"H" is for Ryuu ga waga teki go fuck yourself"N" is for anywhere and anytime at all..
"H" is for Ryuu ga waga teki go fuck yourself"N" is for anywhere and anytime at all..
How do you counter reinheart plus bastion plus turrets setup outside of base?
I have seen my team mates do it to others and only thought 'wow, that seems nasty'. I have not had the pleasure of being on the receiving end, and don't really know what I would do if I were.
My team mates did it with one bastion, two bjorn, one reinheart, lucio (stood next to bastion and one bjorn), he would also throw them back into turret radius if they got close.
Bastion and bjorn were healed if they took damage, but protected by reinheart anyway so that made damage dealing difficult. They tried pushing out with reinheart but bastions damage when buffed with mercy stripped his shield in under a second or two, and everyone else went down pretty much instantly.
If someone escaped my team would comically shout 'we've got a runner!' and I would use Genji to chase down and kill them. Wasn't common or difficult most of the time, it tended to be phara who just her jump pack to get really high and lose line of sight quickly, but she tended to get shot in the process so wasn't in a position to live.
They tried to escape with Mei's icewall but it would always get destroyed and because we had a second turret and tjborn, the ones that used it for cover were still getting shot.
What should they have done in this situation? Maybe they were bad at the game but it seemed like a tough spot to be in from my perspective.
Should have had a Lucio speed boost to get out w/Tracer and Soldier
If you're being camped outside of spawn, Pharah and Junkrat are the best formation disruptors.
I wish people would realize that a charged shot to the body can actually be more useful in terms of damage to some characters. Rather than aiming for that 1 in a million headshot that they can't make.
That new masteroverwatch.com site, from reddit, seems neat. Only just loaded my profile and had a quick look around. Apparently I'm ranked 55th as Junkrat on the site!
My profile:
If Bastion is protected by a Reinhardt, that's difficult because it renders a Roadhog (normally good against Bastion) ineffective.How do you counter reinheart plus bastion plus turrets setup outside of base?
I have seen my team mates do it to others and only thought 'wow, that seems nasty'. I have not had the pleasure of being on the receiving end, and don't really know what I would do if I were.
My team mates did it with one bastion, two bjorn, one reinheart, lucio (stood next to bastion and one bjorn), he would also throw them back into turret radius if they got close.
Bastion and bjorn were healed if they took damage, but protected by reinheart anyway so that made damage dealing difficult. They tried pushing out with reinheart but bastions damage when buffed with mercy stripped his shield in under a second or two, and everyone else went down pretty much instantly.
If someone escaped my team would comically shout 'we've got a runner!' and I would use Genji to chase down and kill them. Wasn't common or difficult most of the time, it tended to be phara who just her jump pack to get really high and lose line of sight quickly, but she tended to get shot in the process so wasn't in a position to live.
They tried to escape with Mei's icewall but it would always get destroyed and because we had a second turret and tjborn, the ones that used it for cover were still getting shot.
What should they have done in this situation? Maybe they were bad at the game but it seemed like a tough spot to be in from my perspective.
"H" is for Ryuu ga waga teki go fuck yourself
Yes, that's the reason I'm not hitting them.
Yeah... let's go with that
Teach me your ways.
Eh the had a Lucio with speed boost and he was just getting shot, didn't think about soldier. Does soldier go fast enough (with speedboost) that turrets don't track him?
I guess it would take a coordinated team, as even if one of them got away as I say, I would kill them with Genji, which didn't tend to be difficult in itself.
Was playing Genji yesterday. Came upon a Pharah who was in mid-air. I jumped and hit shift and killed her with a mid-air slice. Yeah, I think I am going to play more of this dude.
If Bastion is protected by a Reinhardt, that's difficult because it renders a Roadhog (normally good against Bastion) ineffective.
How about a team comp of something like Genji, Reinhardt, Mei, Pharah, Lucio and Junkrat?
That's true. I was actually thinking that Winston wouldn't necessarily be an awful choice to disrupt and draw fire, but a sniper would probably be a better replacement. A decent sniper instead of Pharah might actually work better.You want to add a Sniper in there, Reinhardt can only ever shield in one direction, while you have people distracting the front, shoot Bastion in the back. You need to flank from 2 sides at once.
I'd love to tell you how many times tonight I missed my Roadhog bodyshots on Numbani attack, but I can't. Because I can't count that high.
Sometimes my widowmaker shit comes together.
Sometimes it reaaaally doesn't.
It's a silent "H"?There is literally not a single "H" in that phrase.
What exactly are you trying to pull here, Tecnniqe?
I actually really love his Origins outfit, but I think I'll switch to the base model when I get a recolor.
Was playing Genji yesterday. Came upon a Pharah who was in mid-air. I jumped and hit shift and killed her with a mid-air slice. Yeah, I think I am going to play more of this dude.
It is, because I had pubbies doing it, and it's not hard to beat.Please dont tell me all torbjorn on defense on dorado is becoming a thing.
Come back to me when you miss Reinhardt's shield.
Not because I've done it. I just want to laugh at you.
It's a silent "H"?
Pretty slick kill.This is probably my most favorite Genji kill so far.
I think I'm ready to finally say Genji's my favorite. Roadhog and Pharah are incredible, but no stone cuts the river quite like Genji.
Yes.Is it also an invisible H? Is that what the kids are into these days?
That happened to me yesterday. It wasnt on holywood was it?
Ran a match as one of five Bjorns and one Mercy, it was done as a joke, but we ended up spawn trapping the other team the entire match.
What is a good counter to Roadhog? I find myself often having to deal with him in enclosed spaces with no real option to engage from far away. Is he the prime close-quarter fighter or is there someone who could beat him at that?
Running circles around him with Tor's shotgun is fun! Not the best choice for sure, but that's what I do a lot.What is a good counter to Roadhog? I find myself often having to deal with him in enclosed spaces with no real option to engage from far away. Is he the prime close-quarter fighter or is there someone who could beat him at that?
That new masteroverwatch.com site, from reddit, seems neat. Only just loaded my profile and had a quick look around. Apparently I'm ranked 55th as Junkrat on the site!
My profile:
Speaking of the dwarf, this happened not to long ago, like i don't know what set it off but it was extremely funny seeing them try to counter pick.
So what's the best way to counter a whole team of Tor turret players?
You haven't lived until you've done a 6-man Lucio defense.
We actually won that game.
It is, because I had pubbies doing it, and it's not hard to beat.
That new masteroverwatch.com site, from reddit, seems neat. Only just loaded my profile and had a quick look around. Apparently I'm ranked 55th as Junkrat on the site!
My profile:
That new masteroverwatch.com site, from reddit, seems neat. Only just loaded my profile and had a quick look around. Apparently I'm ranked 55th as Junkrat on the site!
My profile:
That new masteroverwatch.com site, from reddit, seems neat. Only just loaded my profile and had a quick look around. Apparently I'm ranked 55th as Junkrat on the site!
My profile:
I push the objective and drop shields wherever the my teammates are to provide cover. I do a lot of large jumps to get behind enemies and start zapping them in the back. The jump is great when you want to get to objectives, run away from enemies and sometimes confusing them. I've had a couple moments where a well aimed jump made the enemy lost track of me. Jump is also good for easily jumping up to sniper spots and killing Widows. Ults seems to come really easy too given how in your face I try to get when fighting. Only issue I have is losing track of where anything is when I ult.
That new masteroverwatch.com site, from reddit, seems neat. Only just loaded my profile and had a quick look around. Apparently I'm ranked 55th as Junkrat on the site!
My profile:
That new masteroverwatch.com site, from reddit, seems neat. Only just loaded my profile and had a quick look around. Apparently I'm ranked 55th as Junkrat on the site!
My profile:
So what's the best way to counter a whole team of Tor turret players?
That new masteroverwatch.com site, from reddit, seems neat. Only just loaded my profile and had a quick look around. Apparently I'm ranked 55th as Junkrat on the site!
My profile: