Scatter arrow? I shoot them at people's feet (ground) to kill them instantly.
Nope, was just a pulled back single arrow.
Scatter arrow? I shoot them at people's feet (ground) to kill them instantly.
I'd just limit his turning radius so that you can actually flank him when he's stuck in turret mode. I'm so surprised they gave him that insane damage and the ability to completely swivel around. You know, like most manned turrets we see in vidya.
These loot boxes are starting to feel like a fucking crane game
white white blue white. 5 loot boxes in a row of this shit.
A whole day full of 2x Bastion, 1x Torbjorn, 1x Mercy, 1x Reinhardt and 1x Widowmaker/Pharah defence teams making my life miserable. There is nothing you can do against this type of garbage if they position themselves correctly in the chokepoints to make your only access in direct line of fire of minigun hell, everything is shredded before it even turns the corner so even full coordinated ult attacks fail. And if you do manage to make a dent? Bee-boop-bee-beep x2, MOLTEN CORE, heroes never die.
For the love of god he just shouldn't have sniper rifle accuracy at extreme distance, Widowmaker and Hanzo should not have to be fearful of peeking their head out halfway across the map to line up a shot if they are meant to be counters. As it is, the amount of skill required to take down a shielded Bastion is not even remotely in proportion to the effort needed to play a shielded Bastion - that is why people don't like him.
Does Hanzo have auto aim? People look like they're shooting into a random area and it hits me in the head lol
Big arrow hitboxes.
Anyone else stuck in a permanent loop of skirmishes? The game repeatedly fails to find a game with enough players. What gives?
This is via Quick Play.
Am I the only one that is confused/irked that there is a distinction between "Eliminations" and "Kills" (i.e. "solo kills") in this game? Is there a difference? What the hell are "solo kills" anyway and how do they differ from "Eliminations" or assists? Blizzard, if you're worried about the children then just call everything eliminations and don't use the word "kill."
I pulled a guy playing Winston into that empty well thing with Roadhog so many times he switched to Roadhog to try and pull me in it and he eventually did and i wasn't even mad it was hilarious.
A shielded bastion means you are wasting 2 characters on it. Dont get me wrong its annoying and hard to crack, but certainly not "nothing you can do about it"
Eliminations are kills + kills you assisted in. So you get "eliminations" from doing damage and an ally finishing them off, or I think buffing allies to help them do damage? not sure
Am I the only one that is confused/irked that there is a distinction between "Eliminations" and "Kills" (i.e. "solo kills") in this game? Is there a difference? What the hell are "solo kills" anyway and how do they differ from "Eliminations" or assists? Blizzard, if you're worried about the children then just call everything eliminations and don't use the word "kill."
I love trying to get ring outs, this felt good earlier:
Eliminations are kills + kills you assisted in. So you get "eliminations" from doing damage and an ally finishing them off, or I think buffing allies to help them do damage? not sure
I love trying to get ring outs, this felt good earlier:
I made Play of the Game as Pharah with an epic quad-kill earlier. Couldn't help but feel a little undermined though...
A true roller coaster of emotions.
Bloody Mercy![]()
I got so many skins during the beta, including a couple rares. Hardly any in the full game though.I now hate the Loot Boxes not a single epic or legendary skin yet..
I love trying to get ring outs, this felt good earlier:
These loot boxes are starting to feel like a fucking crane game
white white blue white. 5 loot boxes in a row of this shit.
I got POTG as Mercy earlier today, resurrecting 4 guys from Junkrat's ult, and then finished it by killing their Reinhart.
I was pretty proud of myself.
All 3 were attempted. Rein shield is shredded in seconds under fire from 2 Bastion making him worthless, Winston ult can make them scatter a little if done right but he doesn't last long under two miniguns. The most promising ended up being D.Va nuke chained with Mei freeze and Winston ult with Widowmaker cover fire, but by the end of that HEROES NEVER DIE and you're staring 2 angry Bastion tanks in the face as Reinhardt has just knocked you onto the floor.D.Va E, Winston shield, Reinhardt shield of your own, D.Va ult? I dunno, man, it kind of just sounds like you need a tank. Attacking emplaced defenses is what tanks are for.
I pulled a guy playing Winston into that empty well thing with Roadhog so many times he switched to Roadhog to try and pull me in it and he eventually did and i wasn't even mad it was hilarious.
It seems like a team wipe is actually less effective than getting the other teams respawns staggered in the public matches.
Solo kills are when you kill someone and the number beside the "You eliminated *****" is 100, meaning you contributed 100% to their death.
Yeah, a team wipe can really be the perfect staging ground for a comeback, assuming there's enough time left to get back to the objective.It seems like a team wipe is actually less effective than getting the other teams respawns staggered in the public matches, depending on the game type and side of course.
What's great is they always shoot at you from the other side over and over expecting a different outcome.I keep so many enemy bodies down there. Fucking hilarious as Roadhog.
I laughed at this gif for about 30 seconds straight.I love trying to get ring outs, this felt good earlier:
This game can be incredibly frustrating sometimes
How's this game on Xbox One? Thinking of picking it up.
Overwatch seems sold out on PS4 (the $49 version). They listing resellers as the main item now. Crazy shit.
How's this game on Xbox One? Thinking of picking it up.
Not sure if that's normal or not but Doom is the same way right now it seems. Might not be as rare or insane as it initially appears.
SkullHydra said:A few questions for other PS4 players:
- When someone asks for an invite, and it says press Y or N, how the heck do accept it?
- Is there no way to leave a lobby with your whole group? Everyone I've been playing with has just been quitting and reinviting.
These have all most likely been answered before, but this thread moves so fast.And my work blocked NeoGAF. ;_;
I really wish they would stop spawning me into games right as 'defeat' pops up on the screen.
How's this game on Xbox One? Thinking of picking it up.
There is no way to leave as a group on console. From what I know, funny enough, you can leave as a group on PC, but if you're using a controller instead of KB/M, the option doesn't appear. Pester Blizzard to put it in, because I'm getting sick of us always having to leave and reform.Reposting as I couldn't find any answers:
Also, I feel like I'm weird for not really ever being frustrated with this game. Even when we get wrecked by some cheese strategy or something, I'm still having fun trying to figure out what I should've done, and eagerly looking forward to the next game.