Knight in no particular order due to: culmination of the stealth and combat systems, batmobile is amazing in the streets and I aso liked the puzzles with it, the graphics, the infinite little touches all over the game, the
joker presence and dialogue, the morphing open world due batman mental problems, the graphics again, the riddler trophies were mostly great too (some quite thoughtful ones I though), the amount of dialogue from enemies/NPCs is absolutely staggering (I think they said more text than all 3 lord of the rings novels? Might be mixing it up with Hitman 2016 though), the side missions, the riddler races were 90% really fun (I had top 150 scores on some of them I was so addicted ha, I never do that in SP games, probably much closer to top 1 if you remove pure bullshit cheating scores

), the open world missions you just come across and even the challenge missions like "knock out as many Humvees as possible in 2 mins" were really fun to repeat in the batmobile.
I also really like the tank battles as well, I don't why it was just a great little mini-game for me and clicked instantly, perfect shooting with the cannon was fun but then you could also one-shot almost any tank by hitting the weakpoint with a single gatling gun shot, and after doing them a few times it was fun to try that, though it was very hard on controller I should have just used the mouse, doh!
There isn't much I don't like about the game, the shit performance on PC ofc lol, even today I still don't have a GPU capable of playing it at 4K locked 60fps max settings (No PhysX effects still, that just destroys the framerate no matter what and disallows a lock to anything more than 30fps), my GTX 1080 can play almost every moment locked at 1440p@60 or 4K@30 (with modern sync methods to avoid massive input lag + tearing) outside of the very specific parts of the map and ultra closeups of scarecrow in cutscenes.
A 3080 Ti can almost do it but still has more than a few drops according to Richard Leadbetter from Digital Foundry, maybe with external sync its better but I think you need a 4080 to lock it lmao, thats insane. I think maybe AC: Unity is similar, for max settings including the soft shadows and "only" 2x MSAA @ 4K to lock 60fps you need a 3090 Ti or above, so for 4x or even 8x MSAA you can't lock to 60, though the latter is probably pointless unless you're playing on a 65" or bigger display and really close to it.
The other games
I loved Asylum and City as well, both have some amazing moments but the back and forth in both is a bit much sometimes (I loved metroidvania games too). The open world and riddler trophies of City is excellent, a bit above Asylum. The catwoman stuff is excellent in City too, I loved the way she fights. You can play as her in Knight's SP too to an extent but its more in the challenge missions. Both amazing games, but Knight is something I could play 100x through, I have 250+ hours logged on it.
I played Origins way later after playing the others at launch and I have to say I understand its charm, parts are great and some moments are superb but overall I think its a big letdown, the open world was clearly sized up way late in development to make it look more epic and the distances are all off so for example you should be able to grapnel to the top of a building but you need to stand on a nearby car and
then it suddenly works lol, the gloves are cool but make the combat trivial, many buldings are also all just repeating boxes in a really obvious way with the decorations like windows and doors plopped on really poorly and once you notice it its awful, the interiors looks mostly trash and boxy as well, the scale is off there too. The open world and finding riddler trophies is really bad and not fun at all.
I played Knight last year and it's really, really good, and you can tell Rocksteady put a lot of work into the Batmobile. This means, of course, making it a part of the core gameplay experience, which turned off a lot of people including many people in this thread. But they sort of had to as soon as they decided to go in that direction, because if it was just some car you drove around, nobody would use it (gliding around works fine) and it'd just be a gimmick to slap on the box. And I am glad they at least tried because the game, despite being open world like City, feels very different. I really appreciate we got three different Arkham games that all feel distinct, unlike the normal Ubi trash at the time and what not.
I think my only complaints about the batmobile is that there aren't more animation for the batmobile takedown (If you hold the summon batmobile button he doesn't get in and it stops right by you with a cool skid stop and then you can use it for takedowns when fighting after having glided around a lot and its far away) and that when it drops/falls off a ledge to a lower area it falls in a floaty way unlike the slam down when you go off a ramp and land, plus the sound effect isn't nearly as good.
I think lot more people would vote Knight if they played it 4K 60fps. It looks insane and plays so god damn pleasantly. I had zero problem enjoying the batmobile parts when the batmobile controls so well and everything is so smooth.
What GPU do you have?