I was thinking that earlier today. It really was the end of the Sega line in many ways. Sega had great games on the thing, they just sold like absolute shit. They were creative as hell.
360 compatibility kinda sucked in quality and selection. While i know it wasn't possible due to licensing issues, I wish they didn't do a half as backwards compatibility and released a smaller redesigned OG Xbox.
I'm baffled whenever people ask for a second Dreamcast. That's exactly what the Xbox was - Dreamcast 2.
Halo got ported to PC. Many big titles did get BC support on the 360, even though it's pretty awful.
I'm surprised at the lack of emulation. Shouldn't it have been theoretically easier to emulate than PS2?
Is it a matter of the larger PS2 market meaning that got more focus?
I still remember people asking me why I bought a Xbox back then, because "It is just a PC in a box, it will be immediately emulated!"
Good times.
yeah, KOTOR was laggy and i quit on JSRF for the graphic glitches (title deserves a proper play i figure), thankfully Orta plays smooth as butter as far as i'm seeing
Ninja Gaiden Black for best Gen 6 game.
^yes, please play Shenmue II with subs if you can, dub if not
good OP, cool to see Orta, JSRF and ones i missed like Gun Valkyrie, i still want to play that one, and ToeJam & Earl III one day so bad. i too passed on the xbox - took it for a halo-box, and this one weird friend of mine was all about it but mostly pushed WRPGs which i thought looked boring back then, haha. i went back years ago to play through the better bioware stuff - KOTOR 1 & 2, Jade Empire etc, definitely some gems there but it's a bummer that both MS let the BC scene die out & the emulation one never filled the gap, at least last i checked.
no, let's not do this - building your network on the bones of Seganet & getting one (excellent) section of their 3rd party lineup alone do not a DC make. i don't mean to knock the OG xbox's library in its own thread, because it's admittedly far better than i gave it credit for during its life cycle, but i still await a lineup like the DC got in its short life. the messiah has not yet returned
yeah, KOTOR was laggy and i quit on JSRF for the graphic glitches (title deserves a proper play i figure), thankfully Orta plays smooth as butter as far as i'm seeing
This thread makes me sad... From 2001 through 2007 Xbox was a brand to love, with amazing games. That great period ended with the release of Halo3 and PGR4. After that, Mattrick became the Xbox boss, and the magic was lost.
Yeah even the PAL version of Orta ran really well, the problem is that there is a bug that causes a crash while the end of Stage 3 cutscene is playing.
Shame a SEGA employee or a Durante figure doesn't fix that as it seems like such a trifle thing.
Ninja Gaiden Black is another smooth as hell game, probably plays better than even OG Xbox.
lol plotTop 5 at least, but it also had gen 6's worst story in a game. Like even worse than the tons of PS2 jrpgs.
That was never going to happen.
I know that. I was just fantasizing. I dream of an Xbox Jr... in white....
Dash. ALL THE TIME. You should be air dashing at ALL TIMES.
Let us not forget the amazingness that was Halo 2.
SO good. I miss the OG Xbox days. Hard to believe Halo 2 will be 10 years old next year.
I'm surprised at the lack of emulation. Shouldn't it have been theoretically easier to emulate than PS2?
Is it a matter of the larger PS2 market meaning that got more focus?
"Xbox is just like a PC, it's easy to emulate!"
Yes, we've all heard this silly and pointless argument a million times and it usually ends in the same, and rather ignorant conclusion (or should I say assumption) that just because the Xbox is PC similar, it's hardware should be relatively easy to emulate. That's a very wrong frame of mind. How hard can it be? Very. Xbox's hardware is very complex and still poorly documented to this day. This requires some explanation.
1. Is a PC easy to emulate? Well, I wouldn't say so myself. Take a look at the source code from bochs. A lot of source code/work isn't it?
2. Emulating an x86 CPU is a lot harder than it sounds. I don't know where this mindless assumption comes from. Yes, there's loads of documentation on how the x86 processor works, but that doesn't exactly make it easy. First of all, the x86 instruction set is M-A-S-S-I-V-E! There can be at least 20 different versions of one instruction (i.e. There are many different versions of the MOV instruction, as well as INC, DEC, ADD, SUB, SHR, SHL, AND, OR, XOR etc.) and it takes time to implement them all. Of course, that's not exactly difficult. The real problem is that any modern x86 processor including the Pentium III can execute multiple instructions at once. So it's not like emulating a Z80 doing one instruction at a time. The actual algorithm and how x86 does this is undocumented and still unknown. In short, the Xbox's CPU can be emulated, but not accurately.
3. Emulating any hardware by NVIDIA is not a walk in the park! The Xbox's GPU, the NV2A is often assumed just a GeForce 3. It's not! It's similar but not identical. It has some GeForce 4 capabilities too, so it's more of a cross between an NV20 and NV25. This is by no means easy to emulate either. NVIDIA's GPUs have very large register sets and afaik not even half of them have been discovered, and a large portion of known registers have unknown purposes. There is little to no documentation on how NVIDIA GPUs work. The best thing to do is to look at similar GPUs such as RIVA, TNT, and older GeForce cards. Some registers are similar, but not identical. The best place to look for information is in open source drivers available on the net. Adding to the dificulty is that no one has ever discovered how pixel shaders work on NV2x cards, vertex shaders yes though. The Xbox GPU also has exclusive registers that are not found in other GeForce cards. Information on the NV2A's GPU registers are just now beginning to be discovered a few months ago. And yet, there's still a long way to go. The GeForce 3 series is the most mysterious of all NVIDIA GPUs (G7x and G8x aside) and the NV2A is alot worse. "But can't you just directly execute the NV2A instructions on another NVIDIA card?". No, I get alot of questions concerning this, and it is impossible. It's MMIO addresses are different and the exclusive registers must be emulated. Plus, in windows, we don't have ring 0 access anyway, so you all can scratch that idea now. Then comes the NForce 2 chipset. This is where it get easier. The NVIDIA MCPX is the control center for things such as audio, USB for input, Network adapters, PCI, AGP, etc. These things are not really that difficult to emulate IMO except for the audio.
4. The Audio system is rather complex. Xbox's audio consists of at least 4 DSPs, and audio codec (AC '97) and an NVIDIA SoundStorm APU. The DSPs shouldn't be a problem (just figuring out what they all are is) nor should the AC '97 but the NVIDIA SoundStorm APU is the really difficult part. So far I haven't found any information on this thing, but right now, it's relevance is low.
5. The Xbox BIOS isn't fully understood. The basic execution process of the BIOS is understood, but details on the process are at a loss. What we do know gives us hints, but before the BIOS can be emulated, we'll need a better understanding of the Xbox hardware layout because the BIOS does some unknown hardware initialization at boot time and writes to the hardware directly without using any XDK stuff. It will take some time, and effort, but I'll eventually get it working.
6. Video Encoder "Hell". Instead of using a RAMDAC for video output, the Xbox uses a Video Encoder. What makes this suck a pain? Microsoft sought the need to change the video encoder every other Xbox version (there are seven in all, 1.0 - 1.6). Why, I dunno, it's a Microsoft thing, they always tend to try to "fix" things that aren't broken >.> AFAIK, there are at least 3 different Video Encoders used: Conexant CX25871, Focus FS454, and Xcalibur. For more information in Xbox video encoders, click here. Emulating all three video encoders is only less than half the battle, the real problem is that BIOSes can be specifically tied to a specific encoder depending on it's version (don't quote me on this though). Like PS2, every Xbox model revision has a updated BIOS and has different expectations. This is a potential problem, but not exactly major.
Basically, I'm trying to get this "Xbox should be easy to emulate because it's just like a PC" crap out of your heads. I'm sure that most of you will disagree with me on this, but for these reasons and more, on a low level, Xbox is harder to emulate than PS2.
^ The exception to that above is that the NV2A is much better documented now, but not fully. There's an open source library for the OpenXDK called pbKit. It interfaces directly with the hardware to fully expose it's potential. This is what Microsoft should have done all along (or at least wrote a low-level OpenGL implementation).
I assumed that. Strange abbreviation though. Never seen it used other than for OG Xbox so it kind of seems made up.What does OG even mean?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Xbox_games_with_HD_supportSpeaking of HD is there a list of which games supported 720p/1080i?
HDTVarcade.com used to have a good list, but it seems like their site has taken another direction. Here's the site from archive.org
From Blueshogun, dude writing an emulator:
Does anyone remember this awesome game?
I laughed my ass of while playjnv it. The humour was great. Haven't seen it mentioned much on this board.
Outlaw Golf
Yet another cross platformer and this ones goofy, but I sure had a lot of fun playing this with friends.
We actually pulled out an OG Xbox and did a bunch of multiplayer Fusion Frenzy during this years work christmas party and really had a great time (if only repeating "FUSION FRENZY" at the top of our lungs). Really makes me want to visit this system more in 2014.
Mech Assault
Crimson Skies
Halo 2
Probably my most-played MP console games of all time. I could play those games all day, every day and they never got old. To some degree I did just that. And since LIVE was new, everyone was actually...
...having FUN talking with strangers. No parties, few assholes. Just comedy and happiness. Meeting and befriending new people.
That's back when LIVE felt like being at a mid 90s arcade on a Saturday afternoon. Makes me sad.
This game is the closest that consoles have come to the likes of Deus Ex, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, and System Shock 2. And at the time it was console-exclusive on the OGBOX.
This part of the game in particular was amazing.
I would love a working emulator just to play the good version of SC DA.![]()
Hey guys, can someone point me a good source of info on how to hack the OG XBOX? I'd LOVE to be able to play JP games and install my games on the HDD. I've tried to gather info but it seems kinda complicated...
Does anyone remember this awesome game?
I laughed my ass of while playjnv it. The humour was great. Haven't seen it mentioned much on this board.
There was a standalone Christmas expansion called 9 Holes of Christmas. Blockbuster exclusive. $5, and came with B1G1 rental coupon. Still have that one.
Holy shit there was a Rent A Hero Xbox version?!