Dead Prince
so what's the point of mercy now? lul.
other than a useless moth.
other than a useless moth.
Welp. She sucks again.They did, Guardian Angel is back to the way it was before.
Ya, I guess it goes from melee range to uh... slightly outside of melee range now, lol.Seeing as the range of Rez was uh, ass, that's not a super helpful change.
Seeing as the range of Rez was uh, ass, that's not a super helpful change.Rez has twice the range during Valkyrie now, wish they would just put actual PTR patch notes out.
Glad she got nerfed, was tired of every Comp match being either "Have a Mercy, or lose" with the added bonus of "Have a good Mercy, or lose" with the final bonus of "Focus the everloving shit out of the enemy Mercy before she negates all your picks, or lose"
Maybe Lucio and Zen will be used more now
Also glad Riptire is slowed down, maybe it will be easier to deal with because seeing Junkrats in every match getting double and triple kills with it constantly was a bit old
so she 1 or 2 if you use it early but lol. when a team wipe happens it'll happen.
just seen our favorite blonde get a pre update
I think this will backfire a bit but we'll see
Deleting mercy is fine if they add more support heroes. Next one needs to be support and needs to be good like last year Ana good.
What is happening to this game, Blizzard just going back and forth with the buffs and nerfs. I'm just gonna call them burfs now.
Yes, thank you for not wanting to nerf a hero with 100% pick rate in every tier? SmhMan this PTR patch sucks. The GA momentum and mobility was fantastic and her ult is straight up garbage now. Whoo, I can heal more, so much fun. At least with the rez CD you were able to break up that flow. Now it's just heal and float around. Thanks Jeff.
Riptire was not nerfed, unfortunately
Yes, thank you for not wanting to nerf a hero with 100% pick rate in every tier? Smh
Personally, I just wanted her self healing to be nerfed. Mercy would make a good sort of Glass Cannon version of healing, where you either slaughter her or she dominates the game. My problem with her is that if the Mercy is smart, she's nigh immortal. She negates all damage done to her in seconds while buzzing around the entire map with an ultimate that amplifies both those traits.
But sure, nerfing Rez to be permanently once every 30 seconds will be interesting too I guess. Any "Big Rez" dreams are now truly gone and dead though :'(
I dont even think it was a common complaint. I heard several times that ppl said she was unkillable during her ult but not for the multi rezes/cooldowns it has. Weird change
Some of the changes in this game over the year have made me thought 'maybe Valve's neglectful stance on TF2 ain't so bad'
Some of the changes in this game over the year have made me thought 'maybe Valve's neglectful stance on TF2 ain't so bad'
Confirmed bug
Something needed to be done about Rez, though. All that tempo was too much. But I don't agree with Blizzard taking back the rest of her buffs. She's terrible without the slingshot.Wow that Mercy change feels super reactionary, they took away all the things that made her ult fun and interesting to use. Just take away her instant self-healing so she's more vulnerable, instead.
Doomfist's nerf a while back felt equally sudden, I really wish they'd give new changes a little longer to settle down before completely giving up on them. Especially since old stuff that's been strong in the past (Winston, Soldier, Lucio, D.Va) was given months and months at the top before being toned down, if it's ever been toned down at all.
And of course Ana's still unchanged despite being garbage on console for ages now. Maybe less people would've played Mercy if the other single target healer wasn't completely worthless.
the ult refund isnt
Mercy- Res no longer resets after ulting,instead it now doubles Resurrections range, the cooldown stays at 30 seconds., the momentum from guardian angel is removed,
Junkrat- Tire is slower
What ult refund? As soon as he presses Q, his ult charge is 0% just like everyone else on PTR. But if he gets stunned during his ult, he no longer loses out on its duration like what happens now.
the game needed a healer shake up for months now even before this
Something needed to be done about Rez, though. All that tempo was too much. But I don't agree with Blizzard taking back the rest of her buffs. She's terrible without the slingshot.![]()
It feels jank with Pharmacy, because slingshot goes past pharah when flying, but it feels a lot better on the ground. Escapes are fun and easy.I'm actually alright with Guardian Angel reverting to how it was. It has felt a little janky to use recently, though I can't quite explain how.
It feels jank with Pharmacy, because slingshot goes past pharah when flying, but it feels a lot better on the ground. Escapes are fun and easy.
Luckily dva remains untouched, people are completely sleeping on how powerful she is now. Some still see the changes as a nerf.