thanks that was quick lol.
damn so thats a pretty quick release. hopefully we can get a series late next year.
Anime are announced and aired pretty quick.
thanks that was quick lol.
damn so thats a pretty quick release. hopefully we can get a series late next year.
thanks that was quick lol.
damn so thats a pretty quick release. hopefully we can get a series late next year.
I didn't see this posted so just in case. Two clips of two new OVAs by the original ONE creator on the bluray coming out in Japan December 24.
Dude held his breath in space and jumped from the moon to earth. That's sawing-off-Florida levels of gag-character.Eh, is Saitama a gag character, though? His powers don't change for the plot or for the humor. Being practically invincible doesn't make him a gag character, does it? He's just super strong, fast and durable with no discernible limit. When I think of gag characters the Mask, Freakazoid and Bugs Bunny come to mind.
Should I read the manga or webcomic first? Finished the anime.
If this were a 24 episode series OPM would literally overtake Attack on Titan,
If this were a 24 episode series OPM would literally overtake Attack on Titan,
I'd suggest reading the manga first so you have a good idea of how everyone important should/will look. Then segue to the webcomic. ONE's composition and writing are what drives OPM, and you might discover his inferior art not much of a distraction at all. I didn't! But as someone mentioned earlier, you might want to start the manga from the beginning. The anime skips quite a few side stories.Should I read the manga or webcomic first? Finished the anime.
For anyone who's down about the showing being over (well for the next 1-2 years anyway) then how about you try something else which is highly regarded?
My recommendation is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - TV Series
I would say that the show rivals OPM in terms of power level escalation and highly detailed fights. It offers a lot more than that as well!
Holy shit what a final episode.
Dat Meteoric Burst
Dat Genos becoming modern art again
Dat Serious series serious panch
Dat old man strength
Dat Metal Bat intimidation factor
If this were a 24 episode series OPM would literally overtake Attack on Titan, but I'm happy with 12 action packed episodes. Can't wait for season 2 when a bunch of the S class gets fleshed out, the monsters become even STRONGER, the comedy jumps to a whole new dimension and THE KING ENGINE ROARS.
If this were a 24 episode series OPM would literally overtake Attack on Titan
Dude held his breath in space and jumped from the moon to earth. That's sawing-off-Florida levels of gag-character.
Well ...But is that inconsistent with anything else?
It's quite possible Saitama's resilient body can survive the vacuum of space for a few seconds. It doesn't contradict anything we've seen, whereas gag characters like Bugs Bunny have malleable skills and weaknesses that are completely at the mercy of the situation. The guy could saw off Florida one day and get his ass beat by a bulldog the next. There's nothing like that with Saitama.
Seen it. Anything else?
it hasn't already?
It already has.
LOL, it HAS overtaken AoT
AOT sucks
Seen it. Anything else?
Well ...
Legendary episode with legendary fight. Rest in pepperonis Lord Boros... probably one of the strongest villains of all time but he just ended up going against the wrong dude.
Dude survived more than a few punches and even scratched Saitama a bit (sending him to the moon even). Was probably at least Saiyan saga Vegeta tier.
Seen it. Anything else?
I really really hope it overtakes AoT in popularity, but I stand by the hate on here being hella overblown. There was a lot of hype on GAF when that show was airing, it's actually the only other anime I followed week to week while also reading the thread.
I really really hope it overtakes AoT in popularity, but I stand by the hate on here being hella overblown. There was a lot of hype on GAF when that show was airing, it's actually the only other anime I followed week to week while also reading the thread.
Tiger & Bunny is a good show if you need something to scratch that OPM itch. Has a similar set up with a hero association, potential for wider appeal due to an adult cast and character variety in a fictional multi-cultural world that western audiences can relate to.
Yeah as stated above....
-Tiger & Bunny for another show with a superhero vibe
-Fate/Zero for something a bit more serious than OPM. It's considered one of the best action anime's in the past decade. top notch on most levels. the first two episodes have massive amounts of expose, but after that it gets more and more heated.
Man, I'm surprised how much hate AoT gets on Gaf. But then you see shows like Kill la Kill getting a bunch of love on this forum. Also OPM is no where near as popular as AoT WAS. People who didn't watch Anime knew about that show. Can't say the same about OPM. OPM seems to be popular within the crowd that watches Anime.
Thanks for the advice. Fighting shows with crazy action are some of my favorite animes.
One Punch, Scryed, Gurren Laggen, Kill la Kill. I'll check out Fate Zero.
So that was the season finale. How is that possible it basically had the animation budget of the whole Db super season so farA show like that makes me wonder how can there be such a difference..
Pink bro in particular was hilarious throughout this arc and I forgot what became of them. Sweet Mask is such a jerk.
looking for my next fix, the following options look promising on netflix
seven deadly sins
DO NOT watch Aldnoah.looking for my next fix, the following options look promising on netflix
seven deadly sins
Durarara was alright,(I barely remember it though it's been years) throw the rest in the trash.looking for my next fix, the following options look promising on netflix
seven deadly sins
looking for my next fix, the following options look promising on netflix
seven deadly sins