except Mercy would also be dead?
My fear of Roadhog when I play as Mercy is very real.
Got my first legendary..........
Its Punk Tracer![]()
Got my first legendary..........
Its Punk Tracer![]()
except Mercy would also be dead?
Wow, I played a ton in the beta and this week, but I just now realized the difference between "eliminations" and "final blows."
I was wondering why it often gave me an elimination when it seems like someone else made the actual kill.
This should be the official image of Overwatch
overwatch is the only game that makes me feel good about getting assists, like i've never felt bad about getting a kill stolen by a teammate. not having a k/d constantly breathing down your neck is also nice.
Not on my watch! I love playing Support, so it's no biggie, but I often find myself being the healer in most matches. Public games, of course.This should be the official image of Overwatch
You need to play extremely smart as a mercy player.As a smart mercy you never get so close to a group of your teammates as to get killed by any ult.
Level 20 and no skins -at all- for me... not even gold...
except Mercy would also be dead?
So many times my team loses when were on 99% how does that even happen so often?!
have you gotten any legendaries? if not i think your next loot box will have one. i think there's a pitty drop after 20. could be mistaken though.
my first loot box was legendary young Hanzo, my lvl 19 loot box was legendary Reinhardt. lvl 20 and no drops for Genji yet.
Any advice on how to get better with Mei? I keep doing bad panic ice walls or just plain bad placement.
Okay, so who has the shittiest ultimate?
Got my first legendary..........
Its Punk Tracer![]()
Okay, so who has the shittiest ultimate?
My vote is for Roadhog. It doesn't push people as well as Pharah's rocket or even Lucio's soundwave. It doesn't do enough damage to actually scare anyone off. It doesn't provide any shield, health or invulnerability so as to prevent just being shot to death.
It sucks. And I love Roadhog.
This should be the official image of Overwatch
Widowmaker, Winston, or Roadhog
Zarya and Reinhardt's arm wrestle sprays can line up!
I don't know what the tier lists are right now, but I think Mercy has to be topping it. On a team where she is protected she will turn the tide of a match. I have been in a situation where basically we took out everyone at the first capture in hollywood. Mercy had just enough health, got away and revived everyone and we got stomped. In attack I like playing mercy, or I'll play an offensive character and keep an eye out for her.
have you gotten any legendaries? if not i think your next loot box will have one. i think there's a pitty drop after 20. could be mistaken though.
my first loot box was legendary young Hanzo, my lvl 19 loot box was legendary Reinhardt. lvl 20 and no drops for Genji yet.
The world doesn't derserve or should have this game cause it is incapable of playing it.
So fucking tired of picking support all the time cause I am 100% sure nobody else and we will loose the match even fucking harder unless someone goes with it. So tired of seeing nobody with flexibility to actually choose ANY OTHER HERO than the first they pick.
Widowmaker, Winston, or Roadhog
I just can't get a handle on D.Va whatsoever. When I'm going up against her she seems really capable, but when I'm controlling her my mech goes down so fast and the guns feel so weak. I want to like D.Va, but I'm much better with Reinhardt and Winston. Haven't even touched Zarya and Roadhog yet. So many characters, so little time.
Seagull is live.
Just had 47 kills with McCree.
Watching him helps a lot getting better at the game, he plays it since closed beta day 1.
... what?
So good with Hanzo.
And lol yeah least it was a turret killing PotG for Torbjorn.XD
Equip it with pride.
Don't complain, level 25, first legendary, it was Zarya's arctic skin. A character I don't play and an even worse skin
Level 20 and no skins -at all- for me... not even gold...
... what?
Yeah Widow's ult is extremely useful.
Seagull is live.
Just had 47 kills with McCree.
Watching him helps a lot getting better at the game, he plays it since closed beta day 1.
I would trade you the devil mercy I got if I could, now that thing is ugly.