Holy hell Orisa is so fun to play as. Is she "accepted" in comp?
I snuck in an hour of Overwatch just now, what better way to reward not doing any study todayFriday night QP is even worse. I can't even trophy hunt with these awful team comps. Gonna play something else.
Holy hell Orisa is so fun to play as. Is she "accepted" in comp?
Holy hell Orisa is so fun to play as. Is she "accepted" in comp?
Playing against the nº 52 in europe using mkb being pocketed by a mercy makes me want to stop playing this crap.
Playing against the nº 52 in europe using mkb being pocketed by a mercy makes me want to stop playing this crap.
I don't understand this post at all.
I don't understand this post at all.
I'll never get Reaper's until maybe after the buff. Killing 3 guys with one clip is all luck. They fixed the exploit last time I tried it.
Comp is basically quick-play lol
I'm kinda having fun messing around, but the games don't make any sense for the most part. Widows everywhere.
Qp for me always felt more competent. Better than comp sometimes lol because team comp has people trying lmaoComp is basically quick-play lol
I'm kinda having fun messing around, but the games don't make any sense for the most part. Widows everywhere.
"can we get a mercy instead of an ana"
fuck this game
Honestly,people should not force other people to change, they should work around them instead.
Comp is basically quick-play lol
I'm kinda having fun messing around, but the games don't make any sense for the most part. Widows everywhere.
Yah, it's pointless to go solo q in Comp now. Need stacks.
This is the worst season yet. Team comps are non existent. Pharah never switches even when they have double hitscan. No one can play Winston or Reinhardt. Matches are uneven. I either get stomped into the ground because Orisa is our only tank or I stomp the enemy team because Orisa is their only tank. Diamond sure is elo hell right now
This is the worst season yet. Team comps are non existent. Pharah never switches even when they have double hitscan. No one can play Winston or Reinhardt. Matches are uneven. I either get stomped into the ground because Orisa is our only tank or I stomp the enemy team because Orisa is their only tank. Diamond sure is elo hell right now
Honestly,people should not force other people to change, they should work around them instead.
This is the worst season yet. Team comps are non existent. Pharah never switches even when they have double hitscan. No one can play Winston or Reinhardt. Matches are uneven. I either get stomped into the ground because Orisa is our only tank or I stomp the enemy team because Orisa is their only tank. Diamond sure is elo hell right now
WTB comp solo queue with non-shit teammates plz
dropped down to1414 13971377SR already
EDIT: nobody's in range of me though so I have noone to group with. Can't stay as team if we don't win either.
son, you ain't seen shit, try being down in Silver/Bronze then talk to me about elo hell.
I mean what exactly am I doing wrong here. To me that looks like a great performance. Above 50% kill participation, 2 golds (one for damage, that tells me the DPS weren't doing their jobs properly).
Lol, those harsher penalties can't come soon enough. We need these types of people to get suspended longer and permabanned.
It's a shame they're not planning to do anything about smurfs. They say "oh they get to their proper MMR in 15 games" but actually 15 games is a lot. Isn't it only 7 games a week that you have to play in the higher ranks to avoid rating decay? So they're basically saying smurfs are fine sticking around and ruining the game for everyone else for 2 weeks.
Pretty obvious that Mercy and the DPS were garbage. Rein shouldn't really be getting elim cards and Zen shouldn't be getting Gold healing, lol.I mean what exactly am I doing wrong here. To me that looks like a great performance. Above 50% kill participation, 2 golds (one for damage, that tells me the DPS weren't doing their jobs properly).
Probably trying to ddos you. RIPPlayed a game today and three from the enemy team kept sending me party invites.
Is hacking possible On Xbox? I didn't accept of course but shit was scary. I wasn't even doing that good. Just killed their Bastion and they raged or something.
Agreed. People still throw games a lot. Hanzo players still being Hanzo players.
Uninstalled the game for now until blizzard actually does something with reports.
Your right. How can someone ask a grown up man or women to switch? Game is literally full of man babies.
"hey man, can you switch?"
*Throws game*
Literally playing with big toddlers.
Yah, it's pointless to go solo q in Comp now. Need stacks.
Comp is basically quick-play lol
I'm kinda having fun messing around, but the games don't make any sense for the most part. Widows everywhere.
I blow people's minds by switching off from the characters they politely ask me to. It's hilarious, they just don't expect cooperation.
- Hey man can you switch from that Genji we really don't nee-
- okay what do you need
- holy shit. Mmm... maybe a Lucio?
- (switches to Lucio immediately)
My experience is they gang up on you switch to Mercy because you're sombra and people hate sombra for some reason. And even though you tell them you're not good at Mercy or Ann but will do it since everyone wants you to, you still get hated on later.
This happens basically every single time. It's why I've completely given up on listening to other teammates demands of me.
WTB comp solo queue with non-shit teammates plz
dropped down to1414 13971377SR already
EDIT: nobody's in range of me though so I have noone to group with. Can't stay as team if we don't win either.
son, you ain't seen shit, try being down in Silver/Bronze then talk to me about elo hell.
I mean what exactly am I doing wrong here. To me that looks like a great performance. Above 50% kill participation, 2 golds (one for damage, that tells me the DPS weren't doing their jobs properly).
After getting placed in Diamond, I solo Q climbed my way up to GM as Mercy only. First time hitting GM in 5 seasons =O (PC)
Just out of curiosity, what rank were you the past 4 seasons?