I never saw this posted
Is this just an action figure?
I never saw this posted
Is this just an action figure?
Ok I don't get why these teams don't get their Org names? I mean the Orgs played a shitload of money for a spot and brand recognition is also important...so why should they change those names to generic terms.
Wiating for the Optic gaming skin
guys i made it to Masters. I could cry right now
Lunatic Hai vs GC Busan will start soon to decide who stays in Apex. Should be pretty good, Busan 3-0'd LH a few weeks ago
I find that a decent amount of the time support players aren't actually that good at their job and think too highly of themselves in Blizzard games specifically.
We probably wouldn't have a superiority complex if you guys didn't always blame us for everything.
I mean, at some point it stops being about roles and starts being about basic competency. I don't get why you'd get hung up over somebody who clearly doesn't understand the game enough to even fill out a team comp.
Honestly I don't think you guys should even take in account opinions of people that are fine running a team with solo healer.
Even worse when they pick characters with no self-sustain.
You know that you're losing the game just by looking at a team composition like that unless the other team is at the same level of stupidity.
I can only amplify what my team already is.
Yeah but sometimes you look at a comp and say "whelp, we're gonna' lose," and then the reds don't even get the payload to the 1st point and you never die once. Stay positive!
You wanna have impact with any class, you gotta find that time when your team lines up with you and then make something happen.
Welcome to every role in the game buddy. Do people not realize how hyperly dependent even characters like Tracer are on their team doing the most basic of shit?
You wanna have impact with any class, you gotta find that time when your team lines up with you and then make something happen. The reason I'm gonna give support players shit is because most of them just use their passive mechanics in a passive manner when those openings are there.
Tracer (and Genji I guess?) can be so independent though.
Tracer (and Genji I guess?) can be so independent though.
You're asking for a lot.
Shut up and do your job and expect to get SR for it. Find spots to improve, work on your shit, etc.
Somebody gives you shit? Fuck it. Don't just sit there and grandstand about how if it wasn't for you there wouldn't be a game or whatever. That way you don't get assholes like me trying to bring some shit back down to Earth. I have played all roles a number of times. I don't expect shit. I expect to make my plays and try to get a win. Playing support doesn't make you special or worth saying anything else extra to.
I mean, at some point it stops being about roles and starts being about basic competency. I don't get why you'd get hung up over somebody who clearly doesn't understand the game enough to even fill out a team comp.
As a support, you can have enough impact to override morons sometimes though too.
No offense, but the actual mechanics to healing in Blizzard games are so simple you could perform them while your brain leaks out the side of your skull. A lot of people pick healers, get some decent healing numbers, and feel good about it.
The actual skill cap with supports in OW is being able to frag the fuck out while maximizing utility as well as raid bossing people through damage. I almost never run into supports that even attempt to to do all 3.
Idk. I just tend to question support players that go on about "DPS being dumb" or whatever when I don't see them also working through some problems.
Healing isn't quite as braindead as you say, except for Lucio.
Just saying, I don't see a lot of other people around talking up how people play around their class oh so wrong as much as supports. I also don't run into many people who misunderstand how the game works more than those support players. So I'm just gonna talk some shit about it. The types of things I see regarding this topic when I look in the thread tend to be whack in general.
Idk. Looking in this thread and seeing shit like that pulls out all the toxicity I don't get out in game whenever a plat Mercy player tries to backseat DPS for me.
Like, when I play Soldier, I objectively don't need anyone to help me kill because that's entirely within the domain of my own clicking and aiming.
Mercy: Hold M1 in the general direction of a player
Lucio: Stand in the general area of a player
Zen: Hit shift while looking in the general direction of a player
With the exception of Ana, actually getting heals down on people is a mechanical joke. I understand where the difficulties lie in making that happen, but I'm talking about the mechanical effort it takes to fill up a healthbar. You don't even need to manage a CD to fill it up outside of Amp. Note I don't think it's a bad thing it's easy to heal, but I do think it can fuck with perception of what you're doing sometimes.
I wish that I ever played OW in a world where I didn't need somebody to peel or engage for me to get meaningful impact with Soldier.
Ohhkayyy c'mon the challenge isn't the act of healing your team, its staying alive while doing it, without the defensive and offensive tools of the tanks and DPS. A good support is there, in the thick of it, healing/buffing. A bad one is on their way back from spawn more often than not.
I'm not saying that other characters don't rely on others to get significant impact out of their roles.
I'm saying, objectively, I don't need anyone on my team to be physically present to be able shoot and kill when I play Soldier. However, I need people within a ten foot radius at all times to be able to do anything as Lucio aside from shooting with his relatively weak gun and punching things.
Like, I don't see how this is arguable.
The thing about being DPS is you're very easily replaceable
because everyone thinks they're a DPS main
Ohhkayyy c'mon the challenge isn't the act of healing your team, its staying alive while doing it, without the defensive and offensive tools of the tanks and DPS. A good support is there, in the thick of it, healing/buffing. A bad one is on their way back from spawn more often than not.
I don't understand why you guys are trying to argue with a gm level player. Anne has the best understanding of this game out of everyone here.
Tbf I'm being an asshole about it and don't think that highly of myself. You're actually Top 500![]()
I don't understand why you guys are trying to argue with a gm level player. Anne has the best understanding of this game out of everyone here.
Tbf I'm being an asshole about it and don't think that highly of myself. You're actually Top 500![]()
Ehhh you're The Authority, we take your perspective pretty seriously, Anne. ^.^
Aba quit the game.Or so we thought.
In light of today's trailer I just wanted to remind everyone that it's been a year and a half and we've still yet to receive a Pacific Rim-style animated short about D.Va fighting a giant omnic kaiju.
Lucio's gun is absurd, he's one of the best duelists in the entire game lmao. This is why I'm saying your understanding of what's happening isn't all the way there yet. Soldier is an extremely team reliant DPS that requires set up to keep damage coming around shields and heals. It's actually easier for Lucio to secure kills sometimes believe it or not. It's one of the main jobs he has going for him right now.
That pretty much describes any healer that isnt in masters lol
I don't understand why you guys are trying to argue with a gm level player. Anne has the best understanding of this game out of everyone here.
Buttchin doesn't know Figmas?Yes, it's an action figure.
I feel like Tank mains deserve more respect personally.
Yeah I have lost a lot of games because of bad DPS, or bad heals/lack of heals. But nothing is gonna fuck a team more quickly than when your Rein is constantly fucking up Charges and ending up in the enemy backline. Or your D.va is constantly out of Mech and wasting her Self Destructs just to get instantly De-Mech'd again, or your Winston doesnt know how to dive properly and just leaps face first into instant death. A good Tank can get picks rivaling your DPS characters, with more survivability.
Just with Reinhardt you can instantly see the skill difference when two of them start dueling. Whichever one gets baited into dropping his shield or charging and getting his team Earthshattered, while the other just blocks it and laughs.
I'll take an aggro tank over the passive af tanks I come across on the reg.
Aggressive Reins followed up by no one always get me.
Aggressive Reins followed up by no one always get me.
This is me.
I'll charge in, maybe get one of their guys and cause a ruckus and.... my team is nowhere to be seen.