SmithnCo said:One preview said there was a Resident Evil cameo in this, has anyone found it?
Beyond the usual assets-recycling? No.
SmithnCo said:One preview said there was a Resident Evil cameo in this, has anyone found it?
Oni Link 666 said:Just how long is this game? I just got to the underwater place.I feel like they game should have ended after the King Fury fight. Deja vu. I felt like the first Okami should have been over after killing Orochi.9 months ago.
Futureman said:Did some of the key members from the Okami team go to other studios instead of Platinum?
Is this one of the reasons so many on here express dislike for that one Capcom dude? Was he responsible for shutting down Clover? How do you shut down a studio that produced a game like Okami?!
nckillthegrimace said:It took me about 25 hours, but I did everything. You're a few hours from the end.
Regarding your second comment:I agree if you're talking about the second fight.
Wow, I completely agree with this.Giolon said:Okami spoilers:
When I killed Orochi, and the game wasn't over that shit blew my mind. However, if Okami had ended there, you'd have missed the entire Ryoshima Arc - which was probably my favorite of the whole game! Culminating with the epic battle against the Nine-tailed Fox, I expected it to end there, and found the Kamui Arc to be somewhat anticlimactic and a bit of a drag.
It was an online only release in the UK.MarshMellow96 said:I bought this from Amazon today. I've never played Okami (PS2 died long before its release) but I've always been intrigued by it, so I figured I'd bite while it's still available.
It's a rarity in the UK now. There are no copies in the shops in Liverpool. They were probably snapped up or they got pretty small shipments (it was probably the latter).
I'd definitely pick up a copy while you still can!
heringer said:So, apparently the game looks better and don't have framerate issues when playing on the 3DS. Could anybody confirm that?
Really? Are you sure, because I've seen quite a few people (on other foruns) claiming it's true. But then again, some also said they didn't notice.Oni Link 666 said:I can confirm that it's total bullshit.
heringer said:Really? Are you sure, because I've seen quite a few people (on other foruns) claiming it's true. But then again, some also said they didn't notice.
About 10hrs in and I feel roughly the same. Obviously the beauty of Okami has been lost in transition and it does feel like a bite sized, miniature adventure compared to the sweeping epic of the original, but the ambition is to be admired and I find myself enjoying the brush strokes and the puzzles a little more here. The music is also great.Crewnh said:Finally started playing through this for real now and I'm really enjoying it. It's like seeing an old friend again. They've managed to adapt the PS2 controls and simplify them enough for the DS. It works well. I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying the story and characters. Whoever they got doing this really loved Okami, it really does feel like a continuation.
Crewnh said:Anyway, this isn't really the sequel Okami deserved but I guess it's the one it needed.
You probably should. It makes a lot of references to the events of the first game without really explaining them very well.Melhisedek said:Do I need to have played the first game before this one?
Ergh...damn it, I was expecting that. How long of a game is Ōkami? I've only played, like, an hour of it. Maybe I'll get it out and play some before Skyward Sword...Sagitario said:Play and beat Okami first, then play Okamiden.
Okamiden is a direct sequel, it spoils A LOT of Okami [and explains some things about it too, making a lot of references and flashbacks to the events of Okami... also, some events happen at the same time in both games].
Around 30 to 40 hours. The extra 10 can come from sidequests. I hit 50 since well, I just liked fucking around in the game and it's probably the only game where I don't fast travel since I love seeing Amaterasu run across the field while grass and flowers sprout behind her.Tyeforce said:Ergh...damn it, I was expecting that. How long of a game is Ōkami? I've only played, like, an hour of it. Maybe I'll get it out and play some before Skyward Sword...
...Fuck. I knew I should have finished it during the summer game drought! ._. Oh, well. I'll enjoy the game, I'm sure. I just hope I can find time for it among all the other games that I'm still playing or will be playing soon when they're released.Crewnh said:Around 30 to 40 hours. The extra 10 can come from sidequests. I hit 50 since well, I just liked fucking around in the game and it's probably the only game where I don't fast travel since I love seeing Amaterasu run across the field while grass and flowers sprout behind her.
Yes, if you're at the Ice Cave, you're getting very near the final stretch.Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:I'm at the Ice Cave and have lost the will to continue.
Is the ending in sight?
Well your 3DS records would include stuff like the title screen and file select screen.Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:Thanks!
I pressed on and finished it today.
The last sections are terrible, everything from the Ice Cavern to the boss rush before the final boss were awful and unneccessarily drawn out and a lot of it (your final partner especially) just screamed 'filler'
I loved most of it though, great humour and probably the most impressive graphics of any DS game.
I did all the side quests though managed to miss 1 antique and 1 masterpiece piece :-( my 3DS says I played for 30:41 though the in-game clock was slightly lower.
Heh good point!Roto13 said:Well your 3DS records would include stuff like the title screen and file select screen.![]()
So I just started playing this game.... there NO WAY to speed up the text in this game?! The buttons do nothing.