Guys, as a character I love bastion....but theres no way to play him without being human scum right?
Embrace the shame like I did
Guys, as a character I love bastion....but theres no way to play him without being human scum right?
Guys, as a character I love bastion....but theres no way to play him without being human scum right?
Your bound to piss somebody off regardless of who you play as.Guys, as a character I love bastion....but theres no way to play him without being human scum right?
Guys, as a character I love bastion....but theres no way to play him without being human scum right?
Too many damned people fancy themselves snipers, and seriously end up contributing squat.
Guys, as a character I love bastion....but theres no way to play him without being human scum right?
As Genji on attack, I like to pick off one or two characters that I have an easy time with (like bastion) then go to their spawn and kill them over and over as they attempt to approach the objective.
It feels like bullying, but I can occupy 2-3 of their team mates this way, and I think that really helps my team out on the objective.
Man, I hate seeing a Tracer on the other team at higher levels on PS4. You just know she's going to lay waste to your hapless fodder over and over. I've been playing Mei a lot, so I can kill her with icicle headshots or chase her off with the spray, but my god, my team is just utterly helpless more often than not. I'm not sure what to do other than go Tracer myself and try to chase her the entire match to reduce it to 5 on 5 or play Torb and set a turret behind my team to babysit them.
I love when you pull the attention of a tank as Genji/Tracer. Like they just run after you into a room swinging a giant hammer around trying to swat you down. Mission already accomplished.
McCree. The answer to all.
Yeah, we had a McCree last game. Didn't do shit. Should have gone double McCree. Should always go double McCree. The problem is less I have trouble with her and more she decimates the randoms I'm stuck with. Not sure I could guard them all when they scatter all over the map, even on KOTH for some reason.
Your bound to piss somebody off regardless of who you play as.
Roadhog is a lot harder to play than I thought, but i'm getting the hang of it. The hook requires a bit more accuracy to grab, and a good amount of the time that the enemy doesn't get pulled in right which is really annoying.
I think the biggest hurdle though is getting over the excitement of hooking someone and staying calm to go in for the kill.
I'm still trying to figure out if a left click doesn't kill them, is it better to melee after or try to get another left click in.
Playing with randoms: rage. Playing with a team: love.PSN squad with two great comeback wins so far tonight.
Game has its books back in. My salt has disappeared.
Yesterday I had a Zarya against me who was amazing. Unkillable, best Zarya I have seen so far. I really have to work on mine.Zarya just clicked with me, 27 eliminations on 2 quick rounds of Illios.
Argh, ran into a game with two gaf people and they defended Hanamura point B with 4 Symmetra and 2 turret guys. What's the strategy here? A couple winstons, something to kill the turrets....and things?
I'm kind of souring on this game b/c of how not fun it is to get steamrolled by actual teams.
My new goal is to get POTG with mercy's pistol only.
tbh i might just be done with the game and go back to counter strike.
Honestly, is there ever a situation that doesn't call for Lucio? Dude is so damn good. He's already the most effective healer, and the fact that he NEVER DIES* means he's always there when you need him. And the shield ult can be very clutch.
*slight exaggeration
Wall running Lucios are so annoying
Argh, ran into a game with two gaf people and they defended Hanamura point B with 4 Symmetra and 2 turret guys. What's the strategy here? A couple winstons, something to kill the turrets....and things?
Roadhog is a lot harder to play than I thought, but i'm getting the hang of it. The hook requires a bit more accuracy to grab, and a good amount of the time that the enemy doesn't get pulled in right which is really annoying.
I think the biggest hurdle though is getting over the excitement of hooking someone and staying calm to go in for the kill.
I'm still trying to figure out if a left click doesn't kill them, is it better to melee after or try to get another left click in.
After work / family commitments I was finally able to sink some time into this yesterday. I hate Mei. Screw that stupid pudgy cow and her freezing gun.
The beautiful L2 button is also hover but the game doesn't tell you by default.
Honestly, is there ever a situation that doesn't call for Lucio? Dude is so damn good. He's already the most effective healer, and the fact that he NEVER DIES* means he's always there when you need him. And the shield ult can be very clutch.
*slight exaggeration
Bastions on the moving platforms at Volskaya. I'm the only healer, my team isn't interested in killing them.
Quit to desktop.
Everyone hating on Widowmaker. I wreck as her. Love taking out high noon bastards and Mercys.
DUDE that's amazing. The highest heal % I've gotten was 49%.I love Lucio so much. Just completed a capture point, then payload map in under 5 minutes. Never died. Healed 67% of team damage. I love this game.
How does McCree's ultimate work again? Is it a one hit kill?
This game has some issues with stats/achievements. I got a quad kill with Junkrat's tire but no trophy, but under multikills Junkrat's highest is 4. Meanwhile last night I unlocked Reaper's Die trophy for a quadkill but my stats say the highest I've gotten with him is a triple. Blizzard pls
The only problems I have with Mei is that she should be more aware of team comp and environment before walling. Just walling the enemy team can give them time to prep that they normally wouldn't have.
Attacking on Route 76.
I'm Winston. Our team locks in two Hanzos and a Widowmaker.
Somebody points out how deeply stupid this is so one of the Hanzos switch to Tracer.
Two minutes in, switches back to Hanzo.
I don't know, man, I just don't know.
Also I got silver medal for eliminations, so it's not like they were clearing the map.
I reallllly hope so.One reason I can't wait for Ranked Play. I mean I'm sure this idiocy will be there but should be to a lesser degree. . .right?
I heard that Mei was in fact bae
Zarya just clicked with me, 27 eliminations on 2 quick rounds of Illios.