Tabris said:Honestly, I was really loving the game at end of Disc 1 but I now don't like the game at all after having beat it, so if you're not even enjoying it after finishing Disc 1, I would say don't bother.
Ehh... actually, I dunno, the dreams are probabaly worth suffering through the game for.
FateBreaker said:Oh come on, the rest of the game is not that bad :lol Sure, the story starts stalling out, but the rest of the game is practically still a the same standards that were set in disc 1.
Orodreth said:Btw, 2 questions:
- is there any MP regain spell? i miss something like that even if i dont have problems with having plenty of mana items.
- Using double cast affects the time of turns/priority? does it only take the time for the longest spell of the two?
I only did the temple to get the orichalcum or whatever to make Seth's ultimate sword. I didn't even feel like getting to the boss. :lolOrodreth said:I´m at the temple of Enlightment and its becoming annoying, as a lot of you have already said. Its a huge maze with visibility problems if you want to get access to every treasure, with very few savepoints and far apart from one another.
Kadey said:Anyone know how to kill the platinum kelos? Gamble doesn't seem to work or any type of attack I've tried.
NZNova said:You can use the Circlet accessory to learn Relax, which restores MP when you defend. Also there's something later in the game that allows automatic MP (and HP, with another skill) recovery at the end of every turn.
I found for grinding, I was able to use Relax (the skill from Circlet) and Huge MP gift to make Sarah a mp battery for the whole party. Give someone a ton of MP, and then rest for a couple of turns and she's got it all back.
Greatness Gone said:I only did the temple to get the orichalcum or whatever to make Seth's ultimate sword. I didn't even feel like getting to the boss. :lol
Kadey said:I think I'm just gonna go ahead and beat the game instead of trying to find everything. This game is boring the hell out of me right now.
they'll activate when you finish the dungeonBlueSummers said:Ok, so im in the crimson forest on disc 2 and cant seem to activate any of the magic do you do it? Or I cant find any..are they the little concrete cirles on the ground?
pretty much...and yeah, the main Battle theme is definetly my fav since DDS1KTallguy said:I've kind of given up on this game.
It looks like it just putters out at the end ...
However, the main battle theme will ALWAYS have a place in my heart. It's fucking heart wrenching. Dare I say, it's the best battle theme since FF8... it made me almost happy to get into random battles *grumble*
Relix said:AAAARGHHHH!!!
Ancient Fiend, the boss of the Eastern Tribe dungeon place is KICKING MY ROYAL ASS. So, I kill his little bitches, then he starts casting Shadowus on me EVERY SINGLE TURN and no magic attacks work against him.... but Physical attacks take eons to beat the fiends so you need to have the casters. WHO THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA? THERE IS NOTHING TACTICAL ABOUT IT. Jesus Christ this fucking game is getting on my nerves lately... I bring myself to play it and then BAM... this. The dungeon was fairly cool and I had fun until the boss came. Dammit... any tips?
Multiple All-Shieldus or All-Barricadus spells should do the trick (before you kill both drones), as long as you keep healing everyone afterwards.Relix said:AAAARGHHHH!!!
Ancient Fiend, the boss of the Eastern Tribe dungeon place is KICKING MY ROYAL ASS. So, I kill his little bitches, then he starts casting Shadowus on me EVERY SINGLE TURN and no magic attacks work against him.... but Physical attacks take eons to beat the fiends so you need to have the casters. WHO THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA? THERE IS NOTHING TACTICAL ABOUT IT. Jesus Christ this fucking game is getting on my nerves lately... I bring myself to play it and then BAM... this. The dungeon was fairly cool and I had fun until the boss came. Dammit... any tips?
AgentOtaku said:they'll activate when you finish the dungeon
BlueSummers said:I finished the dungeon and im back in the forest before returning to the city. They dont seem to be activated.
Relix said:I beat that boss. Now another frustrating moment... the 4 monsters attacking Numara. What the fuck.... I am thinking sleep may work on them but I don't think i have any sleep spell...
Kadey said:Are there any ways to escape a dungeon? Or do I have to figure my way out of the temple of enlightenment in the process giving MW the middle finger for artificially extending the game time.
AgentOtaku said:...did Mack get his magic from the forest?
When you emerge back in the crimson forest after that, there's an activator right in front of you that you need to select before those pads work.BlueSummers said:yes...yes he did.
AgentOtaku said:- This game is a fucking techical mess and this can be mostly attributed to the use of UE3. Everything from the loading (oh god the loading!) to the inconsistant visuals. Worst of all, this game takes about 45 or so hours to finish on average....and alot of that is due to the overall pace of the game...which is ridicuosly so, mostly due to the loading!
Kweh said:Hmm, Temple of Enlightenment, is that an optional dungeon? Just got the White Boa and checked the place out, the enemies inside seemed a little too tough for my party of level ~59
Nolan. said:Can we talk speculation for the sequel if it happens.?
gregor7777 said:I think perhaps spoilers would be in good taste. Seems a lot of folks still playing through for the first time.
Quite frankly, if I never see, or more specifically, have to hear the VA for Gongora again I will be very pleased.
I'm thinking a new villian finds a way back into the world from the Immortals world and wreaks havoc. Perhaps brings some of the cooler monsters from their world with them.
Or perhaps the battle would take place in the Immortals world. But I have a feeling if they were to do a sequel it would be in the humans world.
LittleTokyo said:Anyone know how the downloadable content dungeon works? I've been trecking through disc 4 and I want to try to complete everything before taking on the final boss... is it just a new area to choose from on the world map or is there some preconditions to meet before I attack it?
Kweh said:Is there a save point after a point of no return in this?
gregor7777 said:No, but the game will warn you.
Nolan. said:Yeah I don't mind spoiler.
I agree with the gongora point. He has to be one of the most cliched villains in this day and age the laughs he came out with were horrific (not the good kind). I would like a new villain. Though if we get to visit the other world or have inhabitants cross over I think seth will somehow have lost her feelings/emotions and might have to re-connect with other characters. Since they said something like cherished memories, caring feelings etc were a product of only the human world. Saying that I think a sequel might happen way into the future and maybe with a different cast on another world. Mainly because the thousand years of dreams I don't think would work as well again with Kaim (if it makes a return) since we know his build up.
Orodreth said:I finished the game yesterday after 120 hours xD. I´m really slow playing.
Got almost everything except crafting some Level 3 rings and the damn Treasure Trove achievement, which eventually i´ll check with a guide.
I agree with what you have already said about Gongora, a extremely corny villain (his laughs are laughable), but he did put some nasty things in motion in terms of the world politics and also what he personally did to the rest of characters (specially what is told in the dreams).
Regarding the end, i really liked even if it was a bit too classic, it was well done and left a bittersweet tasteit was sad watching Seth, one of my favourite characters, sacrifice herself and watching Sed loosing her mother after all that time apart
And the game was nice, a joy to play in general but too conservative in terms of gameplay and difficulty and also technically (with higs and lows), a lost opportunity because the components for a better game overall (now with more time and experience) and a better combat are there and they should have used the rings system, customization and some of the backyard mechanics much more often.
I think that could work. Some centuries after the events of the 1st game, with a new villain and Seth returning to the human world and all the inmortals meeting again.
There would be time to change and expand the kingdoms, the world, the technology, a different race character to join the party (like someone from khent or a new one)...
It would be a pity loosing some of the mortal characters, though. Thats one of the things i think they did pretty well.
Nolan. said:Yeah
Thats the thing I was kind of intrigued to see sam and cooke grow up. Especially since there seemed to be a bit of forshadowing on sam's part of becoming a very powerful mage. To the point where I thought at one point they might be setting him up as the next villain later on. I mean even as a kid he's a powerhouse so would have been nice to see what becomes of him. Also I like the idea of a khent-(ian?) in the party. As long as they don't give him/her a kumari like voice i'd like that idea. Or even a newly introduced race. Also Sed would be really old if a huge skip happenand I like him.
...what's the fun in that?Byakko said:Hm, got around to finally playing Lost Odyssey. It's both not as great as I expected, but I can't fault it for not being addictive. Skill-grinding is very...soothing.
I'm going to complete it, though I actually know everything that happens from watching online playthroughsThere's a lot I can imagine that can be built on this. Unlike Final Fantasy, I think Lost Odyssey is best suited to direct sequels; too many story gaps, or at least, unresolved explanations of various parts of the game world (like how the Khents live, those goblin thingies at Nomura, the half-fox people as well) that would be interesting to revisit.
Byakko said:Hm, got around to finally playing Lost Odyssey. It's both not as great as I expected, but I can't fault it for not being addictive. Skill-grinding is very...soothing.
SCHUEY F1 said:I finally finished LO on the weekend, took me about 90 hours. I pretty much got everything except one fucking seed. I checked out a guide online and I still can't find it?
SCHUEY F1 said:As for the DLC, I got to the bottom of the dungeon (25 floors by the way) and the boss at the bottom is retarded.