Nolan. said:Also if you have the gamble spell that could make up for mack lacking in power, especially since it doesn't seem to depend on level.
GHG said:Wont work once the thing casts reflect. If you are under leveled use your items. You should have a few power drinks, grounda/groundus and flara/flarus bombs that you can use to take that bitch down.
Relix said:So, I was just reminded on why video games are great. So I try it again. I am close, thinking carefully on how to time my attacks... and finally I lose. Great. I decided to just give this one, final try. I was playing mindlessly. Finally he did Reflect. Jansen died and Mack too. I was mad so I hit Attack with Ming and Cooke. They did 1HP damage each. The monster attacks with Frozen Bite and now Ming and Cooke are both at 1 FUCKING HIT POINT. I see I have some bombs left... Ground and Aquara. So I used them. Ground did 96, and Aquara 286. Then I see everything blurry and the monster falls. My jaw dropped to the ground. I love games![]()
Relix said:I can't level up Mack because when you get him back you are sent to the fight automatically. Quick question... can I go back to the "remains" and buy more bombs there? Also I am not sure if any of my characters have Dispel =S
MicVlaD said:Just reached the final dungeon (), but even after one battle with random monsters my party received a solid in: the 'second' Grand Staff
What's a good place to gain experience? My party's currently at lvl 45 - 47.
MicVlaD said:Just reached the final dungeon (), but even after one battle with random monsters my party received a solid in: the 'second' Grand Staff
What's a good place to gain experience? My party's currently at lvl 45 - 47.
MMaRsu said:I think I'm about lvl 18, and I'm in Numara right now, but where the hell can I buy weapons???
Orodreth said:There´s a shop in one of the canals/street (near where you get a dream when looking at a pair close to a boat/gondola).
Also you can get a pass in the "Art Gallery/museum" to access the private/vip section of the shop.
MMaRsu said:Yes there's an item shop but I haven't seen a weapons shop anywhere..also can someone really explain how all the skill stuff works? I've got all the skills so far maxed out but I feel like I'm really missing out on other stuff, do you have to delete certain skills so you can learn new ones for immortals?
MMaRsu said:Now I'm off to try and defeat those 2 guys on horses and 3 soldiers again :\ what's a good tactic for those guys ?
aparisi2274 said:So I just got to Ghotza, and I have a question that has been bugging me about Cooke.
I have her currently at level 32, and when I check her skills list, she has:
Casting Support
Then a bunch of others, which I cant remember the names... but my issue is when I am in a battle and I have Cooke in my party, and I go to use one of the other skills she has, other than the 3 I listed above, they are not in her skill list. I can only pick from the 3 I listed above. I dont know whats going on. I have them set as skills, it tells me that she has learned the new skill, but I cant use them....
Anyone else having this issue?? It makes it hard when you need to use one of those skills and you cant select it.
gregor7777 said:Like what though? Are they "always-on' skills?
I can't think of any for Cooke, but 'Counter' for the melee characters is an example of an always-on skill.
The skills with green icons are 'passive' skills, while the skills with red icons are the kind you can activate mid-battle (like Jansen's Steal). The green skills basically just improve the abilities of your characters like higher offense, higher defense, immunity to certain status ailments, better Black / White magic, ... There are also other quirks, like being able to read the amount of health, status et cetera of your enemies for instance.aparisi2274 said:The 3 I listed are the always on skills, like Jensen has Steal...
I am annoyed I cant remember the other skill names, but they are all set in her active skill sets
Yes.Kuran said:This has probably been asked before, but if you lose an auction.. does it return later on in the auction house?
It's only annoying whensiamesedreamer said:Is there anything more goddamn annoying than? Better yet, is there anything more annoying thansplitting your party up? I can't fucking stand that shit in games.splitting your party up into three different groups
Y'all led me to believe disc 3 rules. Its been a massive disappointment so far because of what's outlined above.
Kuran said:I'm on the last disk, trying to get most of the achievements.. and I'm wondering if it is possible to screw up and end up not being able to get the "all chests" and or "all skills" achievements.
I learned all the skills from my mortal characters, so now there are just skills left gained from items. I guess I'll go to every store in the game and see if I missed anything..
I also went to the auction house and (I think) I got all the chests, because they said they had nothing left to sell. Yet I don't have the all-chests achievement. Is this because they're not selling everything, or is it because there are chests in the final dungeon that I have yet to find?
Sir Fragula said:Use sleep on the three you aren't fighting and then flee the battle. If one of them wakes and gets closer to the city, sleep the one you're fighting and attack the closer one. I beat that one on my first go, but damn... it was exhausting. Remember that the elements of each Arthrosaurus are different.
Hope that helps!
Your friend isn't lying. In fact: you're relatively close to that particular fight (not to mention a tough dungeon, considering who you've got right now).Relix said:A friend of mine told me this.... there is another Mack-only fight at the end of Disc 3? Please tell me he's lying. =(. I am in the Refugee camp now.
MicVlaD said:Your friend isn't lying. In fact: you're relatively close to that particular fight (not to mention a tough dungeon, considering who you've got right now).
I suggest making sure that Mack has at least the same level as the rest of your current party.
Yes, you can 'grind'.Relix said:Shit. Stupid design, meh. So, at least I can "grind" in the upcoming dungeon right?
By the way...... just for it... can I buy bombs in the camp? What type works better with that boss? If I can do 3K damage in one pass it would make life easier :lol
MicVlaD said:Yes, you can 'grind'.
But magic won't work against the upcoming boss, so I doubt bombs would damage it either. All magic attacks will just bounce back to you, making Mack your only viable option during that fight.
permutated said:Relix, please learn to use spoilers. I hate finding out stuff because people accidentally say it in a thread. Thanks
Anyhow, Jansen is officially worse than Jar Jar Binks. Lol.
Otherwise, this game rules.
Relix said:Oh shit sorry about that, I always spoiler tag stuff. Sorry. By the way... Jansen is what makes this game so awesome!!![]()
permutated said:
WickedLaharl said:is the dlc on the jpn marketplace ever coming out over here?? does the dlc work for the na versions of the game (i know the free dlc did)? if so, can i buy jpn point cards and add them to my jpn account and it'll work?
I whore them like there's no tomorrow! =Pknitoe said:Why don't you people use Cover / Covera / Coverus spell? You take zero damage when active. Boost it with All-Shield & All-Barricade spells. Just keep on recasting it if you are taking damage again. Makes the game easy.