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Overall thoughts on Assassin's Creed

Overall thoughts on Assassin's Creed as a franchise

  • Pretty good

    Votes: 45 46.9%
  • Wasted potential

    Votes: 29 30.2%
  • Soulless cash grab

    Votes: 22 22.9%

  • Total voters


imo game series went to shit when they started adding RPG mechanics and focussing more on action combat over stealth. That and the absolute gigantic maps make the games a slog to get through.


I've always thought the concept of the series is better than the games they've produced, but that said *most of* the games aren't bad. I can't honestly weigh in on the current state of the series though, as the last one I played was Unity. I've got a copy of Origins sitting on my shelf though. Maybe one of these days I'll play it.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I've basically enjoyed them all and keep coming back. I think it's a pretty good series overall, with some entries being better than others, but I also think there's a lot of wasted potential and wish more big budget games got to play with historical settings.


It's an ok franchise with some good games, some bad games and a shit load of wasted potential.
If they'd made less games and focussed on quality it could have been a lot better I think.


The lore from AC1 to 4 was amazing.

Having that overarching narrative of doing stuff in the past to help a modern day plot worked so well. The mysticism of those who came before, the artefacts you could find (Pieces of Eden). All those games linked so well together and after they got rid of Desmond the games became isolated and to me lost their meaning.

Ubisofts defense of "People didn't like Desmond" never sat well with me because THEY are in control of how much effort they put into the character. Fans not liking him was their fault, not ours.

I almost felt like they learnt their lesson when they introduced Layla in Origins. Finally going back to the roots having a modern day plot too, but they wrote her worse than Desmond. She's fucking boring.

Throw in how Odyssey messes with lore, how Junos plot got shoved into Comics and just how various other plots have been cut out/retconned over the years, it makes even THEORISING anything about AC completely pointless. One of the BEST parts about the Desmond Saga were the massive cliffhangers at the end, it made you want to see what happened next, you don't get that anymore, especially not with Layla.

Closing Thoughts: AC used to be at its height AC1-AC4. After that, it lost its way. Fun games, but nothing that makes me excited for the next entry.


I stopped playing it on the entry where they introduced the payable XP boost which essentially turned the game into an excessive grind unless you paid for normal progression. I think that was the entry before the Egyptian themed AC.

I put it on ebay the day they introduced it or I found about about it. Haven't touched the series since.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Action-adventure Madden, repetitive and uninteresting should have died off around the same time as the Wii U.


Inbetween pretty good and wasted potential, it could be so much better in term the lore but with “unstable” direction (especially after desmond’s demise) I feel it is wasted its potential.

However, I appreciate they are trying something new or different feel for every 3 cycles or more? (ezio’s , the kenway’s and the fantasy/myth trilogy).


Gold Member
Wasted potential. The original conceit of the series was it had this crazy lore and overarching story based in real history and events. I feel like they figured out the series with AC3 through Unity.

But now they have totally de-emphasized the lore and made the gameplay completely generic. The story, writing, and mechanics are completely cookie cutter and the unique settings are just window dressing.
I prefer the old formula over the new formula. Dense, living cities. So much better.

The games have gotten worse and worse the more they have moved away from the present day story. I was glad to see it return in quite a big way in Oddysey DLC.

Overall the games are still good but not as good as they could or should be. Animations and movement also still feels janky at time which is incredible for a series with so many entries.


A mix of pretty good with wasted potential .

AC 3 and Unity, for example, could've been amazing experiences, but ended up being subpar games.

AC Syndicate should've gone into a very different direction also.

Origins was awesome, but story left a lot to be desired;and Odyssey is pretty much what we could expect from a time period without Hidden Ones/Assassins, a mix of myth and history, only downside is that it was poorly written and directed.

Good series overall, but it needs direction, some kind of passionate overseer.


I'll put it this way, I bought 1 & 2 because they were super fresh gaming experiences that had really cool sci-fi stories I wanted to see resolved. Games were fun to play and the narratives were cool.

I didn't buy 3 and bought them sporadically after that - bought Black Flag because I needed a launch game, played Origins wasn't thrilled, Syndicate same deal....basically after 2, I never completed any of the games because the story was no longer a draw, and eventually my interest in completing open world checklists for very little payoff completely disappeared. Completely wasted potential that they keep making bank off of because retards like big sandbox checklist games. Now with gay sex!
One of my favourite series. Loved the first one and have stuck to the series ever since. I count Origins among one of the best games I have ever played (love Egpyt and always wanted the series to go there). Odyseey was a huge let down though and because of the whole shift towards wokeness from Ubisoft I'm very concerned and hence Valhalla will be the first main entry I don't buy day 1 but only later after reviews and impressions.

Generally I do think that Ubisoft has madly missed on a coherent current day plot ever since the story of Desmond ended. Can't be the hard to put in something interesting here to tie everything together. It was of the things that made 1-3 so special.
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I personally never cared for it. When the first one was announced, I was pretty interested in it, until I saw all the futuristic stuff that was attached to it. It totally lost me there.

I played a couple of the games, Gamefly'd them actually, and I thought they were fine. But I guess they just weren't my cup of tea.

Now it's essentially Ubisoft's Borderlands, meaning it's their money making baby. I mean, they have other games that would still carry them, but AC is a series where we can guarantee that we'll see a spin off in the next year or two, MAYBE three. 🤷‍♂️


Gold Member
Started great but then went to shit after milking the cow for way too long. Dropped the series after Black Flag, hate the looter rpg hitbox healthbar-sponge combat direction. I hope Altair gets a reboot


Feels like wasted potential to me. They had something interesting going on with 1,2 and Brotherhood but then completely dropped the ball with the story and failed to evolve the gameplay in interesting ways.
At this point some of these games are so different they almost feel like different IP's, and I'd argue some of the best entries (Like Blackflag) could have been better if they were allowed to be their own standalone thing instead of having to cram in all the forced Assassins Creed shit


I think the quality titles out weigh the weaker ones in the series. But surely that applies to all long running series?
I do think it is getting to the point where I can skip the odd game now.
Having played and finished Assassins Creed, II, Brotherhood, Rogue, Black Flag and Origins.
Started and not finished III, Syndicate and Odyssey.
Will pick up Valhalla once all the year 1 DLC is released.
Strongest for me are Brotherhood, Black Flag and Origins.
Games are actually quite good seen in isolation.

Its just seeing a string of games doesn't sit well with me.

Am a big fan of new ips and fresh experiences.


I discovered the franchise this year and played them till 3.

I really like them for their gameplay and lore.
I see the "copy/paste" formula but it's still entertaining games with flaws (collection sidequest, etc...).

I plan to play all of them (Just Odyssey doesn't appeal me at all). Curious to see the new formula.

It's nice games to break from long/heavy games


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I enjoy the series even with what it has become. The old version of finding unique ways to get to your target and assassinate them without people knowing was always a great part of the original versions of the game. I love exploring the historical areas and the ancient cities. In origin and odyssey I love the historical tours. I actually think it increases my enjoyment.

An opportunity I think they are far to afraid to try is actually have you meet Jesus. I think they could actually do a respectful and interesting experience where you met Jesus in your travels and eventually were present at his execution. It would lead to finding a piece of Eden or something. I think it is a missed opportunity and worth the risk of pissing off about half the planet.


Great concept.
Great ideas destroyed by sub par writing with all of the potential this adventure could have being sucked out by early releases preventing the story of having any closure or meaning to it.
As far as gameplay goes the first one never came close to realizing what it was set out to do, starting with the second they moved it into action/adventure n then later into live service joke of an RPG.
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I always found the series to be thoroughly mediocre, outside of Brotherhood which was excellent. I'm glad they went the RPG route, Origins was decent and Odyssey was amazeballs. Very excited for Valhalla.
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I somehow always end up buying the latest AC on sale and have invariably enjoyed them. They are far from perfect, but I've never regretted my purchase.


It may sound like a unpopular opinion but I like the direction they're moving . ( in-reality its not , the latest sell a lots more than the old one ) .

Dont care about the assassin vs templar , modern background stuff . Just give me good full-story-in-just-one-game, good loots and good combat and i'm set . And a button to skip the modern day storyline nonsense.
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I relatively enjoyed the first one for the novelty even with a shitty combat.

I returned the second one to gamestop after 4 hours because the combat was the same shit, and the novelty was well off and no amount of young ezio can substitute good gameplay.

I vastly prefer the action rpg direction they are following now except they barely improved the combat just to kill animations quality and polish.

They are wasted occasions, especially if you consider how potentially good they can be with ubisoft huge budgets and manpower.
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It used to be good and unique up until Black Flag where it started to evolve into something else which is what we see today. Unity was great as it was everything Assassin's Creed really is and perfected it.

Now they are just pretty generic open world RPGs which shouldn't use the name.


Wasted potential for me. I played the series from AC1 to AC4 Black Flag and I always felt it reached it's peak with the Ezio trilogy. Ubisoft's decision to have an annual release for each entry really hurt the series and resulted in the buggy mess that was AC3 (I still like that game btw). Black Flag was great though and I wish Ubisoft had put the series on hiatus for the next installment.

But no, Unity came out and it was a buggy mess as reported (never played it). Syndicate wasn't enough enticement for me and I probably won't get any of the recent AC games after they switched to being Action RPGs.

Ubisoft should have let the series evolve and not milk it to death with the annual releases.


It seems both is not feasible, if we're looking at Origins, Odyssey and now Valhalla. Between the two, I'd pick the old formula in a heart beat.
both saying one licence but games with both formula
also it's a little early to conclude that for Valhalla ...there is assassination house and missions in this one and nobody have tried them for now.
But now they have totally de-emphasized the lore
...how? Odyssey answered so many questions with the origins of the assassins, large backstories on the big isu players, how the isu connect to pretty much all major religions, a complete explanation of the "truth - adam and eve; subject 16" video in AC2, the reason why some humans can use isu artifacts and a return of modern day stuff with DLC. I'm hard-pressed to think of any AC that was a lore heavy as Odyssey.
This stuff was barely in Unity and Syndicate, and while black flag had many modern day parts, it also lacked on the actual lore side.

With the way how Odyssey ends, I'm sure Valhalla will pick up and dive even deeper.


One of the best franchises of all time.

They fucked up the lore and the way they explain and tie up modern time and animus time big time with the death of desmond in AC III though.

not the most popular opinion but one of the best AC is Unity , that game is just amazing!

When origins and odyssey came out really loved the change in gameplay (with a more rpg element even if im not a fan of rpgs) but i miss the steath that was the corner stone in the early AC games.

If they just tied the modern story (another unpopular opinion is awesome until desmond death , now he just have this little tie ups , not a overall arc like we used to have) with whats happenning in the animus it would be back to perfect.

also there are some great feamale chracters like evie in syndicate (which i dont think its used well enough) that i wouldnt mind have a spin off dedicated to her. oh and kassandra on odyssey was great! never played with the brother.

its one of those franchises i usually buy day 1 but im holding out on Valhalla this year because i want to play it first on PS5 , i will get one around x-mas or march 2021 the lastest
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I really love the lore and universe, the game entries are all at least somewhat enjoable as games (apart from black flag, but im pretty alone with that opinion and it is because of the grindy shipshit in it, by far the worst in all of the series), the comics and books are awesome (especially the comics and there the templar ones clearly stand out), movie is meh.

The one big flaw the series has is how the plan and develop the ongoing story or better: the lack of it. It all feels like they go from game to game, comic to comic, etc. for the most part without having a consistent and continuous story that connects and ties everything somewhat together. The franchise is at its strongest when it has such a thing (desmond games, templar comics, uprising comics, last descendants novels) going on, but apart from that it feels like too loosely connected things with no real interconnectivity. It would benefit if at least one or two people at Ubisoft just take care and together with all kinds of devs, authors, directors, etc. plan out the series in advance and then just follow the script. Also the communication what content is to be found where is pisspoor and because of the lack of consistency and oversight in the lore not able to fulfill its potential (quick example: The Juno plot gets pushed into the comics - which by itself is agreeable - but it os neither communicated nor explained or anything. Just randomly mentioning Charlotte in a modern day segment email and the whole juno thing is not enough to get people drawn into that and this can easily be resolved when you have some oversight in terms of storydevelopment. and that can be said for lots of things and characters. I´m conviced, if layla makes an appearence in the movie and the comic, her general reception will be much better than it was, at least with the core fans instead of having basically everybody hating her or being indifferent towards her and not really care at best)


for me is the fantasy to play in old settings based on historical moments even if they're fiction is the closest we can get on interactive AAA form.
mechanically wise are too repetitive to my liking


i miss the days when AC was built around actually assassinating people then legging it over some rooftops

The only game this isn't true of is Odyssey. Origins story is a hitlist setup, just like 2 and Brotherhood. I guess there aren't as many roofs to run on but Origins does have cities.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
All of the above.

It's a great franchise with AAA budgets applied to amazing historical tourism. The settings are unique. The lore is sometimes great.

There's huge wasted potential. Usually the writing doesn't live up to the historical reality. For every glimpse of nuanced shades-of-grey characterization (like in Rogue) there are entire games with boring good vs. evil conflicts and cartoonish villains. The gameplay mechanics are solid but never pushed to where they could go (eg. Dishonored/Hitman levels).

The games are steeped in soulless cash grab elements. Don't forget the Ubi open world formula stuff, the MTX, the bloat.

Still, overall, it's one of my favourite series and I'm glad it exists. I hope it keeps selling so it can eventually live up to its massive potential.
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