Pretty sure they're expecting the rest of the team to play the objective while they just go do what ever they want. It can sort of work sometimes, but most of the time they're really just dead weight.
Titanfall/SFV stans coming out of the woodwork who feel like OW is getting a free pass for no SP when "their" game didn't. Comparing it to SFV's dumpster fire of a launch is not even worth entertaining, but I do think Titanfall got a lot of undeserved blowback for its lackluster but truly irrelevant campaign. I believe that discrepancy in reception is due to a) marketing and b) different playerbases being more vocal. For OW it's mainly PC-centric gamers steering the hype train and those have known and pushed for MP-only titles for decades while mainstream console gamers at large still value a "full package" very highly, even if one half of it is shit. Them only getting the full-price Origins edition amplifies that sentiment as well.
why would ADS be needed for aim assist?
It reminds me of these animal hats.
That's me. Every. Single. Time.IIIIT'S HIIIGH NOO-hgrkh!!
Titanfall/SFV stans coming out of the woodwork who feel like OW is getting a free pass for no SP when "their" game didn't. Comparing it to SFV's dumpster fire of a launch is not even worth entertaining, but I do think Titanfall got a lot of undeserved blowback for its lackluster but truly irrelevant campaign. I believe that discrepancy in reception is due to a) marketing and b) different playerbases being more vocal. For OW it's mainly PC-centric gamers steering the hype train and those have known and pushed for MP-only titles for decades while mainstream console gamers at large still value a "full package" very highly, even if one half of it is shit. Them only getting the full-price Origins edition amplifies that sentiment as well.
Did you miss my post?
You know your team is fucked when your Mercy has her pistol out the entire match.
Or hilariously wrecking.
Die! Die! D-ugh!
Well if theres constant aim assist, wont your sensitivity just be completely balls constantly? I dont play console shooters, so i dont know how it works, hence why im asking
Pretty sure they're expecting the rest of the team to play the objective while they just go do what ever they want. It can sort of work sometimes, but most of the time they're really just dead weight.
I'm actually fuming over this
Blizz customer service wants me to call Taco Bell to complain that my free copy of Overwatch that I redeemed a week before their game launched didn't come with a preorder exclusive skin...
It is simply because of the toxic "carrot on a stick" narrative that has plagued the industry ever since COD4 started the trend. Gameplay no longer is the king, it is the treadmill that matters to them. Titanfall is one of the victims of that trend as well.
I play Mercy a lot and have never seen a healer get play of the game. Wtf - can't healers get some respect?
Got the play of the game in my second match! Quadruple kill with Bastion.![]()
I play Mercy a lot and have never seen a healer get play of the game. Wtf - can't healers get some respect?
You know your team is fucked when your Mercy has her pistol out the entire match.
I play Mercy a lot and have never seen a healer get play of the game. Wtf - can't healers get some respect?
I play Mercy a lot and have never seen a healer get play of the game. Wtf - can't healers get some respect?
I think it has already been said before, but Mei is broken in Arcade Mode. I've won multiple games just spamming her ice heal every three seconds.
How is it entitlement? I would have gladly paid $60 for the complete version of the game had I known the Taco Bell version wouldn't be. I'm not some filthy poor.lmao @ the entitlement 😂😂😂
Last night, I played a match where the majority of the team reverse trolled the two people who insisted on playing Hanzo by all playing Hanzo. We got stomped, but no one changed the entire match.
Last night, I played a match where the majority of the team reverse trolled the two people who insisted on playing Hanzo by all playing Hanzo. We got stomped, but no one changed the entire match.
How is it entitlement? I would have gladly paid $60 for the complete version of the game had I known the Taco Bell version wouldn't be. I'm not some filthy poor.
How is it entitlement? I would have gladly paid $60 for the complete version of the game had I known the Taco Bell version wouldn't be. I'm not some filthy poor.
I'm actually fuming over this
Blizz customer service wants me to call Taco Bell to complain that my free copy of Overwatch that I redeemed a week before their game launched didn't come with a preorder exclusive skin...
How is it entitlement? I would have gladly paid $60 for the complete version of the game had I known the Taco Bell version wouldn't be. I'm not some filthy poor.
What completely boggles my mind is we're supposed to escort the payload, and they just go on ahead, like if it was a war of attrition while completely forgetting the objective. Can't you see what you're suppossed to do on the top of the screen or the bright red/blue icon telling you what to do?!
It seems like a TON of my capture point games get to 99% and then we lose control/go into overtime. It's like they've designed the gamemode for this to happen somehow. Really bizarre. Even both teams will get to 99% quite often.
It seems like a TON of my capture point games get to 99% and then we lose control/go into overtime. It's like they've designed the gamemode for this to happen somehow. Really bizarre. Even both teams will get to 99% quite often.
It seems like a TON of my capture point games get to 99% and then we lose control/go into overtime. It's like they've designed the gamemode for this to happen somehow. Really bizarre. Even both teams will get to 99% quite often.
It seems like a TON of my capture point games get to 99% and then we lose control/go into overtime. It's like they've designed the gamemode for this to happen somehow. Really bizarre. Even both teams will get to 99% quite often.
It's exclusive tho... Exclusive to like 99% of the people playing the game right now but NOT me. It feels bad.You're actually complaining about this? Be glad that you got a game for free and some Taco Bell. You really would have paid $60 just to get one (useless) skin? Lmao, we "filthy poors" out here are pretty fine playing without the extra skins
This is the reason I'm hesitant to buy my PS4 copy yet. The end of the beta was just this. Trying to play as Mercy and push the payload solo with two edgelord Genji and Reapers with two Tracer's behind enemy lines spamming "I NEED SOME HEALING".
This is the reason I'm hesitant to buy my PS4 copy yet. The end of the beta was just this. Trying to play as Mercy and push the payload solo with two edgelord Genji and Reapers with two Tracer's behind enemy lines spamming "I NEED SOME HEALING".
It's exclusive tho... Exclusive to like 99% of the people playing the game right now but NOT me. It feels bad.
I play Mercy a lot and have never seen a healer get play of the game. Wtf - can't healers get some respect?
I play Mercy a lot and have never seen a healer get play of the game. Wtf - can't healers get some respect?
This is the reason I'm hesitant to buy my PS4 copy yet. The end of the beta was just this. Trying to play as Mercy and push the payload solo with two edgelord Genji and Reapers with two Tracer's behind enemy lines spamming "I NEED SOME HEALING".