Any gold's on PSN want to play some comp games ?
Theslightconfuse on psn
Theslightconfuse on psn
Oh god, don't remind me. While it's possible to counter a team that protects their Bastion player, it can be a headache if you can't communicate/cordornate.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Spent 30 bucks on lootboxes.
Other than cruiser DVa...
I'm less than 2 games to platinum! I got up to 2481 then fell to 2456. Urghhhh. No one will play with me tonight.![]()
If you're playing the PC version, I can hop on to help you out.
Ah darn, I'm on psn! Thanks for the offer though!
*Gets 2485 SR*
Oh my god. oh. my. god.
Platinum. Within my reach.
*loses game. 2460 SR*
Um...well, that's too bad, but it's still good. If I win the next one, I might just get enough to push through!
*Gets leaver next round. 2440.*
Well, atleast I can get close if I win the next one?
*Lost to an attack Torb on Dorodo. 2400*
Okay, fine, overwatch. I'm out.
Lmao that's exactly what I'm scared of happening to me.
I'm done trying to win with randoms. Passive mode on. Puts on podcast.
I can't wait for this double xp event to be over so that all these useless assholes can fuck off.
Oh... I'm deleting this garbage game. I wanna play/dl Titanfall 2 again. That game is fun!
Never seeing anotherd dime from me blizzard, you fucking hacks.
Pooh is back.
Edit: Legendary nonevent Bastion. C'mon
Wow. Literally carried a game as Zen with heals from Lucio, killed the whole team. That's getting saved.
The fuck is up with people who ask for healing over the voice chat? I aint know where you are
Elo hell is real. I basically accidentally smurfed my account to 1400 by not caring at all about winning in quick play and not bothering to actually learn what to do during placements and the first 20 or 30 competitive games.
When does this event end?
Yo guys! Anyone from eu [ pc ]around for some games!!
I wish there was a way to practice with some sort of common sense. I want to better myself with other heroes, but the Practice Range and battling against Ana bots can only do so much.
Any suggestions?
Let me switch servers. I won't have my mic on, if that's alright?