On the flip side, healers always yell at me to stop breaking EoS as Roadhog, and it's a little annoying that they're trying to heal me while half of our team is dying.
Do you mean LoS?
On the flip side, healers always yell at me to stop breaking EoS as Roadhog, and it's a little annoying that they're trying to heal me while half of our team is dying.
Er Genji, reflecting Symmetra's beam isn't going to work.XD A Genji in the last match tried to do that twice, and lead to his death.
I think it becomes like a muscle memory thing. "I'm taking damage! Deflect! Ohhhhh durnit that's not helping..."
Sometimes I'll automatically hit my ult on another character because it's my rewind button on Tracer.
They were... very bad gravs.
Heh yeah I could see that.
Also kind of funny when people tell me that Symmetra is ez mode, but idk, I feel she can be pretty tricky to use, and has quite a few counters. Shield gen could probably use a time limit through.
Lasts 2 seconds or until just after Chance switches to Tracer. May last up to 30 seconds if Chance needs ult to pop it.
It totally has a time limit, tho. When the Sym changes went live the patch notes said
- Shield Generator (New Ultimate Ability Option)
Symmetra's Ultimate ability now offers a choice between Teleporter and a new option:
Shield Generator- Shield Generator places a device that grants additional shields to allies within its effective radius (regardless of barriers, walls, or obstacles between them and the Shield Generator)
- Lasts 2 seconds or until just after Chance switches to Tracer. May last up to 30 seconds if Chance needs ult to pop it.
Can someone tell me what rank contains people with common sense (Grandmaster, Top 500, etc)?
Huh, that doesn't say anything about a timer for the shield gen? Unless that last part is talking about how long the shield stays when you get out of the radius, which I am kind of confuse regarding that part.
None lol.
I still see Grandmasters and Top 500s losing matches because they refused to swap off their mains, or got pissy when someone told them they were doing something wrong and started throwing.
None lol.
I still see Grandmasters and Top 500s losing matches because they refused to swap off their mains, or got pissy when someone told them they were doing something wrong and started throwing.
He's being facetious.![]()
I think until 5pm PST on the 12th.We still have the 12th for the event, right? I'd like to get a few more boxes before dropping 3k on a filthy hanzo skin.
So a full day in EU, cool. Thanks.I think until 5pm PST on the 12th.
Huh, that doesn't say anything about a timer for the shield gen? Unless that last part is talking about how long the shield stays when you get out of the radius, which I am kind of confuse regarding that part.
I tend to have more success dealing with it as D.va. Tracer can get caught up on the turrets or someone coming in to deal with her. D.Va could have her ass cooked by Symmetra as she's doing it and be like "Lol, don't even care"
More often than not, the challenge is finding it in the first place.
2-stacks that insta-lock DPS and are garbage with them are my most hated thing in comp now
2-stacks that insta-lock DPS and are garbage with them are my most hated thing in comp now
So I've only been playing this game for a few weeks now and I've used this x2 XP weekend to really boost my level from 12 to 27 so I could play in the competitive league. I won 4 out of 10 games, had some really crappy teammates a few times...I swear they were throwing.
Anyway, I came out with 1843 SR and a Silver placement. Is that good?
Are the Arcade rewards going to reset before the event is over, or at the same time?
So I've only been playing this game for a few weeks now and I've used this x2 XP weekend to really boost my level from 12 to 27 so I could play in the competitive league. I won 4 out of 10 games, had some really crappy teammates a few times...I swear they were throwing.
Anyway, I came out with 1843 SR and a Silver placement. Is that good?
I love it when they don't protect it, though. Just sittin' there, no turrets, no one to stop me...
Alright, literally like 2 wins away from platinum. Anyone within 1000SR of my score wanna play? PSN.
The double xp might have thrown you into comp too early before you were able to learn the game properly. Silver is on the lower end of things.
Well, I wish I had you against our Sym just now on Hollywood.
"Tracer, go find and destroy the teleporter"
"Nah, if I keep dying to this reinhardt, the enemy team will get really demoralized at my easy and casual death and give up!"
Okay first of all deleting a Rein is a Tracer's greatest pleasure, so I get where she's comin' from.
Second, when Sym's rework went live, that first week, I shut down a Sym's ults on Hollywood so hard she quit the game after the third one (when the pulse bomb took her, the shield gen and her Reaper out).
Just right.jpg
I keep staying diamond to avoid playing comp with Ned, it's good motivation.
I keep staying diamond to avoid playing comp with Ned, it's good motivation.
Batman has failed me. He was supposed to bring you down.
Well, that's not what she was doing one way or another. She was dyin'. Over and over and over. If she managed to delete Rein, it was only for about 5 seconds before he was instantly on the point again.
Usually, I take care of teleporters cuz I'm D.Va and Syms can't do shit to me, but I was Mercy so it was up to Tracer. Sometimes Tracers just gotta do their jobs.
Batman has failed me. He was supposed to bring you down.