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Old 1st party franchises left to die. Will they ever come back or at least be playable on modern systems

I was looking at my game shelf and seen my PS3 disc collection. There is a lot of games there that I can no longer play as my ps3 is broken. I then got to thinking about the PS4/ps5 and how none of these games got remakes/remasters or digital versions. They are basically dead on that system. Let alone no sequels, don't get me started into my theroy on why they abandoned so many good franchises.

This is true for a lot of the ps1/ps2 games too. Now 3rd party games are up the the publisher, but for first party it seems very odd not to remaster for some quick cash, at least.
Nintendo remakes or remasters old games all the time and Microsoft gets through with full backwards compatibility, but Sony has full series that are stuck on ps3. As these consoles age, there will be no way to play these outside of crapy expensive streaming solutions or emulation on pc.

Some Examples:
Killzone 1, 2, 3, (trilogy collection)
Resistance 1,2 and 3
Infamous 1 and 2.
Socom 4
Motorstorm 1 2 3.

Only shadow of Colossus, God of war 1&2, demon souls, Heavy Rain and uncharted made the jump over with ps4. And even then uncharted didn't get the love it deserved, imo.

I would love to see be able to play a remasterd or remade Resistance and killzone trilogies. The last two gens have had a lack of quality story based fps games. We had so many in the ps360 gen to a trickle. It switched to open world, and I miss the gunplay. Hell I would be fine if it was just a reduced price remaster with no multiplayer (although the mp in resistance and kz2 was amazing back in the day, probably wouldn't hold up for the cod crowd. The same way my favorite unreal tournament/q3 wouldn't today either. )

Outside of first party there are other games like Silent Hill downpour, red dead redemption, and metal gear hd collection, that never got current gen remasters, and are stuck to that generation. For some pc and steam deck has helped, but not all 3rd party games even released on pc back then. I wish they did. Id love to play mgs games on steam deck.

Do you ever think we will get these games on modern systems, or have sequels? Is there any games from other systems that had a good run with high scores, but got left to die as the publisher had switched focus?
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Really want a new SOCOM but Sony just seem to not want to make anything outside of Third Person Adventure games, thats not a dig as I love the Killzone Series, Motorstorm and even Resistance they have alot of good IP's


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
That's a solid list OP, but what about Syphon Filter?



I would love a Puppeteer remaster, 4k60 using dualsense haptic.

I know it's playable on ps5, but I still want a Journey remaster, 4k60 (probably dynamic) with RT reflections (probably asking too much because of the sand).

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
The PC has so many of these that it would make for endless content.
Baldurs Gate
Master of Orion
Commander Keen
Wing Commander
Black and White

Sooo many games that could have sequels...
For Sony titles I could see the following

New Socom - Sony is making GaaS games a priority and a brand new Rebooted Socom fits the bill right in.

Twisted Metal is already returning also speculated as a GaaS game.

I believe Killzone will return at some point in time.

The PC has so many of these that it would make for endless content.
Baldurs Gate
Master of Orion
Commander Keen
Wing Commander
Black and White

Sooo many games that could have sequels...

Baldur Gates 3 is coming out in August.
Starcraft is returning at some point in time, not sure whether it will be an RTS though, but it will be back.

No clue about the rest.
I keep my PS3 hooked up exclusively to play all the Sly Cooper games (in not streaming).
damn, I forgot those, great games. Sly was awesome!

Also Tokyo Jungle is a JP indie blast.

Silent hill collection and splinter cell collections are also stuck to that gen. I can play splinter cell on my pc though, and I sold my ps2 silent hill 2 & 3 and mgs discs as i got the collections on ps3 and figured it would never be needed :(
(the prices of those ps2 games skyrocketted too. grrr)


Looking at your list and i would very much like a new Resistance game, Infamous and Killzone also would be great, but their PS4 games were a letdown for me.
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The PC has so many of these that it would make for endless content.
Baldurs Gate
Master of Orion
Commander Keen
Wing Commander
Black and White

Sooo many games that could have sequels...
Yeah, luckily our pc modding community has helped some as well. Example Thief got a full fan made sequel and engine called The dark mod. It has fan made missions and basically is theif in the doom3 engine.

Black and white was an amazing gem. Along with its sequel. The ai was fun. Too bad molyeneaux is retired.
Wing Commander 2 was my first space shooter, I had cd version with ultima underworld back in 1992 (went from an 8088 cga 4color to a 386 with soundblaster, svga and cd rom at the time, was a crazy jump) xwing after that.
They really don't make games like this anymore. Hoping everspace2 is a return to it. That launches this week I think.

Luckily bg3 is around the corner.
HL3 don't get your hopes up :(
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Gold Member
I wonder at what point a studio says, well should we resurrect this ancient IP with all the good and bad that comes with it or make something new? Considering staff turnover, etc. I think they would usually rather work on something new they can make their own. I don't see Sucker Punch EVER touching Infamous ever again for example. Yea Sony could hire a new studio to make a new Infamous, or they could let that new studio make their own game, etc.

So yea in general I don't see these games coming back.

The PC has so many of these that it would make for endless content.
Baldurs Gate
Master of Orion
Commander Keen
Wing Commander
Black and White

Sooo many games that could have sequels...
PCgames have a weird way of popping up sometimes randomly. A remade Master of Magic just came out.


This is why backwards compatibility is important. So these games are at least playable on modern systems/setups. I still have my ps3 connected to my living room tv. If it wasnt for the series x sitting next to the tv, people would think I’m some sort of lapsed gamer lol
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All I'm saying is that my soul neeeedss the game PS3 Afrika in an updated graphics engine. It already looks real as it stands.
damn, I forgot those, great games. Sly was awesome!

Also Tokyo Jungle is a JP indie blast.

Silent hill collection and splinter cell collections are also stuck to that gen. I can play splinter cell on my pc though, and I sold my ps2 silent hill 2 & 3 and mgs discs as i got the collections on ps3 and figured it would never be needed :(
(the prices of those ps2 games skyrocketted too. grrr)

Yeah they are all great -- the first one especially is just such a tight, well-designed 3D platformer. The sequels moved away a bit with kind of open-world areas and "also play as Sly's friends" levels (the third one especially sunk way too far into this where over half the missions are mini games and gimmicks with other characters) but the first one is an all-timer for me.

I re-downloaded Tokyo Jungle, I bought it back in the day and never played it much for whatever reason. It's on my to-do list now.


Yeah they are all great -- the first one especially is just such a tight, well-designed 3D platformer. The sequels moved away a bit with kind of open-world areas and "also play as Sly's friends" levels (the third one especially sunk way too far into this where over half the missions are mini games and gimmicks with other characters) but the first one is an all-timer for me.
Yes! 1st Sly Cooper is the best!


Sony thread? Sony thread.

Mark of Kri
War of the Monsters
Downhill Domination
Super Stardust HD
The Last Guy


It's such a shame Killzone was left to rot on Ps3 (aside from Shadow Fall which was pretty weak).
Those games had such a cool aesthetic and world.

Imagine something like this build from the ground up for Ps5

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It's such a shame Killzone was left to rot on Ps3 (aside from Shadow Fall which was pretty weak).
Those games had such a cool aesthetic and world.

Imagine something like this build from the ground up for Ps5

Yep, I remember playing this on PS3 when it came out and being blown away. Nothing was like this before and nothing after. Some more sharper textures would rock, but at the same time, maybe they were able to make this due to restrictions and working around issues were able to craft something wonderful?

As we seen what they did on ps4, either that or Shadowfall was rushed out to be a launch game. It didn't have a soul. Even KZ1, as much as it is maligned I liked more than shadowfall.

KZ2, Resistance 2 , bad company 2, and warhawk were some of the last console shooters I really got into for multiplayer. After that, I dabbled in bf4 and cod ww2, but didn't stick around long.
These games felt unique and the weighty feeling of movement(which people bitched about) made the game different. It wasn't just a cod clone.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Batman racing game, sign me up :messenger_winking_tongue:

In all seriousness, I never played it. Guessing xbox og exclusive. Does look like original GRID. Which I loved. Can't say the same for the sequels though.
It was even better man, its the best arcade racing game ever. And i say that as someone who has played tons of racing games on all platforms.





always chasing the next thrill
It's such a shame Killzone was left to rot on Ps3 (aside from Shadow Fall which was pretty weak).
Those games had such a cool aesthetic and world.

Imagine something like this build from the ground up for Ps5

Video Games Ghost GIF by Call of Duty


Gold Member
The games you mention are some of the games that come to my mind right away, I have mentioned them a few times Killzone, Resistance, Socom. I realy hope they come back 1 way or another, reboot, remakes/remasters . I dont understand as PS could realy do with there own shooter franchises to go with there other single players games.


Would love to see a more fleshed out sequel to The Order 1886.

Remedy games deserve a special mention too. (not first party, but usually story games end in a cliffhanger)
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If Samba de Amigo can have a comeback, any game can.

On the note, please Sega, give me new Alien Syndrome, NiGHTS, and Fantasy Zone please. Maybe a proper MadWorld sequel too.


Revisiting dormant franchises can be tough because the interest level is either super- high for old fans or nonexistent in young players. (And there's usually a reason why the franchise fell off in the first place, be it flagging sales or wandering developer interest.) There's got to be clear, relevant reason why that particular series is coming out of the vaults. "We used to like that game back in the day" isn't enough.

I keep thinking that Jak&Daxter might be good in a comeback, but then I remember that I only bought 3 of the 6 games in that series and really only loved 1 and Daxter, so if I didn't keep playing back then, am I really going to come back 20 years later? Maybe, but it's got to be better than i remember it, it's got to have something that appeals to kids today whohave never played a Jak game, and it's got to have somebody at Naughty Dog or another developer really passionate about doing it right.
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...However, "remix" technology could strike up a renewed interest in selling old games again. AI could replace assets like cars and music causing license issues, the runtime-replacement might be smooth enough to save money on real redevelopment + testing, and the modern graphics could be a hit enough to make sales sense again.

If it's cheap and smooth enough, publishers might take interest; if not, homebrewers will do it themselves unofficially.
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Gold Member
Sony seems to hate Colony Wars. Three games on PS1, none after.

If they continued the series and evolved it overt ime, it could had been today's Elite Dangerous.
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