I've taught my rein acolytes wellIf your charge isnt on cd, you're basically throwing
No, I've never heard of Figma, but this seems super cool!
Tracer Figma is coming next year.
Happy Friday! New clip show!
Standard disclaimers:
-Overwatch is my first multiplayer FPS
-I'm on PS4
-I'm not very good
-I have so much fun
My favorite picks and plays from last weekend:
Vimeo has better compression. You may have to paste the link directly into your browser if it opens a weird subscription page.
Or YouTube:
She's very tempting but the joints freak me out.
I've taught my rein acolytes well
Missed charges are just opening moves for the ez shatter
Everything is thought of before a rein does something
What software do you use to create these? I was thinking about doing something if/when I get my 25 FFA wins.
I have a serious problem right now
I used to play a lot of Tracer. Got 80 plus hours on her. But ever since I went D.VA like 120 hours on D.VA I have problems with getting picks with Tracer. Always get killed fast and hardly any picks.
Granted the most I played of Tracer was Gold/Low Plat but high Plat/Diamond is D.VA or Zen only.
What should I do? I can go QP and do great with Tracer but it's QP. I can't be selfish and pick Tracer in comp because I'm not confident and I don't wanna get my team down. I think my biggest issue is confidence. I always fear that if I go Tracer in my current SR means I will fuck it up.
Perhaps this is why ppl go Smurf?
Tragically, ShareFactory on PS4. The shortest cut you can make is 1 second long, max of 50 clips per project, and the PS4 capture is locked to 30FPS
But you CAN fine-trim clip starts and ends by the frame, which helps a ton in lining events up to moments in the song. So like, find the beat you want, tap the d-pad and count frames
to get to the frame you want, then just trim (or add) that many frames to get things to line up. Protip: use Audacity (free program) to export the songs you want as constant bitrate MP3s, or you'll never get everything lined up.
Edit: you totally should!!!
Edit edit: if your plan is just to make the 1 video, a lot of good pc programs will let you download basically the full thing as a trial to test, and then lock itself out after a month or so unless you buy it. You'd have to learn a complicated program, but it's a PC solution ^.^
I've used Audacity in the past for School projects but it's been a few years. I had like little to do at work today so I watched all my videos and grabbed out some of the better moments. So I've got this thing but I'm obviously waiting for the remaining 5 videos:
I have a serious problem right now
I used to play a lot of Tracer. Got 80 plus hours on her. But ever since I went D.VA like 120 hours on D.VA I have problems with getting picks with Tracer. Always get killed fast and hardly any picks.
Granted the most I played of Tracer was Gold/Low Plat but high Plat/Diamond is D.VA or Zen only.
What should I do? I can go QP and do great with Tracer but it's QP. I can't be selfish and pick Tracer in comp because I'm not confident and I don't wanna get my team down. I think my biggest issue is confidence. I always fear that if I go Tracer in my current SR means I will fuck it up.
Perhaps this is why ppl go Smurf?
Less than 500 people play Orisa. 👀I made top 500!for Orisa lol
Ugh I wish PS4 had an easy option for organizing clips. That's gonna' help a ton.
Less than 500 people play Orisa. 👀
Can't you put a thumb drive into the PS4 and just copy the saved videos over and then edit them on a PC?
Actually 501 people play her, and I finally got past the other guy.
That's still pretty damn cool. I'm probably like Tracer 12,000.
(Checks.) 9,308.
Finally did my placement matches.
Placed less than 100 off Top500.
#1 Tracer on YouTube, though.
Went up 200 SR today, finally about to break back into Masters. Fuck Diamond rank, fuck it and all of the tormented souls trapped there.
Damn dude youre gonna jinx yourself with that upbeat talk.
I'm still baffled why this season is so much worse for me than the previous season was. I ended season 5 with 24 more wins than losses. This season, I'm trailing behind with 15 more losses than wins. And as much as I revile the Mercy nullifying your picks, even before changes went through, it was just one long bad spurt and I haven't been able to catch up since.
The Mercy, D.va and Junk changes all happening within like 2-3 weeks of each other didn't help at all. I thought Season 5 was bad for toxicity, this season is toxicity plus terrible team comps (Aka Junkrat instead of a second healer) and Mercy shenanigans all around.
Went up 200 SR today, finally about to break back into Masters. Fuck Diamond rank, fuck it and all of the tormented souls trapped there.
Went up 200 SR today, finally about to break back into Masters. Fuck Diamond rank, fuck it and all of the tormented souls trapped there.
You stopped playing torb on attack? pogchamp