Damn dad is angry and that says a lot when such a calm guy like Kaplan gets mad at you. You dun goofed.
I love it.
They nerfed my boy Junk? fucking hell he was actually dangerous now.
What did they nerf? Haven't kept up.
Damn dad is angry and that says a lot when such a calm guy like Kaplan gets mad at you. You dun goofed.
They nerfed my boy Junk? fucking hell he was actually dangerous now.
At this point I think I'd prefer if they just scrapped Valkyrie and rethought her ult. It no longer meaningfully enhances all her abilities - just the boring ones.
Instead, give her a brand new ult with a new mechanic that actually serves the purpose of an ult - a big ability that can swing teamfights in clutch moments.
Let her unleash a golden burst that renders all allies in a radius immune to damage and cc effects for 1.5-2 seconds. Mercy can now counter to D.Va, Tracer, Doomfist and Junkrat ults, and can lend assistance Vs. Mei, Reaper, Hanzo and Pharah ults.
She can earn real praise for well-timed ults, save her team from wipes and won't just be sitting back holding a beam on an ally for what is supposed to be her big crazy ability.
What's she gonna' do now? Be a shittier Zenyatta ult or a shittier Orisa ult. Either way it's shittier, and doesn't allow her to make "big plays" like nearly every other ult in the game.
What did they nerf? Haven't kept up.
I love it.
What did they nerf? Haven't kept up.
Just don't have support characters that require good aiming in order to heal...that was a terrible idea for consoles.
They slowed down the speed of RIPTire, supposedly back to its original speed.
On the PTR they slowed down his tire speed a bit. Not as slow as it was before, but a bit slower than current.
Wait, so Riptire is basically back to it's shitty state?
Atleast give it a bit more HP then
Dallas is Envyus right?
FUEL? lol...
Wait, so Riptire is basically back to it's shitty state?
Atleast give it a bit more HP then
Junkrat has two mines. Hell be good.
Folks aren't gonna be happy until she's deleted from the game or nerfed into oblivion like Ana probably.
Here's Dallas's OWL team: Dallas Fuel. Along with a cool Genji skin.
I wonder what team is going to get stuck with a Mercy skin just in time for her to get binned.
Dallas is Envyus right?
FUEL? lol...
Here's Dallas's OWL team: Dallas Fuel. Along with a cool Genji skin.
The skins apply to every hero. Genji was just the one shown for this team.
Yeah it's a weird name but it's not like traditional sports teams have weird names too i.e. Red Sox
I'm wondering... it's not likely that these skins will be available in the normal lootboxes right? Will they actually add an option to buy individual items using real money?
Or maybe there will be an event related to OW league where the lootboxes profit will be shared with the teams?
Are there other examples of e-sports games like this to give us an idea?
I think this is pretty much correct, yeah. Supports as a concept run contrary to the experience that most people are coming to Overwatch for, which is to have a fun, relaxing, and empowering time shooting stuff. People don't want to learn to play around supports, so they'll keep complaining for as long as she has a big impact on matches.
Teams get a portion of their revenue through people paying for cosmetics, although the exact model of all of this is unknown as of now.
It would be cool if they talk about it at blizzcon.
Yea, Ult nerf ain't a big deal. The double mines is what makes him extra good to me.
Considering there is 45 minutes set for OWL talk on the Blizzcon schedule, they probably will.
Yep, as much I love the speed increase, I used the tire more as a distraction than a tactical nuke. If anything, Id prefer my teammates to cover me when I use it.
If anything I think it's the exact opposite. Overwatch was super popular with wide swaths of players BECAUSE it had characters like Mercy. That's exactly the experience a lot of people came to Overwatch for.
Definitely a lot of folks were attracted to the game by characters who don't have a focus on aim. That's certainly what brought me to Overwatch; in general I find lining up a reticle over a dude to be incredibly dull.
But if you take a look at the role distributions on Overbuff, there's about twice as many people playing DPS heroes over Supports. So their complaints predominate and shape the game, and now all four healers have been dramatically nerfed since launch. Which makes the game a lot less interesting to me, personally, and likely alienates a lot of the broader audience you mention. But it's what the loudest plurality is clamoring for.
Can we please nerf the other healers? Why should everyone get a sound barrier, make it one target. Why should transcendence apply to more than one target? Why does the biotic grenade apply to more than one target.
DPS class needs a major buff. Add 30 second cool downs to all barrier type moves.
Also, delete the Defense Catagory.
All of it.
The Mercy nerf is predictable, expected, makes sense, and isn't that huge of a deal. Anybody that didn't see exactly this coming from the moment they announced the rework underestimates how these things are designed. This is all pretty by the book and should shake out in the end.
Issue: current balance team is aimless and bad at balancing the game. Most heroes do not see significant competitive play even one year after release.Damn dad is angry and that says a lot when such a calm guy like Kaplan gets mad at you. You dun goofed.
Issue: current balance team is aimless and bad at balancing the game.
Productive suggestion: get a new balance team.
Seems clear to me.
Issue: current balance team is aimless and bad at balancing the game. Most heroes do not see significant competitive play even one year after release.
Productive suggestion: get a new balance team.
Seems clear to me.
most of those dudes don't know team synergy, what it means to be a role player or just being giving a certain job in a match up.You can see this mentality extending to the pro scene to some extent. Some teams are full of good individual players, but seem to lack synergy because everyone is always trying to be the hero and carry the others.
You also sometimes see fans talking about how this or that player is bad and should be kicked just because he wasn't front and center all day making hero plays. When in reality, sometimes players are instructed to focus on supporting other players and specifically to avoid trying to be the hero.
Issue: current balance team is aimless and bad at balancing the game. Most heroes do not see significant competitive play even one year after release.
Productive suggestion: get a new balance team.
Seems clear to me.
would the feedback from the pro scene help.
this whole internal team just isn't working.
Issue: current balance team is aimless and bad at balancing the game. Most heroes do not see significant competitive play even one year after release.
Productive suggestion: get a new balance team.
Seems clear to me.
Not sure I could ever advocate people getting sacked for what ultimately amounts to misguided balance changes. Things happen, mistakes are made.
If anything I think it's the exact opposite. Overwatch was super popular with wide swaths of players BECAUSE it had characters like Mercy. That's exactly the experience a lot of people came to Overwatch for.
if your job is to make video games and you arent good at making video games, id say its warranted
if your job is to make video games and you arent good at making video games, id say its warranted