Last night I got messaged by an attractive 30 year old blonde who's an art teacher on OKC. Normally I'm wary of receiving unsolicited messages since they're usually too good to be true based on past experience and don't lead to anything. However, even though her profile doesn't have proper punctuation and she only answered a tiny handful of questions from the lifestyle category, it sounded pretty legit and her message was genuine/verbose (she liked my profile and noted that we both had wild hair; I had to do a double take and reread my profile).
In her profile she mentioned that she doesn't spend much time online and would prefer to meet up to see if there's chemistry. She also indicated this in her message and mentioned that she lives in the next neighborhood over from mines and would like to meet up. The cynic in me still says that it might be too good to be true but then again, I've been proven wrong by girls and surprised. Let's see how she responds since I said that I would be down meet up with her and noted that we have a bunch of things in common.
My only other updates are that I deleted my CMB to reboot it at some point and I haven't contacted the girl I met up with on Friday night. I'm a bit scared of getting rejected on top of being of two minds of the date; she was funny which is a quality I love and easy on the eyes but I don't think we had much in common beyond liking museums and a couple of mutual venues. I would still be willing to give it a second shot since the first date is usually awkward.
No worries! She gave me her number and asked me out to meet up tonight for beers at a neighborhood bar. I wasn't expecting to go on a date so soon but I texted her several minutes ago following up on plans for tonight. Considering that I'm going to be busy for the next couple of days, I'd figure to oblige tonight while her interest is high. I'm still in a bit of disbelief to be honest. And here my mom keeps pestering me to cut off my long, tangled hair when it's actually gotten me dates!If her account is relatively new she may have taken the initiative and messaged her matches first before the inevitable flood of "hey gurl".
Reply ASAP before her inbox becomes full.![]()
Tinder has a new functionality, the "smart photo" (or smth like that) where, after a while, it will pick up your best photo and rotate accordingly (no idea how it's done). Today I got a notification telling me I got a new best photo. I thought "wow, this might be cool". It's a photo where I am using a horse mask -.- (it's a funny photo though).
Women are looking to snuggle up during the winter depending on where you live especially leading up to Valentine's Day. The holidays are going to be tough though.I've been at this for a couple of years now and only manage to get dates over the summer when colleges are out. This is my first time trying it out over winter break. We'll see how it goes. The rest of the year, the OKC and Tinder pool are drier than my last date after she saw me.
What are gaf's thoughts on autolikers? I'm trying it for a bit to see how it goes.
Autolikers isn't a bad idea. Just get matched with a shit ton of people (and bots), and sort them out later.
Hmm. About how long do you typically wait after a conversation has been going before asking someone out? I've read every position, but haven't really found any reasoning favoring sooner or later. Is it basically no different than talking in-person, or does more (or something different) go into it?
I'm going to Wendy's. Do you want anything?Dammit Im hvaing a shit convo on tinder
Whats a good question or statement to pop to turn it around
^ Ha
Whats a good description to put for my bio? I made a one liner that I think is okay but it seems to also say nothing at all about me. I dont want to sound too serious but I also dont want to list off my boring interests
Id like to maybe mention Im reading harry potter for my first time but that sounds lame. Id like to list a fave book or two but I dont know if people have read them and I feel it sounds too boring
Be funny. If you can't be funny, be brief.
Your pics will do most of the talking for you. Abuse that. If you want to advertise your favorite book, take a pic of you reading that book, or a pic of you doing something else with that book in the background.
I have no idea how to set these pics up. I dont really take pics with my friends, its just not something I do. So I have like 2 pics taken from someone else, and then everything else has to be selfies which feels too vain for a man.
I also dont want to copy-paste some funny thing from somewhere else
Am I overthinking? Should I take some lame pics with something like a book in the background? I have no idea how to do something like that
I have no idea how to set these pics up. I dont really take pics with my friends, its just not something I do. So I have like 2 pics taken from someone else, and then everything else has to be selfies which feels too vain for a man.
I also dont want to copy-paste some funny thing from somewhere else
Am I overthinking? Should I take some lame pics with something like a book in the background? I have no idea how to do something like that
The rest of the year, the OKC and Tinder pool are drier than my last date after she saw me.
It wouldn't hurt to send a second message IMHO if they stop replying. Either that or give them your number/ask them out already. Women get messages left and right so messages get lost in the sea. I need to update the OP with the Feeld app.Good grief this thread's title could not be more on-point. After nearly two months on Match I finally managed engage a girl in a conversation. It was going really well (I was maybe one message away from asking her out) but then she just sort of stopped messaging me. Sigh.
I need to branch out into other dating sites/apps, because Match is giving me nothing .
It wouldn't hurt to send a second message IMHO if they stop replying. Either that or give them your number/ask them out already. Women get messages left and right so messages get lost in the sea. I need to update the OP with the Feeld app.
Kinky stuff and open relationship stuff son. It makes me feel uncomfortable in some capacity since it encourages to use fake names.Isn't that the one that another poster said was mostly high school kids? Maybe that was in Dating thread.
Isn't that the one that another poster said was mostly high school kids? Maybe that was in Dating thread.
Isn't that the one that another poster said was mostly high school kids? Maybe that was in Dating thread.
You don't say...When I was in usa this month, feeld had a bunch of juggalo looking people looking for threesomes mainly.
What the hell is a juggalo.
Lessons I learned from dating last year:
-Don't give myself any minor excuses to dismiss and ghost girls. I went out with a bunch of cool girls that could have led to something more if I asked them out a second time. Sure, some of them weren't all that physically attractive or lacked a quality that I like but they made up for it in other ways. Likewise, just because I felt like I tanked the initial date doesn't mean I should delete the number and move on. I'm not meeting my future wife so it's as easy as that.
Tinder's "algorithms" are starting to annoy me. I restarted my account and even decided to pay for Tinder Plus - first New Years in New York while single, may as well have unlimited swipes. I launch the Boost feature and begin swiping. I get 15 matches in the first 10 minutes and then bam, "no more people around you". I'm in New York! Not possible! Restart phone, delete app, change distance, change located - nothing fixed it. I could talk to the women I matched with just fine, but no other women were popping up.
I look it up, turns out that my account was probably flagged as a bot. Apparently if you swipe fast enough your account gets a soft ban where they tell you there's no one around. I'm not sure how I managed to swipe as fast as a bot since I was actually reading profiles. Wondering whether to ask Apple for a refund, bogus to pay for unlimited swipes and get mistakenly banned for swiping infinitely. A bit torn on doing that though - I did actually meet one of the girls I matched with and she's ridiculously beautiful and fun.
How hot are you Kanik? C'mon.
And that shouldn't happen. I had the Plus once and I could swipe for as long as I wanted.
It's cool to see that it's been working out for you! I have no shame about ghosting myself so there's nothing to feel bad about. Although I read an article on Lifehacker about the author choosing to stop ghosting. That's a never ending debate that's going to continue on for ages. There's no black and white there.So I matched with this girl on tinder once, but a week went by with no response from her. I needed a break at the time so I deleted my account for awhile. I recently reopened it and matched with her again. Still no responses. She didn't have anything written on her bio so I thought it was a fake account, but I had seen her on other dating sites in the past and decided to do some detective work. She's on social media and her work's website. Seems like she's real, but just shy or unsure I guess? I'll give her more time, but I hate this ghosting.
In other news, auto-likers are helping a lot. It's like having all of the girls walk up to me at a bar instead. I get matches more consistently, and just message the ones I'm interested in. I never have to spend time swiping through the app which just made it easy to be picky anyway.
It keeps my self-esteem up, saves me time, and increases chances of dates. I'll take that over the normal experience any day.
Thanks! It took me ages to write from my phone since I'm sans home Internet for another day.Great list, Jhoan!
Honestly man I'm still not 100% over the last the last girl I slept with since I keep having flashbacks of sleeping with her but I won't dare look at her profile. Any way I slice it, in the end of the day, it wasn't meant to be since she was impatient. If you play with fire, expect to get burned. I tried to do the same thing you did with scavenger hunt girl but she shut me down for good and it sucked since I never really encountered a girl who said that she had mixed feelings about me but I moved on.Mostly a great post that I agree almost completely and this part really hits me as the girl I miss more was one which I kinda dismissed for stupid reasons. A few months ago I tried to reignite it but she was really annoyed by my behavior and shut me down.
I can't hate on a shorter Hispanic brother's Tinder game. It's been dry as a well for me and I'm damn near close to trimming down my iconic hair but not for dating reasons since the fro is getting super tangled. I would miss my hair since it's what got me dates in the first place and dread the windchills on my head. I feel like I'm due for a new hairstyle. Something towards the middle of medium length hair and/or dreadlocks.I think it's a combination of me looking non-threatening and being in a populated city.
I had Plus for a month once before and it worked great then. So weird, it's still giving me issues.
I decided to make an OKCupid account on a whim, ignored some of the fundamental universal pieces of advice I see posted on the internet just cuz I didn't feel like following them (I had a shitty profile pic, didn't really focus on my strengths), and within sending messages to four different people I think I already started the process of scheduling a date with a very intelligent above-average looking woman. Uh >_>
I guess you can say that you met your Lunafreya.It's been awhile but here's the update, so I met this girl from OKC and things been fantastic. We live a bit far from each other but we always find a way to meet up once or twice a week. Things are moving at a nice pace and we're finally going to get down to business this week XD
Funny thing is for the first time in my life I'm getting performance anxiety, since I've been in a bit of a funk I think my testorone or libido dropped. Which is weird I'm always at the gym hitting the weights and running. Tomorrow, I'm going to the doc and explain the situation a bit embarrassing but it is what it is... I mean seriously thinking just this one time a "little boost pill" wouldn't hurt never used such a thing but I gotta tell the doc what's up. A little confidence boost can make things right again.. been like this since dec I'm not stress,depressed or anything, shit happens I guess.
It sounds like things have been going considerably well for you. Sometimes the best thing to do is go against the grain since there are no rules to a perfect profile. If you think about it, the odd thing about online dating is that one can go from making an account to a date in less than a week.I decided to make an OKCupid account on a whim, ignored some of the fundamental universal pieces of advice I see posted on the internet just cuz I didn't feel like following them (I had a shitty profile pic, didn't really focus on my strengths), and within sending messages to four different people I think I already started the process of scheduling a date with a very intelligent above-average looking woman. Uh >_>
I guess you can say that you met your Lunafreya.Glad to hear things have been going well for you! Being in the same area definitely helps since you don't have to spend a single dime to travel. Hopefully you got over the hump of having no shame to tell the 'rents that you met online when it comes to that point.
That being said, performance anxiety happens to everyone especially after not having sex for a while so no worries. Loads of foreplay building up to it helps but sometimes it might be a mental block.
It wouldn't hurt to send a second message IMHO if they stop replying. Either that or give them your number/ask them out already. Women get messages left and right so messages get lost in the sea. I need to update the OP with the Feeld app.