That feeling when Anubis comes up in competitive and you immediately think "well I'm gonna lose this one!"
If people are good at rushing it, you can easily take it. Any hesitation as an Attacking team and you're screwed.
That feeling when Anubis comes up in competitive and you immediately think "well I'm gonna lose this one!"
What were the contents of said saltiness?
Eh, there's not very much here either. Been playing since launch, one hate message.
And lmao at the thirst for hate![]()
There's something oddly satisfying about being such a pain in the ass to someone that they took the time to message you.
I'm at 7 now, all roadhog related for some reason.
i thought the oldest highlight falls off, tho? Because in another game where I didn't get PotG it saved a highlight and one my older highlights was gone.
anyway, it was a cool Pharah PotG (w/o Zarya) and I wanted to save it. T__T
Anubis is the best, I have the complete opposite reaction.
If people are good at rushing it, you can easily take it. Any hesitation as an Attacking team and you're screwed.
The developers openly talk about it, yes. Having a rating hidden doesn't mean its some kind of taboo subject, that;s absurd.That's why it's called "hidden" MMR. Is there even proof that QP has an MMR?
Here's the thing is this something you read somewhere or is this your assumption. Because there's a huge difference between the two, and if its the latter you're being oddly indignant about a disagreement on mechanics.Also, of course season 1 had to use QP MMR because there was nothing else for placements. It's not like that now. Now, the game uses your last season rank to help find your placement rank.
Yeah, first time I saw that, complete bullshit.Yep, once it goes 4-man, it MMs with full groups. Not a fan. Back to where I started just 2 hours ago. I just wanna get above 3,000 but that's too hard.
His turret is pretty worthless aka he's worthless. Everyone on console knows how to counter it because he was insanely powerful on console in the early days and everyone had to figure him out because of that.
Since then, he's been nerfed and everyone is just getting better at countering his turret. You are much better off picking most other heroes if you're all about winning.
I want him buffed so bad. I feel like Blizzard over punished him and Symmetra. How was widowmaker before the nerf?
There should have been a middle ground.
I love Torbs ultimate and giving people armour.
I want to swing his hammer faster and maybe even give his turret more health? Right now Im finding players at my level struggle with torbs turret.
I think blizz should maybe balance this game differently between ranked and casual
I want one turret on casual but two on ranked
Thatd be better I think.
I want him buffed so bad. I feel like Blizzard over punished him and Symmetra. How was widowmaker before the nerf?
In serious danger of becoming dangerously addicted to Destiny again. I really do t want that to happen. Someone play some Overwatch with me. QP, ranked whatever. I don't want to lose Overwatch!
In serious danger of becoming dangerously addicted to Destiny again. I really do t want that to happen. Someone play some Overwatch with me. QP, ranked whatever. I don't want to lose Overwatch!
People are starting to feel bored? Time for Blizzard to unleash the Oktoberfest event and Sombra.
In serious danger of becoming dangerously addicted to Destiny again. I really do t want that to happen. Someone play some Overwatch with me. QP, ranked whatever. I don't want to lose Overwatch!
People are starting to feel bored? Time for Blizzard to unleash the Dia de los Muertos event and Sombra.
In serious danger of becoming dangerously addicted to Destiny again. I really do t want that to happen. Someone play some Overwatch with me. QP, ranked whatever. I don't want to lose Overwatch!
That is so hard for me. Now I just want to be Raid ready by the weekend. But it's not gonna happen. My schedule doesn't allow for me to play any game as much as Destiny needs to be played to always be maxed out. I'll raid in a few weeks. And I still love Overwatch, I'm playing it now actually.You and me can bounce back and forth mang
So this weird thing happened tonight.
Figured I'd share so all you Mei-haters can get some sort of sadistic pleasure out of this.
Welp, I'm below 2500 after tonight's matches. 2493.
Still plat, but it stings. Should've quit while I was ahead at 2600.
But, I did get to play with a pretty fun 6 stack and we lost the first match and won the next one because I got a triple kill as McCree and walked into Pharah as she fired a missile, killing us both and ensuring no one was there to contest the payload.
I'll take it.
Man, coordinated team games are so different.
That is so hard for me. Now I just want to be Raid ready by the weekend. But it's not gonna happen. My schedule doesn't allow for me to play any game as much as Destiny needs to be played to always be maxed out. I'll raid in a few weeks. And I still love Overwatch, I'm playing it now actually.
I just need to chill with Destiny, that game does bad things to me, lol.
I don't play Mei often, but I just gotten her A-MEI-ZING voice line.
Now I'm torn between that one and Sorry.
I don't play Mei often, but I just gotten her A-MEI-ZING voice line.
Now I'm torn between that one and Sorry.
Where's Sombra?
I just need to chill with Destiny, that game does bad things to me, lol.
I feel like winston has too many counters man. Bastion, mccree, reaper, 76, ana, mei all seem squishy but they can make short work of me
Even if i pop a shield, they tend to have stuns and traps that i struggle with
Is winston better on offense or defense?
I know Im good against hanzo, widow, mercy, zenyatta, but sometimes i make awful moves and find myself trapped and dying very fast