4th (?) legendary dupe rip. should at least offer you the recolor before turning to currency
4th (?) legendary dupe rip
It's also a shared experience. 'It's a game' can't excuse you if your fun is at the expense of the people forced to share it with you. People who refuse to swap characters or choose characters totally inappropriate to a map or mode are diminishing the experience of others, and sanctimoniously preaching about it over voice channel just sounds embarrassing.
4th (?) legendary dupe rip. should at least offer you the recolor before turning to currency
Why do you assume that they dont know what they are doing? On King's Row I like to open up the attack as a Widowmaker so I can thin the ranks easily on the initial spawn and push. I quickly change once I see we are easily making it to the first objective. A lot of characters can be used effectively outside of their preset "defense/offense" categories.
At least it's Tracer's best alt. Your RNG has good taste.
Why do you assume that they dont know what they are doing? On King's Row I like to open up the attack as a Widowmaker so I can thin the ranks easily on the initial spawn and push. I quickly change once I see we are easily making it to the first objective. A lot of characters can be used effectively outside of their preset "defense/offense" categories.
Torbjorn can kiss my ass. Fuck him.
Gold is legendary skin? Best box I got ever since I got 3 skins total.
My first one, I don't even play her so I gotta learn her now lol.
wish I had that skin. it's her best.4th (?) legendary dupe rip. should at least offer you the recolor before turning to currency
Instead of adopting a persecution complex why not just say, "Don't worry, I'm pretty good." or "I can switch if need be." No one ever does that though. 99% suggestions aren't even malicious. It's like, "Hey 4th Reaper. Can you switch to a tank?" If there even is a reply it definitely isn't, "Sure!"
Because if they don't recognize what their character is actually good for than they're probably not very good. It's not a really radical leap. You can use Widowmaker offensively and you can use her defensively, but all of that seems much less relevant when you're playing something like a Control map where progress towards completing the objective isn't guaranteed and you need people on the point.Why do you assume that they dont know what they are doing? On King's Row I like to open up the attack as a Widowmaker so I can thin the ranks easily on the initial spawn and push. I quickly change once I see we are easily making it to the first objective. A lot of characters can be used effectively outside of their preset "defense/offense" categories.
Finally got my 1000 gold. What skin do you guys think is the best for Reinhardt, they're all so good I'm having a hard time deciding. Hell Reinhardt's Bundeswehr epic is basically a legendary.
Without a doubt Stonehardt imo.Finally got my 1000 gold. What skin do you guys think is the best for Reinhardt, they're all so good I'm having a hard time deciding. Hell Reinhardt's Bundeswehr epic is basically a legendary.
Achievement update: 73%
Any tips on zenyatta discord orb or Genji reflect double kill?
Sometimes it's hard to even deflect the shots from the turret back at them. :/
I noticed it as well when I solo. Luckily I group with another person and we both like support so we trade off a lot. Sometimes you just gotta McCree cheese some fools.Continuing my experiment. After ~100 games of playing Mercy or Lucio, I'm now playing whatever class I want so long as it's not a duplicate.
11 out of 14 games we've gone without a healer at all.
This community is getting more shitty by the day, unfortunately.
Why is it when a team has a really good sniper the opposing team just falls apart? There are counters and other things you can do, but the second a couple of people die to Widow all common sense goes out the window.
Without a doubt Stonehardt imo.
We had a Genji on our team yesterday get the reflect achievement during a push on Volskaya and the moment he got it ended up being play of the game;
Bastion and Widowmaker setup on the catwalk above Point B, maybe two feet apart. Genji flanks and sneaks up on their left, shuriken gets their attention, pop reflect, Bastion Unloads and Widow goes for a scoped shot, reflect takes them both out.
It was pretty damn fine work.
A really good Widow can make the enemy team feel like they've got way more presence than they actually do which makes people do dumb, super reactionary stuff. And no one wants to pick disruption heroes like Winston or D.Va to try to deal with her because they're not as cool. That's basically it.Why is it when a team has a really good sniper the opposing team just falls apart? There are counters and other things you can do, but the second a couple of people die to Widow all common sense goes out the window.
Stonehardt rules but I actually love Bundeswehr just as much.
Because a really good Widow will easily lockdown your entire team unless you counter-sniper her (which then boils down to who's the better widow) or go Winstom on her ass. But since asking a pug to change to a character, specifically to a non-dps one is usually hard, good Widows destroy pugs. Hell good widows destroy pre mades aswell, which is why its so bizarre there isnt more outcry about her.
Does the ass give her a pass? :3
Why is it when a team has a really good sniper the opposing team just falls apart? There are counters and other things you can do, but the second a couple of people die to Widow all common sense goes out the window.
Why is it when a team has a really good sniper the opposing team just falls apart? There are counters and other things you can do, but the second a couple of people die to Widow all common sense goes out the window.
Without a doubt Stonehardt imo.
Because a really good Widow will easily lockdown your entire team unless you counter-sniper her (which then boils down to who's the better widow) or go Winstom on her ass. But since asking a pug to change to a character, specifically to a non-dps one is usually hard, good Widows destroy pugs. Hell good widows destroy pre mades aswell, which is why its so bizarre there isnt more outcry about her.
Does the ass give her a pass? :3
It is just ridiculous that everyone freaks out and any notion of teamwork goes out the door.Because a really good Widow will easily lockdown your entire team unless you counter-sniper her (which then boils down to who's the better widow) or go Winstom on her ass. But since asking a pug to change to a character, specifically to a non-dps one is usually hard, good Widows destroy pugs. Hell good widows destroy pre mades aswell, which is why its so bizarre there isnt more outcry about her.
Does the ass give her a pass? :3
My favorite thing is when you land next to Widow's as Winston and they completely freak out lol.A really good Widow can make the enemy team feel like they've got way more presence than they actually do which makes people do dumb, super reactionary stuff. And no one wants to pick disruption heroes like Winston or D.Va to try to deal with her because they're not as cool. That's basically it.
Winston begs to differ.I really, really good Widow doesn't have any counters.
Keep on doing good work friend. Not enough people change their original picks to counter.Psychological effect of being taken out in an instant.
Usually in that case I just switch to a counter and get revenge
I really, really good Widow doesn't have any counters.
Eh, when I'm playing with a friend, I just pocket Mercy a D.Va or something. Go in, shoot shoot, she dead.
Also, counter sniping isn't *that* hard. Reason being, even if you suck, you can just keep peaking around a corner, and act as a distraction. A Widow focused on you, isn't focusing on your team.
Continuing my experiment. After ~100 games of playing Mercy or Lucio, I'm now playing whatever class I want so long as it's not a duplicate.
11 out of 14 games we've gone without a healer at all.
I really think it's baffling when I'm playing support and there's no tank or other supports. So many people have the mentality that it's not their responsibility to play these characters and it just completely defeats the purpose of playing a team game like this.
Widows totally losing their shit when I stomp on them with the leap and start zapping them is truly one of the best feelings Overwatch can supply me with. That and wrecking Mercies sitting comfortably in the backline. Or melting Genjis or Tracers who think they're clever.It is just ridiculous that everyone freaks out and any notion of teamwork goes out the door.
My favorite thing is when you land next to Widow's as Winston and they completely freak out lol.
I really, really good Widow doesn't have any counters.
Two tanks or two support comps are godly sometimes. Usually everyone defaults to we only need one of those two classes.I mean isn't one support the norm? But yes, ideally there would almost always be a tank on offense.
Widows totally losing their shit when I stomp on them with the leap and start zapping them is truly one of the best feelings Overwatch can supply me with. That and wrecking Mercies sitting comfortably in the backline. Or melting Genjis or Tracers who think they're clever.
Feels bad when they're sitting by a Bastion though. That's when you need to hope your team can pull out a decent counter-sniper.