Played two games, and players refused to get on the point or coordinate.
I really hate this.
I feel there's been an influx of toxicity in this new season start.
I'm doing much better now, but I'm seeing more throwers and general assholes.
This post from Gamespot's twitter sums up how I'm feeling right about now:
Really annoying how now everyone says everyone else is throwing when things aren't going your way in a match. Throw this throw that. People can't seem to accept that yeah... sometimes you will lose. That's ok.
Words of a thrower imo.
This post from Gamespot's twitter sums up how I'm feeling right about now:
This post from Gamespot's twitter sums up how I'm feeling right about now:
Can't tell if people legit forgot Destiny 1 or if most of the hype is coming from people who only play PC and/or barely touched 1. I'll end up playing it but D1 lacked real staying power.
More of a "I'll be back in a month or 2"
Ive only browsed the thread but wasn't the sentiment "d1 without all the bullshit"? not that surprising people are hyping it if that's the case.
Was only kidding.Not really. Try again though.
I've been playing D2 for a little while tonight and really enjoying it.
I'll be back on Overwatch at some point this week but D2 is nice alternative to have if you just want a break or a different sort of PvP, without the throwers or toxicity.
Was only kidding.
I still want to rent destiny 2 but I doubt I'll get invested in it.
Really? I've seen Sym plenty of times and only win once. I rarely feel comfortable engaging her by myself, but she's easy to avoid and then later scavenge.
I'm down. When will you be online?
probably wont have time tonight due to school work. But thursday night I'll be available like 8pm - 1am AZ time.
I should probably know this, but is there a visual indicator of Sym's charge?
I learned this last night but five losses under Diamond will put your portrait back into Platinum, which to be honest is a good change.I lost at least 6 games this past hour. Won 1.
Yep. Fuck this. Lost diamond. Back at 2900s.
Hmm. Weird for me to read that, because I play on OG PS4, screan tearing is one of the things that bothers me the most in video games, and I've never noticed it in Overwatch.
I'm not sure I want to go looking for it though, because if it IS there and I've just never noticed it before, I won't be able to not see it anymore.
I have both PS4s and alternate between them, depending on which account I'm playing. I see no visual difference with OW, except the Pro has little half-second black screen hiccups every once in a while.
Not really. Try again though.
I'm watching this poor guy in low silver on the Asian server and it's just as bad as on the NA server.
I will be leaving to study in the UK in two days so need some time to settle in first. Xbox coming with me of course!
Does anyone ever lose a half second or so when they get killed sometimes? I am wondering if my basic wireless internet is the cause of this or if its just overwatch client/server code and normal.
I didnt get any responses to this. Trying to find out if this is a netcode thing or if I need to get wired internet. Is it normal? I know some games are just coded like that.
I'm doing placement on PS4 right now. I went ahead and just just cranked that aim assist all the way up lmao
Holy shit
Just making headshot that much easier with zen
I haven't played since s1. And I always dropped it down when I was lucioWait, why did you have it turned down in the first place? Are you not using dual-zone?
Game 1 of tonight, lost to a Hanzo m/kb cheater
Game 2, won but I was frustrated because my team was in a 5 man stack and wouldn't join team chat.
Game 3 lost because we just got outplayed, which doesn't feel good right now even if its fair.
People hated season 5, but 6 is so much worse for me in the 3 hours I've played it than the 15 I've played of 5.
I haven't played since s1. And I always dropped it down when I was lucio
Game 4 we got rolled on Defense even though I put down my Shield gen. They didn't take it out or anything, they were just kicking our asses SO HARD that they didn't even mind everyone of us getting a 75 HP advantage because they still beat us 6v6 like that.
So I quit. I'll happily take the greater SR loss because this match making is completely and utterly fucked. I have no idea what Blizzard did, but I am getting consistently matched against ridiculous opponents.