Who to pick.
Who to chose.
Well, i think i will have another one.
how about you Cabot.
You feel ok about lynching Ty4on ?
One by one they fall but in the end we both stay here and drink.
oh shit, mafia!
knew i was forgetting something!
and i have nothing to add,
the hook/lynch plan seems solid, so yeah....
do that.
you going to vote ?
oh, no we are not.
vote: Ty4on
You shouldn't be drinking at this hour![]()
You shouldn't be drinking at this hour![]()
im home alone on a friday at midnight.
im steamed ty,
im rat assed,
im juiced,
look at my eyes ty there nearly bleeding.
im tanked ty.
oh and ty
im juiced ty.
Hook kingkitty tonight, I trust him the least. If Bronx survives I'd lynch Stanley and hook Xam tomorrow.
If it fails for whatever reason my list with the scummiest on the top is:
I can't decide if nin is towniest
Do you get notified if your night action failed?Point taken.
want to hammer King ?
No.Do you get notified if your night action failed?
The one time town might actually win a game and I have to die for it to happen, goddamnit.
The Thing prequel was better.
With the Witch, the Monster, and the Reaper destroyed, it was a simple matter for the Soldier and the Alchemist to team up and destroy the last member.
Tonight, Junkenstein would not have his revenge.
"Wrong mode."
What? Oh, sorry, I was looking at the wrong monitor.
One attacker remained. Junkrat stood on the payload making a valiant last stand but no matter who he killed someone else took their place and the payload was stuck in a standstill. The time ticked down.
This was it, if he left the payload for anything at all, the match would end. He did the one thing any good Junkrat player would do. He threw down a concussion mine and blew it immediately, killing two of the defender's and propelling him away from the payload.
Overtime done.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare to attack. You are mafia.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Junkrat. An explosives-obsessed freak who lives to cause chaos and destruction. That really sums it up doesn’t it? Did you know some people ship Junkrat with Mercy? Now that’s some crazy talk.
You are a Mafia Permanent Roleblocker. At night, you may PM me the command STEEL TRAP: <Playername>. This will allow you to roleblock a player, preventing them from taking any night actions. The steel trap will persist until you die or choose a new target. Only one steel trap may be out at a time and under no circumstances will you be able to target yourself.
The factional kill command is KILL <playername>. Defense players are scrubs so it’s usually that easy. You may not use your personal kill command and the factional command on the same night.
The scum thread can be found here and your teammates are
You win when you are able to overwhelm the defending team (town). In other words, you win when you control 50% of the votes.
As the victory screen flashed for the defenders, all of the spectators were kicked out of the match and pushed back to the lobby. Life went on, bug reports were submitted, and another 15v5 match was never seen again.
Oh what? The cause. Well, a hacker from Japan was just trying to fuck with some Americans on his free time. You see, he's a huge D.va76 shipper and most of the people on this side of the globe have called that particular ship blasphemy on account of fake head canon that would make it incest. The Overwatch community is actually really fucking weird.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare your defenses. You are town.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Pharah. Fareeha Amari, armed with the Raptora Mark VI and half of the popular Pharmercy ship, holds her tactical advantage from the skies.
You are a Town Odd Night Commuter. Each odd numbered night, you will passively leave the battlefield via your jump jet and will be untargetable by all actions. On even nights, you will have to allow your fuel cells to recharge meaning that you will be targetable again on even nights.
You win when the attacking team (scum) has been eliminated.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare your defenses. You are town.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Bastion. One of the last remaining Bastion units, you lay dormant and forgotten for over a decade. Recently, you were unexpectedly reactivated and now you are the true scourge of all scrub level rank 12 players that don’t know how to change heroes to counter.
You are a Town Jack of all Trades. Each night, you may PM me one of three commands. Each command can only be used once.
RECON: <Playername> allows you to get an alignment check on a single player. You will receive a response of either teammate, not a teammate, or no result.
SENTRY will turn you into a veteran for the night. This means that all players who visit you in any capacity will be killed and the action they tried to perform on you will fail. Please note that if the player is able to shrug off a night kill for any reason then they will live and what they tried to do to you will still have the intended effect.
TANK: <Playername> allows you to perform a strong kill on one player. A strong kill pierces through any roleblocking, protective, or redirecting abilities
You win when the attacking team (scum) has been eliminated.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare your defenses. You are town.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Hanzo. The eldest son of the master of the Shimada family and a prodigy in martial arts, swordplay, and bowman--RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU
You are a Town Tracker. At night, you may PM me the command SONIC ARROW: <Playername> to launch your sonar tracking device near another player. This will allow you to see all players that your target visits. Please note, this ability can only be used twice during the game.
You win when the attacking team (scum) has been eliminated.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare your defenses. You are town.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Mei. A peerless climatologist, you are equipped with a portable version of your climate-manipulation technology.
Mei is bae.
You are a-mei-zing.
Mei-d in China!
Meiby you should chill out.
You are a Town Even Night Commuter. Each even numbered night, you will passively cryo-freeze yourself and will be untargetable by all actions. On odd nights, you will have to allow your ability to come off of cooldown because this is a video game and you can’t just sit there and ignore damage all game.
You win when the attacking team (scum) has been eliminated.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare your defenses. You are town.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Roadhog. Did you know your name was Mako Rutledge? I did not know this. Anyway, you are a ruthless killer with a well-earned reputation for wanton destruction. Also, Jessica Nigri just did a cosplay of you and it is on point. Trust me on this.
You are a Town Magnet. At night, you may PM me the command CHAIN HOOK: <Playername> to yank a player towards you. This forces the player to target you this night phase. Please note, the player you target has to actively be using their night command. If they choose not to act, your ability will not force them into acting.
You win when the attacking team (scum) has been eliminated.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare your defenses. You are town.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Zenyatta. You are an omnic monk who wanders the world in search of spiritual enlightenment. You are also just the coolest dude in the game. Like, seriously, you pop out your spiritual arms to just fist bump yourself sometimes.
You are a Town Pope. Once per game, you may PM me the command TRANSCENDENCE. This forces the mafia faction kill to fail automatically. Please note, you may not use this power night 1.
You win when the attacking team (scum) has been eliminated.
Now entering Route 66
Prepare your defenses. You are town.
Welcome to Overwatch Mafia.
You have selected Ana. One of the founding members of Overwatch, you were thought to be killed during a hostage rescue mission by the Talon operative known as Widowmaker. In truth, you survived that encounter and, during your recovery, wrestled with the weight of a life spent in combat, and chose to stay out of the world’s conflicts. They may have had you planned as a playable character from the start or you may have been added to calm the growing dissent over no older female characters. Not like it matters, everyone uses the young Ana skin anyway.
You are a Town Mediator. Each night, you may PM me one of two commands:
BIOTIC GRENADE: <Playername> allows you to protect one player for the night phase. You may not self target.
SLEEP DART: <Playername> allows you to roleblock one player for the night phase preventing them from taking action.
There’s a catch though, there’s always a catch. You may only use a night command if you had no active vote at the time of the lynch during the preceding day. You may vote and unvote as you wish but your night commands are only active if you were unvoted at the time of the lynch.
You win when the attacking team (scum) has been eliminated.
Now that this is over.
Town, me counter claiming Ouro had NOTHING to do with him going after Vere! Even if I was town WM, I wouldve done the same thing.
jesus my theory was right?
your theory was right, but you wanted to kill an innocent hanzo
look at me
look how innocent i am
The Thing prequel was better.
I need an explanation from Mafia , why the game was thrown.
Glad you guys know for sure now that i am indeed town.
a great town player aswell. Taking out Ezekelrage like a CHAMP.