"He can get kills so he's OP"
Nope.isn't this this line of thinking that got genji nerfed?
I got the Mercy gold as well. She's fallen out of favor, but still one of my favorites to play.I spent my 300 points on Mercy
Why do I feel like I made a huge mistake
Looking forward to doing just this for the next few weeks. Heaps of heroes I haven't touched in ages since I always seemed to go for Zarya/Soldier/Zenyatta in ranked.GGs killdat, fun to just fuck around with heroes I never play, lol.
"He can get kills so he's OP"
It's not supposed to be some incredibly hard thing to land. It is literally the way he fights.
GGs killdat, fun to just fuck around with heroes I never play, lol.
I played nothing but mercy until I tried Lucio. This buff will make me come back for sure I'm guessing.I got the Mercy gold as well. She's fallen out of favor, but still one of my favorites to play.
I love the way he plays.Question then. Is there opposition to buffing his regular attacks or are roadhog players cool with his chain and point blank blast being his main move?
I love the way he plays.
Nothing needs to change, except for a buff when discord gets nerfed![]()
I played nothing but mercy until I tried Lucio. This buff will make me come back for sure I'm guessing.
I love the way he plays.
Nothing needs to change, except for a buff when discord gets nerfed![]()
This would make him absolutely useless.good.
If true then it's strange they wouldn't mention it in the notes.
You were pleasd with the Genji nerfs see what happens to Roadie
isn't this this line of thinking that got genji nerfed?
You were pleasd with the Genji nerfs see what happens to Roadie
Who was crying for a Roadhog nerf?You were pleasd with the Genji nerfs see what happens to Roadie
Good thing most people have a multitude of characters they are good with. Unlike Genji mains.Nope, its definitely intentional, i filed a report about everyone who was positive about Genji nerfs.
Your Hero nerfs are coming...
Buff my main and nerf the hero that just killed me.
I think the one change to really watch is to see if the Mei buff makes it intact out of PTR.
I think the one change to really watch is to see if the Mei buff makes it intact out of PTR.
:3Good thing most people have a multitude of characters they are good with. Unlike Genji mains.![]()
Hard to get feedback from the many many people not picking Mei.I think the one change to really watch is to see if the Mei buff makes it intact out of PTR.
I think the one change to really watch is to see if the Mei buff makes it intact out of PTR.
No, actually I think it's not. People getting killed is one thing, not being able to kill a specific annoying enemy is another. I think that what drives the complaints against Genji and Tracer are that they are perceived as being extremely hard to kill and way too hard to pin down. Which is why the nerfs on Genji are not to his damage, but rather to his mobility and interrupts. Is Tracer next? Who knows!
People don't actually have a problem killing Roadhogs, so while they whine about the chain, I don't think there is much to take seriously. Blizzard probably feels the same way.
Funny enough, I actually given Mercy a try tonight for the first time. She's a blast to play, despite healing and buffing are her milk and honey for her tool kit. I actually got a triple kill when floating slowly behind a pair of unsuspecting players.
The most significant nerf Genji got was straight to his damage though. The animation cancel removal actually plummets his DPS far below something like Tracer :T
You were pleasd with the Genji nerfs see what happens to Roadie
The animation cancel combo was pretty tied to his CQC effectiveness. Maybe that was unintentional as well
Gg guys! My team had some clutch ass randoms
That feels great when you buff a teammate and they go to town. Mercy has a pretty strong pistol, it's just thay her health is shit. Earlier tonight I found myself in a one on one situation against a soldier 76 on Route 66, in a little tunnel...and I killed him. Naturally, I teabagged 😇
Even if it was unintentional it's been a thing since the beta. It just kind of blows down his DPS on the one thing he was good at without sword.
Like you pick Genji for vertical movement, burst on squishies, and sword.
You pick Tracer for consistent high DPS and horizontal mobility.
All three of those things Genji had got nerfed at once. Sword needed the nerf and is still good at least. For the rest of it though Tracer's raw DPS is going to outpace Genji's burst now anyways so you're just going to pick her since the mobility difference isn't that big. It's not even that Genji is some dumpster fire character with all these nerfs, it just takes the decision of "Genji or Tracer" and boils it down to "Tracer".