How? It seems like she does very little damage and her shields last for only a split second.
I cracked up last night when I saw a Bastion play of the game. They were sitting somewhere, got a bunch of turret kills as usual...then looked down to the ground and sprayed the "Sorry" word balloon.Guys, as a character I love bastion....but theres no way to play him without being human scum right?
If CS:GO ranked has taught me anything is that you can't escape those players and if the ranked player base is anything like heroes of the storm sweet mother jesus.One reason I can't wait for Ranked Play. I mean I'm sure this idiocy will be there but should be to a lesser degree. . .right?
I cracked up last night when I saw a Bastion play of the game. They were sitting somewhere, got a bunch of turret kills as usual...then looked down to the ground and sprayed the "Sorry" word balloon.
Symmetra so strong on defense, even on point B. People really underestimate her.
Brilliant.I cracked up last night when I saw a Bastion play of the game. They were sitting somewhere, got a bunch of turret kills as usual...then looked down to the ground and sprayed the "Sorry" word balloon.
Got two Mercy PotGs tonight playing with I think GAFers, and people keep underestimating Mercy's pistol. Actually killed a McCree who had his flash on cooldown twice in a game, threatened suicide the first time.
Also really clicking with Zarya, and having a lot of fun with Winston after thinking he was worthless for a little bit.
Not necessarily that people underestimate her, but there's a LOT of symmetra players that will stink up the lobby and refuse to switch even on the last point. No turrets out, no teleporter out, the idea of giving out shields was abandoned after point A, will not switch characters. Happens way more times than running into an actual good symmetra(which I've seen maybe twice in my 50 hours of playtime now?).
Symmetra so strong on defense, even on point B. People really underestimate her.
i mean she's fine on the last point, but you gotta admit that outside of some cheesy placements her ultimate is pretty much useless on the last point of A/D. Much better to have a character that can get full use of their entire kit.
Yeah man, fun games tonight!GGs tonight Xboners.
Genji is so fun to play, but man, I'm terrible at getting kills with his ult. I'm the same way with the Bladedancer super in Destiny. I pop it, maybe get one kill, then die. I guess I need to get better at ambushing. And overall, I find it I get more kills with Soldier 76, but damn he's so vanilla.
i mean she's fine on the last point, but you gotta admit that outside of some cheesy placements her ultimate is pretty much useless on the last point of A/D. Much better to have a character that can get full use of their entire kit.
Random teams have been beyond garbage today. Not sure why people play this game to lose. All playing flankers trying to move a payload. How the hell is that supposed to work?
Symmetra staying Symmetra on Volskaya B.
Some people get tired of having to play tank/support constantly.Random teams have been beyond garbage today. Not sure why people play this game to lose. All playing flankers trying to move a payload. How the hell is that supposed to work?
Symmetra staying Symmetra on Volskaya B.
Random teams have been beyond garbage today. Not sure why people play this game to lose. All playing flankers trying to move a payload. How the hell is that supposed to work?
Dayam, I'm really proficient with Hanzo now. Got so many kill streaks. Almost got 4 dudes with the super. Dammit
Anyone got a link to the basketball-Reaper-play-of-the-game video?
How? It seems like she does very little damage and her shields last for only a split second.
Random teams have been beyond garbage today. Not sure why people play this game to lose. All playing flankers trying to move a payload. How the hell is that supposed to work?
Some people get tired of having to play tank/support constantly.
Some people are trying to learn new characters.
Some people are trying to get achievements.
In my opinion all of those things are fine. Winning doesn't get you anything besides a litlte extra XP, and XP doesn't necessarily get you much (in 35 levels, I don't have 1000 coins and I have exactly 1 legendary skin).
Once ranked starts, I'd expect serious play there. For random games, what's the motivation? Sometimes people feel like trying hard and sometimes they just want to goof off.
How? It seems like she does very little damage and her shields last for only a split second.
You've gotta get used to popping them at the right time. Her damage output can explode if you're on the fringes of a melee.
Been trying her out recently, and I like how comfortable she feels just sitting on a point with team mates nearby. It also seems like she has no problem going toe-to-toe with most grounded foes. If she gets swarmed it's a different story, but that's the same for everyone really.
Plus her ult is amazing. I call it the Kitchen Sink.
Because everything goes in.
Yeah it's all about using your shields correctly. A Zarya at full charge just melts people and can be difficult to take down without concentrated fire. She works best in a teamwork situation.
Quoting this for truth. Yeah it can be enraging when you're getting destroyed by people with seemingly impossible damage etc. but really, ask yourself why you are playing? Winning is great but I play the game for fun. Most of the games I have lost have been fun because it's so tight.
It's those pro 6 man hit squads that ruin I for me lol but this is the matchmaking at work.
Eh. She's perfectly viable on Volsk B. Not ideal, maybe, but viable.Symmetra staying Symmetra on Volskaya B.
Go ahead and add me, man.Need more Xbox bros.
Gt archpath1
No not at all, I think the teleporter is still great on point B. People really underestimate it on how good it helps to keep off those last ditch pushes.
No not at all, I think the teleporter is still great on point B. People really underestimate it on how good it helps to keep off those last ditch pushes.
Symmetra staying Symmetra on Volskaya B.
For some reason I'm always on fire with Roadhog, way more then with other chars. Wonder if it is because I usually take him on KotH and have a lot of objective time.With roadhog
I get 83% on fire for match
One vote! Wtf is this.
shooting rapidly into groups of enemies (or blindly and crossing your fingers) and letting the huge hitbox do the work isn't that hard
i avoid playing hanzo because he's both boring and too easy to play as
that comic forgot
git gud
cry more
overwatch brings out the best in people
For some reason I'm always on fire with Roadhog, way more then with other chars. Wonder if it is because I usually take him on KotH and have a lot of objective time.
She's not really a protection tank like Reinhardt, your goal is to be on the front lines and find opportunities to soak up damage by shielding you and other aggressive teammates. Once you get reasonably charged up you are pretty much a monster until they manage to kill you, the energy bomb does up to 90 damage and the beam does up to 150 damage per second (plus, she has 400 health, half of which automatically recharges).How? It seems like she does very little damage and her shields last for only a split second.
Well, it's about damn time. Took me 41 levels, but I finally got a great lootbox.
Well, it's about damn time. Took me 41 levels, but I finally got a great lootbox.