Keeping quiet, eh?
Responding to my prod, eh?
Damn Ouro, you are just chomping at the bit right now.
I'm honestly.
I like to think that if I was colluding with Ezekel, who I respect as a player, we would be smart enough not to respond to prods within a minute of each other. Give us that much credit at least.
Ouro, are you Winston?
Because right now you're actingbananas
Ouro, are you Winston?
Because right now you're actingbananas
Not reading much from anyone so far. The "there is no cop" posts are throwing me off, but I think they're just confused about how Mafia works. Scum wouldn't be dumb enough to make posts like that.I was only half joking with my last post about you. You have anything to add to the discussion?
I would like to hear more from our quiet players:
(yes I know some are in sleepy-time time zones right now)
So, Haly/Zeke, you just decided to come running after I asked for your input?
What info are we revealing?
Also, Sorian said the scum team was random so what factors would PRs use to determine who to protect and target.
I would like to hear more from our quiet players:
(yes I know some are in sleepy-time time zones right now)
Hello. Sorry, I work weird ass hours. Such is the life of an enlisted aircraft maintainer. .
My issue with it comes from, say, Mercy revealing (likely doc), and scum gets them with a Strongman.Role name, ability/ies (exact details at your discretion)
What do you think of this idea? It is a role madness game, and because there are no vanillas, everyone has agency. GAFia games tend to lose PRs very early on anyway, but this way we at least have some semblance of organization and some way of tracking each other's words and actions. It gives us a baseline with which to work.
My issue with it comes from, say, Mercy revealing (likely doc), and scum gets them with a Strongman.
I agree.Despite my objections to a mass claim, we also need to consider that if the scum team is indeed random, then heroes like Mercy could be on that team.
But that is not a risk I am willing to take. We gain nothing from it other than knowing who is who.
If we are actually going to scum hunt, my gut read at the moment is to focus on those individuals advocating for a mass claim.
Scum has the most to gain from it, after all. I will have to go back and reread.
I dunno what to think of the mass claim, to be honest. I'm actually kind of more interested in the reactions to it than the people asking for it.
This post is kind of nonsense. You argue that scum know what they're up against because they can think about what powers each character has, but this is a 22 player role madness game, there's going to be a little bit of everything.They already know all they are up against. They know which heroes they have, and which powers they have. Everyone has access to the OW roster via external resources. It's a simple matter of deduction, on their part, whether we mass claim or not.
Btw I was talking about a role name claim (aka hero name), not power claim.
No Burb, no it doesn't. Why did you say this?Hero name claim makes little more sense, thanks for the clarification.
What have you picked up on? I'm curious.
Burb has been more aggressive than usual, but this criticism came right afterBurb seems...super aggressive this game.
this post, which was a completely fair observation. Xam's post felt like he was only posting because he felt obligated to, as if he was already worried about being called out for coasting.Also that xam post is like the pure example of filler fluff post.
-The choosing of which heroes were scum was done completely at random. Preconceptions of who is good or bad does not transfer over to this game.
I don't disagree that it's a bad idea from this point of view but it's still more interesting than what we'd be doing otherwise. I don't like D1 either because all anyone has are the barest of the bare minimum of hunches and we might as well be shooting in the dark. I'd rather have concrete information to work with, is all.This post is kind of nonsense. You argue that scum know what they're up against because they can think about what powers each character has, but this is a 22 player role madness game, there's going to be a little bit of everything.
So knowing that "x might be a doctor role!" is worthless because they still don't know who x is, and they could have assumed a doctor was in without thinking about flavour. It only becomes useful if they know who has what character.
...which is exactly what you then suggest. Ok, we all have bad ideas sometimes, but you specify "name claim, not power claim", even though you just explained how they're basically the same thing?
Oh and right after that Xam scumreads Ouro. I don't like this read though, the justification feels burrowed from other posters. Earlier Ouro was criticised for tweaking his statement about role/power, and Xam's statement "make a few mistakes" seems to allude to that but not really match what happened. Like Xam is just recycling talking points rather than actually thinking this.On further review, I'm leaning slightly scum for Ouro (but still need more information and interactions between others) because he has seemed to make a few mistakes while talking about his Role PM that I wouldn't expect a player of his experience to have
I'm down for peeking. I'll probably do it like last game where I give potential actions for a whole bunch of roles.Thoughts:
-You guys hate the peeking strat. Clearly.
-Ouro seems fairly normal to me.
-I can't comment much on this 'does the lore fit the PM?' discussion with zero knowledge of the game.
-Not sure what Kyan is up to with his claims of vanilla.
-So few of us are actually talking to each other.
-I miss blarg
Not much right now, to be honest. It's more just "What I'm keeping an eye on" rather than "Hey look, these are future scum tells!"
As far as the mass claim topic as a whole goes, there's a handful of people who would prefer to mass claim later on (Ouro, Melon, and now Kyan) and TheGoddamn's reasoning for wanting a mass claim didn't seem very strong. There was also Haly's comment about the scum being Talon and how a mass claim "would quickly pinpoint them.", which predated his uh.... "request" to mass claim. There's just kind of a weird sort of progression from one to the other, but I can kind of see it myself. Haly also weirdly jumped on the peeking strat pretty casually, which is interesting.
Of the three mentioned above, Ouro has specifically come out and said that he doesn't think a mass claim is needed until the end, if at all. I can't place my finger on it, but that comment sticks out to me.
Day 1 notes are always fun. A lot of them go nowhere tho. I'll read over more things in the morning, I've had an awkward day.
I don't disagree that it's a bad idea from this point of view but it's still more interesting than what we'd be doing otherwise. I don't like D1 either because all anyone has are the barest of the bare minimum of hunches and we might as well be shooting in the dark. I'd rather have concrete information to work with, is all.
Which is why I also support the peeking strategy. Really anything but this "so who do you think is scum", "I dunno, who do you think is scum!?", "dunno!!".
Why?i'm not going to drink your kool-aid this game
But I'm not voting for you because I need a little bit more
I think Kyan is a bit more suspect, though, than you rn
Overreacting to Ouro's (insincere) role claim. Either fake concern or just getting into the spirit of the game. This one could be either with Xam, to be're gonna give me a fucking heart attack at 19
Just for D1. I'll play properly when there's more informing my decisions than a roll of the dice, or the alignment of the stars.So basically you'd like to watch the world burn, instead of playing the game of Mafia?
Pretty much a worst case scenario then?Yes, but most of the fake peeks given were of already dead players (they gave three fake peeks). Around 70% of players gave a single living peek, and those were almost all green scum checks.
No cops makes the peeking strategy harmless and sends scum on a wild goose chase. Hardly seems like a reason not to do it.Re: Why I think there's no cop -
This is mostly wishful thinking, I have no evidence of such I just think games without them or games with unusual cops are more interesting. In the absence of any confirming evidence I choose to assume there isn't one for now.
He's right, thoVerelios
Bam, there's your scum. I'm outta here!
These are a few examples of plays that can be made in D1 that can help read someone's alignment better with some analysis.