Yeah I always swap to Winston as well when there are annoying snipers on the loose, it doesn't always work out but generally it's worth making their life as miserable as possible.
Objective kills is eliminations made while contesting an area (or of players within that area?). Objective time is the time you've spent pushing the payload or contesting.Objective kills and objective time give me numbers... but i'm still not sure what those numbers actually mean?
Some one called me a no life and I was like, "I am living the good life dawg!" I have thicker skin than most but that was my experience with similar comments.Lovely people.
Had this guy do nothing but insult my friend and call her a cunt over and over just because she's a high level. She never even insulted the guy once.
Lovely people.
Had this guy do nothing but insult my friend and call her a cunt over and over just because she's a high level. She never even insulted the guy once.
Anyone have a comment on how Blizzard makes maddeningly addictive games? Diablo 3, Hearthstone, and now this. How do they have that secret sauce no one else has? I know they're good, but are they experts behind making their stuff addictive? Gotta be. I'm not staying up 4 hours past bedtime for fucking Battlefield.
Nothing imbalanced about a bunch of sitting ducks getting shot. There are thousands of better ways that all of those people could have played that.
Anyone else got a weird bug where some of the Hero's on your team disappear and left with nothing but their weapon model?
Nothing imbalanced about a bunch of sitting ducks getting shot. There are thousands of better ways that all of those people could have played that.
This is especially true of the Pharah: People just think "weeee I can fly" when anyone who's played Quake or Unreal Tournament for five minutes knows that you are the most vulnerable when you're in the air.
Anyone else got a weird bug where some of the Hero's on your team disappear and left with nothing but their weapon model?
They were moving, but nobody was putting any effort into making sure they weren't hit from a Widow from basically the most well-known Widow starting position on that map.I mean, there was one person standing still. The rest were moving, and the Phara ate a headshot before she got off the ground.
Competent Widows get crazy killstreaks all the time, and I fully expect her to be a huge issue in comp when the game's been out longer and the skill level goes up. Especially with the inevitable McCree nerf down the road.
They were moving, but nobody was putting any effort into making sure they weren't hit from a Widow from basically the most well-known Widow starting position on that map.
Widow is an issue but it's an issue inherent to having snipers in the game, which is that the main counter for Widow is another Widow. Her damage isn't fundamentally broken in a game where a lot of things kill in one hit; if you toned her down you'd have to tone down a whole lot of other things at the same time. Really, the best fix for Widow would be to make Hanzo better so every game isn't just Widow plus five people against Widow plus five people.
As far as competitive play is concerned, as long as one team has a sniper the other team is going to have a sniper.
The problem with widow is the entire meta now revolves around her, at least in pubs it's normally fine. In groups, game may as well be called widowwatch.
Anyone else got a weird bug where some of the Hero's on your team disappear and left with nothing but their weapon model?
Did a Reaper ultimate and killed 2 people (maybe 3) and got the trophy, alright.
Me and my team went all Toblerone on a cart defense map and won. It was the sleaziest thing ever. Then I levelled up, opened up a lootbox, and got a legendary--Steambot Bastion.
Coincidence? I think not.
Whereas I have killed 4 people with it plenty and it still hasn't popped for me. Weird.
Whenever I play Mercy, I try and start the game next to our Widow, because I figure she needs a damage buff during that opening fusillade![]()
Lovely people.
Had this guy do nothing but insult my friend and call her a cunt over and over just because she's a high level. She never even insulted the guy once.
The problem with widow is the entire meta now revolves around her, at least in pubs it's normally fine. In groups, game may as well be called widowwatch.
Man I don't know why people have trouble with that team, I've never lost once against a team of 6 Torbjörns, and then one of the times when we got near the end they all switched to Winston and we still won.
Widow is kept in check by the fact that she can't directly accomplish any of the objectives actually necessary to finishing the game; she can only lopside things in her favor by killing people.The problem with widow is the entire meta now revolves around her, at least in pubs it's normally fine. In groups, game may as well be called widowwatch.
The problem with widow is the entire meta now revolves around her, at least in pubs it's normally fine. In groups, game may as well be called widowwatch.
Anymore changes and she'll be a one for one copy. Why not give her a kukri to go with it?Black Widow needs a red dot on the wall when she aims like the TF2 sniper has.
Anymore changes and she'll be a one for one copy. Why not give her a kukri to go with it?
Anymore changes and she'll be a one for one copy. Why not give her a kukri to go with it?
Uhm, her pea shooter is actually pretty strong and it helps her get her mech back.D.Va is so garbo. She'd be more useful if she died when her mech blew up so she didn't run around with her pea shooter doing nothing.
Uhm, her pea shooter is actually pretty strong and it helps her get her mech back.