As Pharrah do I wanna stay in the air as much as possible or is it too risky due to her slow mobility in the air?
Avoid hovering if the other team has even a halfway-decent Widow - but hit that jump jet as often as you can
As Pharrah do I wanna stay in the air as much as possible or is it too risky due to her slow mobility in the air?
Don't quote me on this but I think it depends on how far you are from your target.So i've been aiming with hanzo "wrong" all tghis time? I went into the pratice range and the arrow seems to hit between the middle and the top crosshair when fully pulled back.
As Pharrah do I wanna stay in the air as much as possible or is it too risky due to her slow mobility in the air?
As someone who I guess you could say "mains" D.VA nothing is scarier to me as D.VA than Winston or Mei.![]()
Yep, i hope for once Blizzard doesn't listen to all the whiners and tells them to git gud instead.
Longer cooldown. Keep it strong, make misusing it more punishing.Those of you suggesting they nerf McRee's flashbang.. how exactly would they nerf it? Removing that completely removes his strength as a character.
Same goes with the turret.. how do you nerf it without completely ruining the character? Learn how to counter it
With other tanks, there feels like there's a trick to outsmarting them but Zarya, I just cannot get through those shields.
Overwatch semi-lore update done in a style of a journalist article came up yesterday if anyone is interested.
Ran into a couple of games today against people who really really knew how to play their heroes. Specifically ran into a Tracer in one game that was basically 1v6ing our entire team. Perfect blinks, perfect recalls, perfect bombs every time. She had 3 times the elims as the gold medal on our team. We managed to win the game due to a crazy Zarya/Mei wombo defense on the final checkpoint in overtime, but that was one of the hardest games I've played so far.
I just can't play Tracer at all so it blows my mind when someone gets like 40 eliminations with her. I like her pistols though as it feels easy to get headshots with them.
Does that feel ok on console?Change the horizontal sensitivity to 100, game changer for Tracer.
Does that feel ok on console?
The final release seems to run a bit worse on my PC than the beta did. Running a GTX 970.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Change the horizontal sensitivity to 100, game changer for Tracer.
Thanks! I'll try that when I get home. I knew the layouts were separate, but I was a bit intimidated by tweaking stuff.Definitely yes. And since control layouts are different for each character the rest are untouched.
I might start using Soldier more when I need offense. He is such an easily utilized character with good skills
Regarding torb, the implemented idea around scrap doesn't really fit with his playstyle as somebody that enjoys playing him. The scrap mechanic to give people armor needs to be collected unlike symmetra who can reapply her shield at anytime. Some people who aren't familiar with the ability might say it makes him less likely to baby sit his turret but he's not a frontline hero(only 200 hp with a slow gun and average mobility, ill say he's better as mid range help) so you'll be missing out on tons of scrap to help armor your team, I honestly prefer if it had a cooldown. And people complaining about the turret I dont get when it takes six seconds to get the thing to level 2 and it has a six second cooldown, you do the math.
Feel the game being designed around hero switching, is gonna be its downfall in the long run. Its very annoying that you cant just have a casul time with the hero you wanna play, because the enemy has afew bastion and now you gotta switch or lose.
I'm scared that I will not hit anything like that but thanks, I will try it.
Thanks! I'll try that when I get home. I knew the layouts were separate, but I was a bit intimidated by tweaking stuff.
Don't quote me on this but I think it depends on how far you are from your target.
So far I've been a Junkrat hog but decided to try Mercy out, was going ok then decided to try Zenyatta out.
Zenny is fantastic and truly feels that while I'm helping out and healing (where possibly I enjoy support classes) I can do some damage. Might have found my new main (although he doesn't shine while being harassed by two tracers while the rest of my team ignore them battering the healer)
From the article:
We know a bunch of these, but not all.
Morrison: Soldier 76
Reyes: Reaper
Amari:SombraPharah's mother
Liao: ???
Wilhelm: Reinhardt
Lindholm: Torbjorn
So after Amari there's at least one more founder of Overwatch, who we know nothing about.
Attacking point B on Temple of Anubis is the fucking worst.
Who are the best Mei counters? Preferably a non-Offensive character if possible.
Maybe on the first couple of games, but you will quickly adapt. If you don't see a change, change it progressively, start with 70, 90 and then 100.
I play every shooter at 100. Give much more control and is better to watch your back.
Tracer or a Pharah. Otherwise, just overwhelm her. She can't really do much if she's outnumbered other than try to take a sacrificial pick, stall, or run the hell away. Either way, if you kill her or force her to back off, you've done your job.
turret needs a huge huge huge nerf
same dude got a 30 kill streak from doing nothing but sit next to his cannon ! broken as fuck
There is nothing better than Styling on People as Lucio.
God is that a fun character. So utterly,utterly fun.