DevelopmentArrested said:and go watch THE HURT LOCKER! Best movie of the year.
Kusagari said:GI Joe is going to be a mega bomb. I'm betting right now it doesn't even cross 50 million domestically.
Kusagari said:GI Joe is going to be a mega bomb. I'm betting right now it doesn't even cross 50 million domestically.
Acid08 said:I think GI Joe is going to make a decent amount of money, but it's definitely going to be the worst reviewed movie of the year. Also no one who sees it is going to leave happy in any way, shape, or form.
I would hope I live in a world where this film has absolutely no fans. If those screening impressions are any indication, no one will like this movie.ryutaro's mama said:No one?
Really man?
Acid08 said:I would hope I live in a world where this film has absolutely no fans.
You're right. Otherwise the Dark Knight wouldn't be as highly rated as it isryutaro's mama said:This is not the world you live in.
Acid08 said:You're right. Otherwise the Dark Knight wouldn't be as highly rated as it is![]()
That's around what I think it'll make as well. But I'm pretty sure that's less than its budget AND it's going to be universally panned by critics. I don't think it's going to be considered a success by any means.ryutaro's mama said:Look, all joking aside, the fact that expectations have already been lowered so much and it's a late summer release (with little competition) I see it hitting an 80-100 BO total domestically.
Acid08 said:That's around what I think it'll make as well. But I'm pretty sure that's less than its budget AND it's going to be universally panned by critics. I don't think it's going to be considered a success by any means.
And who's joking?
Hear, hear!Tim-E said:Each week for the past month or so, reading this thread has been the equivalent of reading a novelization of an abortion thanks to this Transformers 2 bullshit.
Tim-E said:And one of the writers is DAMON FUCKING LINDELOF
When you make $400 million domestic, I'm wondering, why isn't it okay to be a frontloaded blockbuster? Besides the groups on here bickering either way, why isn't it okay to make $200 million (or whatever) your first weekend and then another $200 million over the life of the film? I'm guessing "word of mouth" is the main reason but when you make $400 million dollars on your domestic theatrical run how bad could word of mouth really have been. I mean, really? It's not even about the "well you see, Ura, because there was a 52% drop off in comparison to TDK's 43% drop off on both films' second Thursday, that shows us that..."SuperBonk said:This doesn't make any sense. As if applying a made-up label like "frontloaded blockbusters" somehow makes it ok for the movie to be frontloaded. I wonder why TF2 is not allowed in this club?
DemonSwordsman said::lol :lol :lol at BRUNO.
I told you guys in the Bruno thread that movie had shit word of mouth and most people hated it. :lol
Revelations said:Well you see the thing about it is that it dosnt have much competition when it release. I mean theres literall no opposition for it. So I expect it to have a strong opening for the half of August. And then District 9 will overtake it on August 14th and carry the momentum over it for the rest of the summer.
LM4sure said:If you think GI Joe will bomb, District 9 doesn't stand a chance! That movie will be lucky to make $20M opening weekend.
LM4sure said:If you think GI Joe will bomb, District 9 doesn't stand a chance! That movie will be lucky to make $20M opening weekend.
LM4sure said:Doubling the emphasis because this is quoted for truth!
Revelations said:Recipe of awesome:
Peter jackson
South African acting?
Intense Trailer
LM4sure said:Your recipe of awesome is vastly different than the casual movie goer. GI Joe is awesome to the average movie goer.
We'll see, I dont think the average joe is least interested in the movie.LM4sure said:Your recipe of awesome is vastly different than the casual movie goer. GI Joe is awesome to the average movie goer.
I cant say about the content but the rushes (CGI) looks absolutely crap in comparison to TF2.G-Fex said:I'm looking forward to G.I. Joe, no way will it be TF2 bad. At least that's the mindset I have it on now.
How can you actually gauge that though? People were excited when the movie trailer popped during my bruno screening. Positive reaction to the movie trailer has been through the internet. No reviews yet for it. You really cant judge more than that right now.irfan said:We'll see, I dont think the average joe is least interested in the movie.
Revelations said:Yet most of that is the recipe used for transformers. And the casual movie goer is lured by flashy. GI Joe dosnt have aliens in it.![]()
LM4sure said:If you think GI Joe will bomb, District 9 doesn't stand a chance! That movie will be lucky to make $20M.
Dead said:Bumfuck Knowles just gave GI Joe a pretty positive review
for what its worth he fucking hated Transformers 2 and Terminator Salvation
You don't know the budget of district 9. So bombing as a movie is subjective. I find it funny people like you make such predictions but fail to see that movies going in with no fanfare, no hype, no recognizable faces can still come out sucessful. A movie dosnt need any of that to be scessful. Take "The Hangover" for example. An unlikely hit that has none of the attributes you claim for success. There is one name attached that people recog and that's Peter Jacksons.LM4sure said:The first movie was not nearly as successful as the sequel. But the TF movies had recognizable faces, District 9 does not. TF relied on a large fan base from a long running tv show, District 9 does not. In fact, GI Joe does!
Thus GI Joe will be moderately successful, even though it is an awful movie. District 9 might be a fantastic movie, but will bomb.
Wow, just wow. I've seen positive reactions to the trailer on any of the forums I'm registered on. NONE.Revelations said:How can you actually gauge that though? People were excited when the movie trailer popped during my bruno screening. Positive reaction to the movie trailer has been through the internet. No reviews yet for it. You really cant judge more than that right now.
Bookmarked.LM4sure said:Thus GI Joe will be moderately successful, even though it is an awful movie. District 9 might be a fantastic movie, but will bomb.
Wow, really? What sites do you go to? The sites I visit which had abundantly positive reaction to the latest district 9 trailer,, aintitcoolnews, most movie centric sites, and ironically even the youtube comments section had mostly positive reactions and those people hate everything. So if you didn't like the trailer sure but sounds to me like you have a negative agenda.irfan said:Wow, just wow. I've seen positive reactions to the trailer on any of the forums I'm registered on. NONE.
A lot depends on early reviews, but I'm doubting it'll do as poorly as you think it will. I'd be willing to bet it makes more than $20 million opening weekend at the very least. Again, assuming it's not a total turkey. GI Joe has the potential to be nearly a Dragonball level of a bomb.LM4sure said:If you think GI Joe will bomb, District 9 doesn't stand a chance! That movie will be lucky to make $20M opening weekend.
xS1TH L0RDx said:going to see tf2 again in imax next tuesday, so pumped!
LOL nevermind, I thought you were talking about positive reaction to G.I.Joe trailers. :lolRevelations said:Wow, really? What sites do you go to? The sites I visit which had abundantly positive reaction to the latest district 9 trailer,, aintitcoolnews, most movie centric sites, and ironically even the youtube comments section had mostly positive reactions and those people hate everything. So if you didn't like the trailer sure but sounds to me like you have a negative agenda.
Bruno is not a success. It depends on the movie and the original projections. This was supposed to pass $100m at the very least.ZephyrFate said:Considering it only had a 42m budget, Bruno is still a success.
I'm not 100% sure but isnt that amount the amount Universal paid for the movie, i.e movie's budget was even lower. However in show business, success is gauged against your last movie.ZephyrFate said:Considering it only had a 42m budget, Bruno is still a success.