Is there a way for PS4 to recognize when someone is using a mouse? It would be great if mouse users had an icon show up next to their portrait to stop the whole guessing game we play.
I just use standard phone earbuds but would like to get a better setup. Any recommmendations for less than 75?
it's more than $75, but I got turned onto the hyperx cloud 2's and I love them ($100).
They do also have the earlier model for $70 (, but I haven't used them. Sure they're almost the same
A thread on them:
Recommendations in general:
Ugh a good suggestion down the drainI don't think so.
.I just use standard phone earbuds but would like to get a better setup. Any recommmendations for less than 75?
They're alright, sennheissers are dececent enough with their build quality and okaaay with their sound quality for a headset package, that said you can get way better imo.
The best budget package right now for a headset loadout imo is:
$55 - Philips SHP 9500S
$30 - VModa Boom Pro Microphone
Unfortunately, the boompro mic is backstock at the moment but it plugs right directly in to the port.
If people are willing to spend more:
100% COMPETITION GAMING FOCUS/VOCAL HIGHS - $270 - Audio Technica Audiophile ATH-AD1000X
Former can connect to VMODA Boom Pro. Latter prolly needs an Antlion Mod Mic if you want headset solution.
You could also go budget for 100% Competition build with an $100 - Audio Technica ATH-AD700X
but the 9500s are phenomenal on their own already and are already a great all rounder.
None of the above need any AMP powerage either, dacs could arguably give better sound so shrug.
ALSO, for an easy great audio quality WIRED CONSOLE SOLUTION:
$23.99 - Fiio D3 (D03 K) Digital to Analog Audio Coverter
This thread is dead. The post at the top of this page (50 posts per page) is from like 17 hours ago.
Is there a way for PS4 to recognize when someone is using a mouse? It would be great if mouse users had an icon show up next to their portrait to stop the whole guessing game we play.
PS4 users, do you use kontrol freaks?
PS4 users, do you use kontrol freaks?
I think it's tiny bit too busy.
True, true. Blizz would never release a skin that has too many bits and details to it.
It's so subtle I can barely even see it.
Every event skin for Genji has been a home run.
PS4 users, do you use kontrol freaks?
Zarya continues to have the worst skins. Even the Cyberia is ruined by the shitty pastel colors. I love the gun model tho.
it's more than $75, but I got turned onto the hyperx cloud 2's and I love them ($100).
They do also have the earlier model for $70 (, but I haven't used them. Sure they're almost the same
A thread on them:
Recommendations in general:
PS4 users, do you use kontrol freaks?
Nerf scatter arrow
I would have to cry myself to sleep every night, with an empty bottle of sake in my hand, if that ever happened.
But since Roadhog got that major nerf, I wouldn't be surprised if scatter arrow was next.
True, true. Blizz would never release a skin that has too many bits and details to it.
It's so subtle I can barely even see it.
That one is even more busy though.
Is there a way for PS4 to recognize when someone is using a mouse? It would be great if mouse users had an icon show up next to their portrait to stop the whole guessing game we play.
Ran into alot of throwers more then usual probably due to it being summer break so I figure this is the time to start taking a break for a month
or 3
I also think console wise OW is starting to hit it's downslope popularity wise the same way last holidays cod does around this time of year
Yes. Yes it is.
Edit: is the gif too harsh? I didn't mean to be snarky. It feels too harsh. I'm just gonna' leave the link to it.
Stop doing this.Soloq was fun until I got teamed with the same obnoxious two stack twice, both loses.
was in a game... someone's season high was 4K... then they are currently 2200. WHY and WHY. luckily the other team threw the game when they couldn't cap second point on volskaya.
Friday night QP is even worse. I can't even trophy hunt with these awful team comps. Gonna play something else.
Throw account probably.
My guess is they sniper main and get a shit-ton of headshots where most players wouldnt
Both of these things require moving hands off keys that are for moving and shooting and whatnot, this seems like a good way to not win games? Although I guess I can try the mic sensitivity thing, I just thought someone would've invented a solution for this problem. Surely machine learning is at the stage where it can learn what a cough sounds like and filter it out of an audio stream?