A full team of dvas are invincible.Balanced team with a healer I'd imagine.
I don't think they nerf it, so probably the latter.![]()
How do you defeat a well organized team of all mcrees?
20% xp bonus for being in a group ftw.
So the whole "the servers will be fucked for daaaays!" thing turned out total bullshit,huh?
Did they nerf Hanzo's ult or does just everyone know how to avoid it now ?![]()
Agreed.Unnecessary punishment for solo players IMO, they're already at a disadvantage.
So the whole "the servers will be fucked for daaaays!" thing turned out total bullshit,huh?
Snipe them one by one, pick Roadhog and hook them to death, shields work great too so someone like Reinhardt will fuck them up.How do you defeat a well organized team of all mcrees?
It's so you can redeem your cross game Origin Edition items.Why would you want to connect your Blizzard account to your PS4 Overwatch? I just did it for reasons.
Unnecessary punishment for solo players IMO, they're already at a disadvantage.
If you think Lucio is boring you're not using his movement right.Yeah but he's so bori-zzzzz...
Is there any system to Mercy choosing to say her Ult quote ("Helden sterben nicht" / "Heroes never die") in German vs. English?
is there any way to tell whether it was OUR mercy who popped the ult or the enemy's?
It's Blizzard. They know a thing of two about high volume servers.
Unnecessary punishment for solo players IMO, they're already at a disadvantage.
One good Widowmaker / HanzoWhat's the counter against a full team of Torbjorn? Just for future reference. We got stomped by them last night.
What's the counter against a full team of Torbjorn? Just for future reference. We got stomped by them last night.
PC works perfectly fine so yeah.So the whole "the servers will be fucked for daaaays!" thing turned out total bullshit,huh?
I switched that shit immediately. Who the fuck has hands that can reach v practically.My Roadhog game improved dramatically when I switched the melee attack key from V to the superior placement of F.
I was doing POTG after POTG in the Beta with it with like 4 or more kills every time, now almost every time people manage to escape it even if I pointed it right at them.This including behind walls shots when widowmaker has used her ult and i know where everyone is.
Unnecessary punishment for solo players IMO, they're already at a disadvantage.
I hate D.va but I sure do love spamming her voice lines to make others hate her as well.
el oh el huehue
el oh el huehue
el oh el huehue
I switched that shit immediately. Who the fuck has hands that can reach v practically.
I thought only "you" heard your own voice lines? Right? Not sure if i ever heard that last word on that from the Beta.
I can't get into a match on Xbox. Is anyone else having this? Searching for 10 mins now.
Why should I commend if I'm salty as fuck? Do I get anything out of it or is it just merely "props"?
One good Widowmaker / Hanzo
1 or 2 reinhardst and then either pharahs or probably just junkrats.
some soldier 76 can work as well
hell,even two widowmakers can instantly kill a turret if they both just shoot at it quickly
Sane people who use ESDF instead of WASD
Others definitely hear it, they were asking for the sweet release of death from it.
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
stand on the point
I'm interested in this, but it always looks so chaotic. Is it hard to learn?