Is there any way to disable spectator mode for myself? This might end up killing the game for me. I can't get into any games with friends without being in spectator mode. I would rather just not be able to join. Literally every friend game I join, I am in spectator mode. I even got an invite from a friend and landed in a party of 6, and the game had 4 of us (not me) plus 2 randoms. Wtf?? This is the worst party system I have ever seen, made especially bad by the need for a party in this game.
soldier: 76 complaining about hacks
poetic justice
The group is called support, not healers. I'm going to bet we are going to get more support people that aren't based around healing. Support is a broad scope.
I hooked a Pharah out of the sky and into the blast radius of a D.Va explosion. I was so proud of myself.Nice try, Tracer.
Yes, so that you can see who is currently playing and invite/request an invite to their party.
Can someone explain to me the difference between Health (White), Armor (Yellow), and Shields (Blue)?
Is there a difference at all, or is it just more numbers?
Like, do certain projectiles do more to health than armor or something?
Can someone explain to me the difference between Health (White), Armor (Yellow), and Shields (Blue)?
Is there a difference at all, or is it just more numbers?
Like, do certain projectiles do more to health than armor or something?
Its based on the item rarity. I think common duplicates are only worth 15.
I wish the hero skins fit in properly with their backstory. Some of them seem fairly random and don't seem to fit their persoality or what they do; Lucios hockey skin, Junkrats Scarecrow skin, Soldier 76s Daredevil skin etc. I don't know if i'm missing something but they seem out of place to me.
Can someone explain to me the difference between Health (White), Armor (Yellow), and Shields (Blue)?
Is there a difference at all, or is it just more numbers?
Like, do certain projectiles do more to health than armor or something?
seeing these advanced tactics evolving
had my team wiped twice from timed zarya singularity ult with a mcree ult
had us snatched all together and mcree with the high noon and 6 dome shots--GONE, just like that
Any good strategies against 4+ bastions on defense?
I played a match yest , we took A in no time but B was just impossible , 4 bastion turrets seems a bit OP.
I guess maybe Genji , or the reaper to get close , or maybe the mech with the shield to counter it?
i got mcree's gambler skin its nice
Why did you report him? Bastion is a robot he doesnt have a mom.
Any good strategies against 4+ bastions on defense?
I played a match yest , we took A in no time but B was just impossible , 4 bastion turrets seems a bit OP.
I guess maybe Genji , or the reaper to get close , or maybe the mech with the shield to counter it?
i got mcree's gambler skin its nice
Why did you report him? Bastion is a robot he doesnt have a mom.
I asked on the last post of the last page, so you may not have seen it, but how do we join the Gaf group for that? I found the Google doc, but can't seem to edit it to add myself.Thanks.
Health is how it is in every game. You die at 0 health.
Natural shields are like health, except they will recharge without healing or health packs. Symmetra's shields just act like extra health and do not recharge.
Armor reduces incoming damage and natural armor heals like health with health packs or support healing. Torbjorn's armor pack just acts like extra health with the benefit of the reduction. The damage reduction is a flat reduction of 5 points for any damage that is 10 or more (i.e. 25 damage does 20 to armor). It is 50% if the incoming damage is less than 10 (i.e. 6 damage does 3).
I didn't get a legendary until 23.Still no purple or orange skins at level 17. This shit is stupid
all genji, reflect their asses
The "Play of the Game" music is so rad. Has like a Marvel movie score feel to it![]()
I birthed bastion.
I didn't get a legendary until 23.
I think that does fit. I'm sure I've heard him say something about not bringing his equipment for a quick pickup game, or something along those lines.
all genji, reflect their asses
Multiple Genji and Winston's, two Winston's would disrupt the game enough to provide distraction for Genjis.Any good strategies against 4+ bastions on defense?
I played a match yest , we took A in no time but B was just impossible , 4 bastion turrets seems a bit OP.
I guess maybe Genji , or the reaper to get close , or maybe the mech with the shield to counter it?
i got mcree's gambler skin its nice
A mlg Bastion will wisely shoot some preventive bullets and wait for Genji to finish his deflect animation before releasing the rain bullets. It works wonder.
And no one on your team thought to swap to widowmaker and two shot it?
I really like Zarya, but I hate how her ultimate is pretty worthless if you're not playing with friends or communicative pubs. It's one of the best ults for its utility, but only if your team is on point and can communicate well.
I found the best strategy to counter a stacked team is to go all in with their counters. I played a game last night where the Defending Team went with multiple Torbjorns, so we went with multiple Reinhadts and destroyed their puny turrets with ease.
I want to know this too, any GAF community for easy adding of players on PC? Add me pls ARMADA#11113
Why did you report him? Bastion is a robot he doesnt have a mom. a Bastion player? huh
Did you win? Wondering if we played together. This sounds similar to a match I had last night. We were rolling with 6 Tor for a while but the enemy team couldn't finish pushing the payload.
This is true, if the Bastion is still set up and not moving then he is not 'mlg Bastion".An mlg Genji uses the deflect as cover to close the distance, swift strike in and farm Bastion's core.
An actual mlg Bastion gets up and hauls ass when he sees the Genji coming.
Symmetra's shields do recharge.
TIL. They usually break as soon as you take damage because of how small the shield is in my experience, so I didn't think so.
It was close (came down to two Overtimes), but we won in the end.