the recommended level for that area. You should be fine once you're there.


probune said:
If you're getting tiny amounts of exp per battle, then you've hit the recommended level for that area. You should be fine once you're there.

Oh ok... Thanks... Is that the games way of stopping you from over leveling???


i just finally got through the black caves.....i amshamed to say how long it took me.

On the bright side i got some good leveling in, and learned some cool new skills.

i LOVE this GAME!
I finally beat Lost Odyssey yesterday with exactly 78 hours on the game clock and my immortals at level 84 (everyone else was around 65). I had 980/1000 achievement points with Treasure Trove being the only missing one. I'm not sure what I could possibly be missing because I visited each town/area multiple times while completing all sidequests, but I'm a bit burned out and I don't feel like re-combing the entire game for one item/chest/whatever. It's too bad that at higher levels, there's no item to eliminate random battles or find missing items.

One random question - does anyone know if the underwater items count towards the Treasure Trove achievement? Those are the only ones I can think of that I might be missing.

Anyway, I mostly enjoyed myself more than I have in any JRPG since FFX, which I really loved, and frankly, this felt like the true sequel to FFX. Just with a tad less content and less interesting main story (though the Dreams help make up for it). I really hope that it sells well enough worldwide to warrant a sequel.


Fair-weather, with pride!
1. Underwater things count. There are 24 of those to find, not too bad.
2. Did you kick the volleyball(or was it a football) in Uhra? It's kinda off to the corner and you might not think to try that.

jax (old)

OMFG. I am absolutely hating this game right now. Please someone guide me to endgame. I hate the temple of enlightenment and its horrible creatures. My hiatus away to play DMC4 .... only to return to this slog of a game. Where's the endgame? I want to leave the temple unfinished and go finish this game. HELP!!!
Jax said:
OMFG. I am absolutely hating this game right now. Please someone guide me to endgame. I hate the temple of enlightenment and its horrible creatures. My hiatus away to play DMC4 .... only to return to this slog of a game. Where's the endgame? I want to leave the temple unfinished and go finish this game. HELP!!!

Take the White Boa to Grand Staff.


I've been trying to beat the final boss with my whole party (Kaim, Seth, Jansen, Cooke, Mack) at Level 47. It's near impossible. I can get the Beast to about 30-40%, but it's just too tough. Off to the Temple of Enlightenment.


TwiztidElf said:
I've been trying to beat the final boss with my whole party (Kaim, Seth, Jansen, Cooke, Mack) at Level 47.

First off, you should put Sarah and Ming in your party when you're grinding because the immortals are so much more powerful than the mortals. As they should be, they are immortal after all.
I just got my state tax return.

Should I get this game? It's a toss-up between this and Devil May Cry 4. I've been playing a ton of Mass Effect lately, and I'm hoping this doesn't feel too dated in the wake of that game. However, I love the Super Nintendo Final Fantasies and Chrono Trigger, and also some of Square's PS1 rpgs.
Green Shinobi said:
I just got my state tax return.

Should I get this game? It's a toss-up between this and Devil May Cry 4. I've been playing a ton of Mass Effect lately, and I'm hoping this doesn't feel too dated in the wake of that game. However, I love the Super Nintendo Final Fantasies and Chrono Trigger, and also some of Square's PS1 rpgs.

DMC4 was good but a bit disappointing to me. This, however, has delighted me in almost every way. If you loved FFs, you will at least be entertained by this (but odds are, love it).


Due to the bad taste Disc 3 left in my mouth, I've progressed through Disc 4 very slowly, to the point of where I haven't played it since a week ago. It does get better again on Disc 4 hopefully, I'm assuming.


Kruhex said:
Due to the bad taste Disc 3 left in my mouth, I've progressed through Disc 4 very slowly, to the point of where I haven't played it since a week ago. It does get better again on Disc 4 hopefully, I'm assuming.

If by get better you mean the majority of Disc 4 opens up the world so you can freely go about doing sidequests and getting really great accessories and spells and having the time of your life with some of the optional boss battles, then yes it does get better in Disc 4.


Good to know. Another gripe I have with JRPGs is too many characters and the infusion of annoying characters ala Cooke and Mack. I wish they just stuck to Kaim, Jensen and Seth.
Green Shinobi said:
I just got my state tax return.

Should I get this game? It's a toss-up between this and Devil May Cry 4. I've been playing a ton of Mass Effect lately, and I'm hoping this doesn't feel too dated in the wake of that game. However, I love the Super Nintendo Final Fantasies and Chrono Trigger, and also some of Square's PS1 rpgs.
its a great throw back to the old school Jrpg's. if you're craving that kind of genre, i'd recommend it.:D
Green Shinobi said:
I just got my state tax return.

Should I get this game? It's a toss-up between this and Devil May Cry 4. I've been playing a ton of Mass Effect lately, and I'm hoping this doesn't feel too dated in the wake of that game. However, I love the Super Nintendo Final Fantasies and Chrono Trigger, and also some of Square's PS1 rpgs.
Buy it, I'm still on disk 3 and this is the best rpg I've played since ffX


I don't get treasure hunting locations for Sunken Town and Sunken in Sea of Baus. Do I have to be underwater or what? Strategy guide is confusing.


Early in Disc 2, the way things are shaping up, it looks like I'll be sticking to using Immortals, and swapping out Mortals for skill linking as required.

Is it going to be ok if I use mainly Immortals and Jansen? Jansen is the only Mortal that I don't hate.


Zzoram said:
Early in Disc 2, the way things are shaping up, it looks like I'll be sticking to using Immortals, and swapping out Mortals for skill linking as required.

Is it going to be ok if I use mainly Immortals and Jansen? Jansen is the only Mortal that I don't hate.

That's fine all the way to disc 4, in fact, most players keep the maximum no. of immortals in their party. Jansen and Cooke are great mortal magus, but another PC will take the spot light in disc 4 due to his 3 accessories skill and ability to ignore GC with regular physical attacks.



Yep, as predicited when I got the last chest in The Temple of Enlightenment I didnt get the friggn achieve. Went and got the two underwater ones I missed. No achievement. Time to go through every area again :D

I couldnt sleep last night as I was thinking aobut what treasures I might have missed....

I know for a fact that I dont have the soldiers helmet from the very start of the game, does that affect the achievement?


MoogPaul said:
I liked Blue Dragon, but lets be honest, you need to have a story to begin with in order for it to be "not overdone or too dramatic"
Uhhh, it has a story. It is indeed simplistic, but it has one. Don't be uptight.
OK, I know that I'm being repetitive here, but I just don't care. These 1000-year-dreams are so amazing. Amazing. I would pay $60 just for them alone. I think that it's better reading a chunk of them at once (at an inn, or something), instead of reading them when they sporadically pop up throughout the game. Anyone else feel this way? For anyone who has skipped them, though: read them. You *will* be touched.

Messages from a Weakling (or whatever) was excellent.


FateBreaker said:
OK, I know that I'm being repetitive here, but I just don't care. These 1000-year-dreams are so amazing. Amazing. I would pay $60 just for them alone. I think that it's better reading a chunk of them at once (at an inn, or something), instead of reading them when they sporadically pop up throughout the game. Anyone else feel this way? For anyone who has skipped them, though: read them. You *will* be touched.

Messages from a Weakling (or whatever) was excellent.

Kaim beat that dudes ass hard lol. It was awesome


Fair-weather, with pride!
FateBreaker said:
OK, I know that I'm being repetitive here, but I just don't care. These 1000-year-dreams are so amazing. Amazing. I would pay $60 just for them alone. I think that it's better reading a chunk of them at once (at an inn, or something), instead of reading them when they sporadically pop up throughout the game. Anyone else feel this way? For anyone who has skipped them, though: read them. You *will* be touched.

Messages from a Weakling (or whatever) was excellent.
Only 11 dollars for something better.


slept with Malkin
Scenester said:

Yep, as predicited when I got the last chest in The Temple of Enlightenment I didnt get the friggn achieve. Went and got the two underwater ones I missed. No achievement. Time to go through every area again :D

I couldnt sleep last night as I was thinking aobut what treasures I might have missed....

I know for a fact that I dont have the soldiers helmet from the very start of the game, does that affect the achievement?

It shouldn't since it wasn't in a chest or anything. Did you buy everything from the auction house?


yep auction house is closed... I heard that the achievement counts stuff thats thats in Pots etc... as well as tablet fragments and the shell shell you pick up on the chu-chu sidequest in Numara on disc 4... so maybe the helmet counts too? I aquired a copy of the prima guide so I can just go through that with a fine tooth comb and snaffle everything up...

just going to pick up the helmet now :O


found a chest I missed in the Temple of Enlightenment and a spell under the bed of the Ipsilon hut... still no dice.

Im going to have to make a checklist and mark areas off one by one as frisk them I think

this is one bitch of an achievement


Can someone tell me what to do after you start on disk 4?

I spent an entire day doing side quests, and now I don't know where to trigger the next story sequence! :)


So far Lost odyssey has made me laugh more than blue dragon, so for that it's my favourite of the two so far. I feel kind of differently to most when it comes to cooke and mack. I'v heard cooke's voice in a couple cartoons and just love the voice especially the squeeky bits she comes out with. Mack is ok too but he can get cheesy at times to me. I think even without the voices a lot of their reactions to things are so accurate for their age (cooke has had some very grown up dialogue, though iv'e been surprised with some things my sister comes out with at that age so probably still accurate). Also
how did cooke manage to kick jansens butt when they came off the boat? she's so short


My biggest complaint is partly the character design, which is uneven.. and some of the wardrobe. What Cooke and Mack are wearing is just ridiculous.


Kuran said:
My biggest complaint is partly the character design, which is uneven.. and some of the wardrobe. What Cooke and Mack are wearing is just ridiculous.

Their outfits seem very final fantasy like and the kind of thing they would dream up themselves, well the ones after you first meet them.


Finished it at exactly 66:30, everything done (I think!) except the Treasure Trove achievement, so 980GP. Enjoyed pretty much every minute of it. A few fairly minor gripes (I really wish the warp devices from Blue Dragon had been used here!), but nothing that stops me from saying that this is one of my top five favorite RPGs.

I also have to say I read and really liked all the 1000 Year Dreams, with only one exception (
The Village Closest to Heaven. What a horrible story. "Hey, they seem pretty happy, so I'll let them merrily go about poisoning themselves and their children to death!" WTF Kaim?!

Orodreth said:
Here it is:
Thanks for that!

Scenester said:
found a chest I missed in the Temple of Enlightenment and a spell under the bed of the Ipsilon hut... still no dice.

Im going to have to make a checklist and mark areas off one by one as frisk them I think

this is one bitch of an achievement
Curse the Treasure Trove achievement and the horse it rode in on! Be interested to hear if you ever do get it. I certainly wont.

Kuran said:
My biggest complaint is partly the character design, which is uneven.. and some of the wardrobe. What Cooke and Mack are wearing is just ridiculous.
Not sure if you meant it this way, but I must admit I found it distracting how some characters (such as Sed) are really detailed, while others (like Gongora) sort of have a more 'game'-ish look. Strange.


Nolan. said:
Their outfits seem very final fantasy like and the kind of thing they would dream up themselves, well the ones after you first meet them.

I like them, with their little traditional touches but they really are a little too pompous, which paired with Ming´s taste for a rather kitsch dresscode breaks the believable, more realistic and well done design on most of the rest imho.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Just started disk 4, doing some of the optional missions
Gongora's hidden cave
currently... will try for most of the achievements, probably not the Treasure Trove one, due to how annoying it sounds. And yeah, I've had DRE's on every disk so far, usually after grinding a whole lot... what is to blame for this? Is it the poor manufacturing of the 360, the Unreal Engine, or just poor programming?
Kuran said:
My biggest complaint is partly the character design, which is uneven.. and some of the wardrobe. What Cooke and Mack are wearing is just ridiculous.
I personally don't mind Cooke's outfit, though I agree that Mack's is ridiculous. Maybe it's the color: would've looked better in almost any other color I reckon.

Ming and Sara on the other hand... Now they are wearing trash. Gongora too,
now that he's the king
Scenester said:

Yep, as predicited when I got the last chest in The Temple of Enlightenment I didnt get the friggn achieve. Went and got the two underwater ones I missed. No achievement. Time to go through every area again :D

I couldnt sleep last night as I was thinking aobut what treasures I might have missed....

I know for a fact that I dont have the soldiers helmet from the very start of the game, does that affect the achievement?

I feel your pain. I've been to every area multiple times with no luck. I completely forgot about the last underwater items, so I picked up three yesterday and still no achivement. I have no clue what I'm missing, but it's GOT to be something in Numara or Uhra. I've gone over every dungeon with a fine-tooth comb.

And yes, the auction house is closed.

Damn do I hate leaving a game with only one achievement left, but I don't see myself using Split Infinity's FAQ to go through every single area in the game again, especially without a "no encounters" item.

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