The gameplay is a lot more fluid. Here are things I noticed about gameplay.
+ I can't do the miracle last second pitches anymore.
+ They finally have untimed downs
+ LB's don't jump like they're on the moon to bat down passes anymore
+ Loving the tackles. Smooth interactions between the bc and the tackler
+ CPU QB AI is much better at moving around.
+ Run blocking is way better at both levels, not just at the LOS like last year.
+ I see more double team blocks now. Nice.
+ Acceleration is a lot better than last year
- Agility isn't
- Zone defender slides around faster than in real life
- DB's still have trouble catching easy picks thrown right at them.
I had booth review on on a TD overturned after the replayed showed that the ball never crossed the line. It was correctly overturned. Texas (me)vs Oregon
Blocking on running plays was really good. Really good downfield blocking by the Oregon offensive line.
You can tell the diffrence between a good deffensive line and so so one. When i was playing as texas i sacked the Oregon QB twice and knocked the ball down as well. When i played as Oregon i would only get pressure if i blitzed.
The lines from the announcers was nicely varied. Erin Andrews kicked in some good lines after half time.
Didn't see as many balls being knocked down by LB's
Seeing to many knock down of balls by CB.
Running plays from shotgun were blown up to often. I played on AA.
CPU defensive line go more pressure on me when it was Oregon then when i played as Oregon.
Me: Oregon
Cpu: Texas
5 games AA.
My Offense:
1. You can run out of the spread.
2. Seems like you need to pitch earlier on option plays. Option seems less effective.
3. Designated QB runs and draws are effective.
4. Screens/ slip screens/ and WR screens/bubbles work.
5. Good job with inaccurate passes/incompletions.
6. Not seeing Psychic DBs. Read the D, find the open man or open spot in zone.
7. Deep ball not automatic.
Cpu Offense:
1. Can run from single back sets. No big gains but, effective.
2. No QB scrambles yet. No runs out of shotgun (that I remember).
3. Will throw deep. Beat me on a pretty deep ball.
4. Throws a lot of picks. Cpu QB seems confused when you audible to a zone.
5. QB pretty nimble in pocket. Avoiding sacks, breaking tackles.
6. No quick throws right before a sack. No crazy spin throws.
My Defense:
1. Lot of pressure/sacks with or without blitzing or setting D-line to aggressive.
2. Coverage sacks. Pressure from both ends.
3. Will jump offsides if d-line set to aggressive.
4. CBs pretty aggressive going for picks in man or zone.
5. I like the tackle button especially when going for a sack.
Cpu defense:
1. Still blitz CBs too much.
2. CBs very aggressive vs. outside runs. In the backfield a little too quickly imo.
3. Zone D is good. Realistic.
4. Pass rush is effective.
Weird cut scene. Texas is driving into field goal range and they cut to LaMichael James warming up kicking into the net.
While not a huge leap from 11, still very solid.
I played four games this morning and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
The dive catches are pretty awesome but there was some negative there as well. On one pass, the outside receiver on the right side of the field ran a post. I threw the ball to him and he made a beautiful diving catch, that was necessary, for the completion (User Controlled). Later on in the game, I threw the ball to the tight end and it went straight to him, no dive necessary, and he slowed down to dive anyways, allowing the Linebacker to pick it off (AI Controlled).
Play Action passes worked very well for me. The AI only hit me twice directly after the fake, one was a blitz, the other wasn't. However, I was able to use the play action several times successfully without having to rush the ball out.
Tackling was very much improved. It was nice being able to stop the running back short of the line and a stupid animation didn't start that carried him passed it for no reason. Also, broken tackles look much more realistic and fluid and the way tackles branch out is amazing.
I did not have a problem with Psychic DBs at all. I ran a few curl routes to test it out, and the defensive backs were not mirror images of the WRs.
BigAT said:Here's a running log of my impressions on the game, playing on All-American:
-I'm playing as Texas (B+) against Oregon (A), my first play from scrimmage was a 74 yard TD run on an HB counter
-there's a new option in the Super Sim menu to watch the play as it's simmed
-Oregon just ran an option play against me where the RB did not catch the pitch, but the game did not recognize it as a fumble. Hopefully there was just something odd about the positioning this one time that caused the game to call it an incomplete pass instead of a fumble and it's not a bug.
-the play calling menus are MUCH better than last year. It defaults to having X, A and Y each select a separate play and there is none of the latency moving through the menus that annoyed me last year. It's very fast and responsive.
-kicking meter is the same
-the game feels like it plays noticeably faster than NCAA '11. Hard for me to say if it plays as fast as '10 was since we're so far removed, but I doubt that it does.
-there's no instant replay in the demo, so I wasn't able to analyze line interaction or how well zone coverage is as much as I would have liked to
-but if I had to guess, I would say that it appears that most players still are too deep on their zones
-for most defensive formations, they've actually changed Cover 3 away from the default one they've used for years now in both EA games. One of the safeties now has flat duties instead of being in a hook zone.
Lonestar said:I beat CB3 in season 3 for the title, and should have played..I think Pheenix in season 4, but the game screwed him by bouncing #3 Boise ahead of him on that last week.
I did lose to FMT in the 2nd season Bowl game. Playing in the Sugar Bowl sucked, because of the tie ins (almost always me versus CPU), where as the Rose Bowl was constantly USC vs. Michigan ;P
Bowl Ties in's are going to be deleted this year, right FMT ;D At Large for them all, unless you want to keep the Rose Bowl as is.
Ramirez said:Demo is good, not really much different from last year on the offensive side, it does seem like players block better/quicker down field. I don't think I completed a single pass in the game, had like 4 dropped, and over threw 3-4 wide open guys, it was interesting to say the least. I like that tackling doesn't have any suction now, probably the best addition, IMO.
Your talking about The Black College Football Xperience ft. Doug Williams aren't you.ph33nix said:I'm just glad they didn't try to reinvent the wheel ... like say, another football franchise attempted and failed
DMczaf said:Speaking of shitty games, Backbreaker Vengeance is out on XBLA! For only $15 you can play Tackle Alley forever!
Yes, it's only Tackle Alley. For $15.
Lonestar said:Played with Alabama one game, didn't run the ball that well, but did ok with passing.
Played with Oregon, and although I won in OT, I had to hit my WR's 3 or 4 times, just for the ball to bounce off their hands. Maybe more realistic for WR's that aren't very good, but a little frustratingBut I ran the ball decently.
Lonestar said:Man, once the Updated Rosters get out, we have to make sure it's the one where Pryor is taken off the team ;P
Man, playing against Luke and Denard Robinson is going to suuuuck. 95 Speed, 99 AGI and ACC, and a competent throwing arm (90 PWR 83 ACC).
Woah, that is a rather new way to bring this up...Lonestar said:Man, man.
Woman, I didn't realize I was doing that. Guess it's an affliction, not quite different from
FrenchMovieTheme said:i am more inclined to give it to mcneily since it seems like he was more active in last years madden but livewire is my boy! but mcneily is my irish boy! i guess we'll see what happens by next week!
or maybe whoever posts first and shows that can-do spirit!
FrenchMovieTheme said:and, related to that, i have replaced LJ with AZ, and now the final spot is down to livewire and mcneily. live and mcneily: are you both still interested?
CB3 said:Welcome to the club McNeily!
CB3 said:OMG one week
FrenchMovieTheme said:Im picking it up tomorrow. Suck it down loser gamehut wins again!
FrenchMovieTheme said:Im picking it up tomorrow. Suck it down loser gamehut wins again!
CB3 said:have fun playing by yourself
Lonestar said:[Easy Joke]He already does[/Extremely Easy joke]
I want NCAA 12 today :/
FrenchMovieTheme said:Im picking it up tomorrow. Suck it down loser gamehut wins again!
Lonestar said:I'm assuming we're going with the Operation Sports Community Rosters?
It for sure looks like, that any player that is not on the team, but on EA's roster, will be taken off the Community Roster.
FrenchMovieTheme said:I bet dcx wishes we would use the "pryor" rosters!
LosDaddie said:I know this is the Online Dynasty thread, but is this thread used for just regular online games?
I won't have time for an Online Dynasty, but I'd still love to play against you guys. And yes, I'm pumped for this game.![]()