I did a multi too. Got Marco. Why do i keep getting old legends. Last legend i got was Lucci back during 2nd anni.
Is Marco still good currently?
I did a multi too. Got Marco. Why do i keep getting old legends. Last legend i got was Lucci back during 2nd anni.
Is Marco still good currently?
I'm back into hoard mode (probably til Dogstorm or Sanji), so only one pull per sugo. Got Leo, which is new! And good! Wish I'd kept his skillbooks!
Well, I use him a lot as a captain, which is slightly uncommon but surprisingly effective. Autoheal plus the natural damage reduction can keep you alive for a while.
Now, as a sub/crew member, he's absolutely amazing and still frequently used, especially with captains like Akainu or Jimbe. 100 RCV candy gets you a 55k heal with orb boost.
Yep. If you haven't farmed Shiki yet, Marco can destroy Shiki. Additionally, Marco's the key member of most tank Legend's forest clearing teams.
Top 1-3 Legends are going to be Rated Up
1st multi-pull = guaranteed all gold, last poster will be a 4* from one of the 1~3 place types that was chosen
2nd multi-pull = guaranteed all gold, last poster will be a 5* legend out of the 1~3 place or one of the 4* units from the 1~3 place chosen types
3rd multi-pull = last poster will be a guaranteed legend
3rd edit. Holy crap JPN is keeping the epic Sugo events going. Jeeeez.
He was one of my most wanted legends purely because he makes team comp so fun.Daaaaammmn Kyou that is epic! Congrats! You are gonna have some fun with that oneWelcome to the club.
y'all are crazy for pulling this sugo lol.
Yeah but I still have some gems left.y'all are crazy for pulling this sugo lol.
My f2p soul cries for anyone here pulling in what is clearly a trap sugo.
There's plenty of things to farm in the coming weeks so I'm holding onto my gems.
Hey guys,i don't know if this is a good place to ask, but since i've recently started playing TC i was wondering if any of you had any tips for a beginner like me.
This for me as well. I just need to be strong to hold back...
EDIT: I'm weak, pulled, got 4-star shanks. Fed him for a socket on my SW Shanks, got map damage -_-
Hey guys,i don't know if this is a good place to ask, but since i've recently started playing TC i was wondering if any of you had any tips for a beginner like me.
Tons of tips! Off the top of my head:
- Never pull for units outside of SugoFest
- In fact, there's a sugofest now, good time to reroll if you want to get a good legend account
- Never spend gems to revive
- If you can, save units to increase their special level until the special rate x2 events. They seem to come every 2ish weeks
- Play through the storymode until about Arlong/Loguetown with whatever team you want. Around there is when you need to focus on units/teambuilding, but before that it's pretty easy
- You first goals In My Opinion, once you reach Loguetown, should be trying to get a team to beat the Mihawk Raid. Other good units, like Arlong and Alvida, can be gotten through storymode but it's much better to wait for their Fortnight islands
- Have fun, and ask questions!
Just understand that everything comes back eventually. Never feel like you are going to miss anything even remotely important if you don't get it done. Make sure you start with a strong legendary. Even if you've been playing for a few days, if you didn't start with a strong legendary, I would restart with one. You can see if anyone has an account here, or check the reddit thread where folks give away accounts. I started with a Rayleigh and I used him as my leader for EVERYTHING for 5 months.
I assume legendaries are 5+ stars, right? I started with grill shot sanji, is he considered as a strong one?
Thanks for the reply!
- How often does the Sugo fest occur ? I have been spending gems so i only pulled twice during the event (got Boa and Hajrudin).
- What's the deal with those books?
- Should i sell characters in the bazar?
- How big should my character box be, i feel like i constantly have to power up/sell stuff (i'm at 80 capacity rn)?
- What team should i build for that Mihawk raid? I have Alvida,but i haven't been using her at all (and neither did i level her up).I just got past Loguetown often using my INT crew.
I assume legendaries are 5+ stars, right? I started with grill shot sanji, is he considered as a strong one?
a dupe Miss Goldenweek is... I wish we could see lifetime stats. I've had to have pulled her at least 50 times.
Nah, but Bjork does a pretty good job of explaining what Legend units are. But I'm going to put extra emphasis on what Commish said; really, don't treat the game like a race and never feel pressured to buy gems unless you want to treat yourself. Most content in the game can be cleared with Free To Play(F2P) units, all content returns regularly, content that supposedly isn't returning will actually roll back around in a few months, and you don't need a Legend unit's dream team containing 3+ Legends to 'git gud'.
I'm a case study in not going too HAM; I gemmed/farmed things hard and frequently from Day 1 after I restarted with a Legend account and had most of OPTC-GAF impressed/disturbed with my rate of progress. I pulled a lot, grinded a lot, and put up a decent chunk of change to have a monster account but the truth is, I'd have been just fine and be close to where I am today if I'd paced myself better and with a lot less spending; there's a large number of days where there isn't anything at all to do because I treated the game like a race. The key to getting the most out of this game with minimal money investment is:
- Patience - Everything returns, everything. Your gems give more bang for buck at higher levels so gem hoarding isn't only smart, it's encouraged. Clear content at your own pace. Sure, minmax when you can, and if you really want to play more/get a specific unit maxed out by all means go for it, but not every fortnight character or raid needs to be maxed out ASAP. This was my folly and while I enjoyed my time a whole lot, it wasn't really needed in the end.
- Gem Management - Don't pull outside of Sugofests. But furthermore, don't pull on Sugofests unless they're offering an amazing deal that OPTC-GAF or r/OPTC consider amazing like guaranteed Legends, all Gold poster Sugofests, etc. The only exception to this is when you're first starting out and story gems drop fast and early, since you need to get more RR units under your belt. This ties into patience, but it also merits its own section. Try to get the most that you can out of every gem. Before doing a pull, always think on what you could be getting instead with that gem. Is a dupe Miss Goldenweek worth 8 copies of Mihawk?
- Team Planning - Make sure that you've got a plan for upcoming content, and what you need to do to clear it. Set goals for yourself so that you'll be able to accomplish the end goal content thanks to your planning ahead. Make ample use of the damage calculator and character database to plan out your teams and units that you want to prioritize. Check out guides on youtube or the subreddit, etc. If you know what you're going to do ahead of time, you get to not stress over the game which is important to keep in mind. Arguably, half the game is team planning and resource management, while the other half is actually clearing content.
- Start with a Legend - Seriously, this will make life for you so much easier in the short and longterm. We're not about that Gear 2nd -> Mihawk -> Pray for random Legend life anymore. Good beginner choices are Akainu, Timeskip Luffy, Blackbeard, Cavendish, and Rayleigh. Sengoku is the easiest Legend to use for a new player, but he's also the one that gets powercrept hardest in the lategame while all the other Legends listed are evergreen.
We're getting him so late it's going to be a bloodbath.Oh yeah, that's also kinda happening.
Not even looked at the raid yet. Though I guess a double Tesoro team should easily do the job.
Thinking about skilling up an extra unevolved Luffy to have as a Slasher delayer for Zoro but that feels a little crazy.
I would very very strongly suggest getting an Akainu account if you can. He is like a Sengoku for early game and is still god-tier for late game as well. Unlike TS Luffy he does not rely on ultra hard content for his subs.
NM seems like something I don't need for anything. I got one for collection purposes, but that's it.
Aaand that's two Rayleighs dropped from Strawhat's Journey. If you like me so much old man, I'd better see your RR version and purple skull show up in the coming months.
Only 21 Whitebeard books, I hope that's sufficient enough to get that Special in usable range.
I finished with 72 NM Lufffy copies. Each run with my Sengoku team took just over 2 minutes so I didn't mind going in as hard for copies. After I max NM Luffy, any extra copies will go towards socketing my two other Luffys in need of sockets.
Can't remember where I started initially but I want to guess maybe 20 gems, give or take a couple. I was actually hoping to have 35 but I think that was way too lofty for how lucky I was getting on the drops. Really wish I had more books but at least all the Strawhats I wanted socketed are socketed. So even if my luck on the skill is horrible (god forbid or I'm chucking my phone) TS Chopper and Franky don't need to be bothered with.May I ask how many gems you used to refill? Maybe its another case of "the people with the worst luck are the loudest" but I've been reading through the rates on reddit this go around and there's more than a few people with 50 gems put in with not much to show for it. Reading through that thread made me realize how deep people go for farming a certain book or w/e. I can never imagine the thought of putting 50 gems into one fortnight for a week. Maybe down the road when its for a legend I really care about. Okay whatever now that I think about it I will put 50 gems into whatever drops TS Luffy books eventually. That would be a game changer. Have had terrible luck with almighty's and I swear to fucking god 80% of my TS Luffy friends have at least 3 skill ups.
You're making me real nervous about my Whitebeard books here...DONT MAKE USE OF JAPAN 2X SKILLUP
Just got 1/10 on Raid Kuma *sobs*
Just got 1/10 on Raid Kuma *sobs*