Same here man, that pink hair is a must.
I accidently spent $60 on lootboxes when i only meant to spend $15 so dont feel bad.
got that americree skin though
Same here man, that pink hair is a must.
I'm so glad, I finally got GBR Tracer!
Content with that now. I don't have weightlifting Zarya yet but I'm not super fond of it because they removed so many of her identifiers (tattoos, scars, hair) and I'm not sure why. The cynic in me wonders if it's to make her more "traditionally attractive" as I remember seeing a lot of people calling her ugly, as if that mattered.
I swear his skin is an epic why cant i get it. Ive gotten shitty Zarya and Tracer legendaries ffff
Junkrat even more annoying now.Happy about the patch not allowing Genji to bypass Junkrat's traps anymore.
Zarya with the short hair in blond for the weightlifter skin would have been amazing. Right now she looks like some kids jacked mother
Junkrat even more annoying now.
Just read about the patch notes on PTR. Good stuff. I don't understand the dev comment on the Mei ult buff. It pierced barriers for a while but the barriers blocked them? That doesn't make sense. What exactly changed now?
Also happy for the new Hanzo buff. But adapting to the new arrow speed will be hard.
The freezing effect goes through barriers (except for zarya's shield) but the actual projectile used to initiate blizzard is blocked by barriers, so you can't for example throw it through reinhardt's shield.
It's really terrible. No one communicates at all and everyone's key to winning defense seems to be to all change to Bastion at the last minute. It's actually rage inducing.
What kind of Legendary emotes can we expect in the future ?
I expect we'd see Zarya lifting some weight.
Gods just streamed himself going from placements to Grandmaster in one night on the PTR playing almost exclusively Hanzo.
Considering Russia's laws against public homosexuality, I don't think they would condone pink hair as it might be deemed supportive of gay rights.
Gods just streamed himself going from placements to Grandmaster in one night on the PTR playing almost exclusively Hanzo.
Hmmm, I figured that Seagull was the better Hanzo over Gods.Not surprising in the least. I'm under the impression that Gods is to Hanzo what Shadder is to Genji.
It was really weird having the season end in the middle of a really close match. Thought the season was supposed to end today not yesterday?
Also surprised they didn't keep the playlist live but just lose the ranking aspect. It's really hard to go back to quick match at this point.
I came home from work excited to play OW. Fire up the game and competitive is gone. I load up quick plays and there are 3 of the same character. I quit immediately. I can't go back.
If only all of us could ;__;Play the new comp on PTR.
All I want is a decent skin that retains her pink hair and normal face.Wait people want to change the pink hair?
People here just have no taste...
This shit has been happening to me on live for some time now. People hooked to the side, people hooked to a far too long distance. I swear during the Roadhog brawl the hooks consistently pulled people into my face.
WHY??? WHYYYYY??? Damn you Blizzard!!
Gods just streamed himself going from placements to Grandmaster in one night on the PTR playing almost exclusively Hanzo.
Well the arrow speed is faster, and dragon comes out of an arrow 🤔I'm seeing it now and it's simply ridiculous how he just one-shots the other team members like it's nothing. Not even the ones leaving the spawn point are safe lol.
Is it me or the dragon is also faster now?
I'm seeing it now and it's simply ridiculous how he just one-shots the other team members like it's nothing. Not even the ones leaving the spawn point are safe lol.
Is it me or the dragon is also faster now?
All I want is a decent skin that retains her pink hair and normal face.
Is this so much to ask, Blizzard? Zarya's one of my favorite heroes, but her customization is bland or flatly bad. Even her voice lines aren't as good as other heroes.
Gods just streamed himself going from placements to Grandmaster in one night on the PTR playing almost exclusively Hanzo.
If only all of us could ;__;
Us console scrubsWho cannot?
Who cannot?
I came home from work excited to play OW. Fire up the game and competitive is gone. I load up quick plays and there are 3 of the same character. I quit immediately. I can't go back.
Us console scrubs![]()
console community?
I realized how many hours i've put on Lucio just because the team needed it, while in fact i am completely bored by his playstyle.
I also realized this is a videogame and i should try to actually have fun, so goodbye Lucio for a while.
Yes pleaseMake Genji great again.