Playing with a symmetra that doesnt place turrets omg kill me
So is the Lockdown achievement bugged? I've defended a map without losing the first point multiple times now and it's still not popped.
If it's the one I'm thinking of, you can't let the other team touch the first point at all. Just keeping them from taking it isn't good enough.
Nah that's a different one. Shut out I think. Lockdown is bugged for everyone.If it's the one I'm thinking of, you can't let the other team touch the first point at all. Just keeping them from taking it isn't good enough.
Grey Fox bro. Genji is Grey Fox.Well Raiden also had a pretty nice ass, and since Genji is pretty much just Raiden
Stupid Sexy Genji.
Oh wow. That seems overly harsh. They should change the description then because it says without losing the point, not without someone touching it.
Just went a team of four McCrees, a healer, and whatever DPS for the last one for two games. They couldn't keep us from delivering the payload and they also couldn't attack... Just High Noon everywhere.
After talking so much about how playing against a Tracer irritates me I decided to play her for a whole day.
Might have found a new main...
Actually, turns out I'm wrong. I was thinking of Shutout, which is prevent the other team from touching the point on a Control map. Lockdown is as you describe, and I haven't gotten that achievement either despite numerous apparent lockdown situations. Maybe you really can't let the opponent touch the point in that one either.
Actually, turns out I'm wrong. I was thinking of Shutout, which is prevent the other team from touching the point on a Control map. Lockdown is as you describe, and I haven't gotten that achievement either despite numerous apparent lockdown situations. Maybe you really can't let the opponent touch the point in that one either.
Oh yeah, I got Shutout. I'm just missing Lockdown as my last Map achievement. Could well be a thing where they can't touch the point, put man, how do you get a game where that happens? A Tracer or any other fast character can just zip in and touch it.
I don't think I'll ever talk to randoms.omg this guy in my game picked widowmaker on koth and i was like "nooo it doesnt have to be like this, you dont have to do this, reconsider" and he got on his mic and went on this long rant about how this is a game to have fun and nobody gets to tell him what to do and blah blah it was so embarrassing
After talking so much about how playing against a Tracer irritates me I decided to play her for a whole day.
Might have found a new main...
Achievement update: 73%
Any tips on zenyatta discord orb or Genji reflect double kill?
D.Va is so garbo. She'd be more useful if she died when her mech blew up so she didn't run around with her pea shooter doing nothing.
The dreaded ass punch
omg this guy in my game picked widowmaker on koth and i was like "nooo it doesnt have to be like this, you dont have to do this, reconsider" and he got on his mic and went on this long rant about how this is a game to have fun and nobody gets to tell him what to do and blah blah it was so embarrassing
Achievement update: 73%
Any tips on zenyatta discord orb or Genji reflect double kill?
omg this guy in my game picked widowmaker on koth and i was like "nooo it doesnt have to be like this, you dont have to do this, reconsider" and he got on his mic and went on this long rant about how this is a game to have fun and nobody gets to tell him what to do and blah blah it was so embarrassing
D.Va is so garbo. She'd be more useful if she died when her mech blew up so she didn't run around with her pea shooter doing nothing.
Achievement update: 73%
Any tips on zenyatta discord orb or Genji reflect double kill?
D.Va is so garbo. She'd be more useful if she died when her mech blew up so she didn't run around with her pea shooter doing nothing.
A good time to pick Mei solely to Ice Wall in front of him constantly.omg this guy in my game picked widowmaker on koth and i was like "nooo it doesnt have to be like this, you dont have to do this, reconsider" and he got on his mic and went on this long rant about how this is a game to have fun and nobody gets to tell him what to do and blah blah it was so embarrassing
She's actually like, decently useful outside her mech. Her pistol has no damage fall off and decent DPS which makes it pretty solid harass and if your aim is solid it gives her an edge 1v1 against characters like Junkrat. As long as you understand her limitations in pilot mode and stick close to your team she shouldn't be completely useless. It's also not bad for stalling objectives.D.Va is so garbo. She'd be more useful if she died when her mech blew up so she didn't run around with her pea shooter doing nothing.
The most fun I've had in the game is playing as D.VA. She's a disruption tank through and through. Basically play her as a Tracer that doesn't die in 1 hit. Also once you're out of mech, just post up behind your team and snipe people. She does a ton of damage and has range.D.Va is so garbo. She'd be more useful if she died when her mech blew up so she didn't run around with her pea shooter doing nothing.
A good time to pick Mei solely to Ice Wall in front of him constantly.
try going against 6 mei's at the last point of route 66.
Holy shit that tried my patience. we eventually won, but at the end it was back to back to back freezes. they went 2 at a time and could trap us and kill us. Hello, diminishing returns, would love if you existed here
Did exactly that last night. Other team started out as 6 roadhogs and I helped my team turn them into bacon with Zenyatta's discord orb. Then they decided to go all Mei and that last part was so frustrating. So many Ice walls. Ultimates and Sorry....sorry....sorry.
Our team won with a normal tem comp, nades > mei apparently
also just saw this
and it legitimately made me laugh
Play with a group of 6, win a whole lot, and never quit a game and sure, probably. When all those conditions are met I can get around 4k XP a game. Which is 5-6 games a level after level 22. Way less before hand.Is it possible to reach level 25 in 6 hours time? It took me to get that far in like 15 hours but my friend was able to reach that level in only 6
You guys are acting gross about tgat Widowmaker guy, it is a game.
It's also a shared experience. 'It's a game' can't excuse you if your fun is at the expense of the people forced to share it with you. People who refuse to swap characters or choose characters totally inappropriate to a map or mode are diminishing the experience of others, and sanctimoniously preaching about it over voice channel just sounds embarrassing.You guys are acting gross about tgat Widowmaker guy, it is a game.