RIP my productivity this morning.
Just started watching but 2 things stick out:
- 3 tanks, even without 3 supports, for both teams is getting popular if an Ana is present.
- This dude just pronounced "nano" as "naw-no." He has an American accent. wtf
Usually if I see an enemy Pharah now and I die twice to them or I see my team struggling, I will switch to Soldier to counter her. Sucks when someone else is playing a Soldier and doing jackshit to take her out. Anyone who plays Soldier or McCree needs to have Pharah as a high priority target. They're not doing their job if they can't make her go away.
Usually if I see an enemy Pharah now and I die twice to them or I see my team struggling, I will switch to Soldier to counter her. Sucks when someone else is playing a Soldier and doing jackshit to take her out. Anyone who plays Soldier or McCree needs to have Pharah as a high priority target. They're not doing their job if they can't make her go away.
Ive gone from 23-- to near 19-- awful.
The game is fantastic but it's so frustrating to play an online multi-player game that no one talks or communicates in. What's the point?
True. With my new strategy when I play with randoms I now instapick Soldier all the time, and it's so easy to damage Pharah with small bursts from so far away that it's a shame if he goes to the hands of someone that just doesn't pay attention to the right targets or doesn't have good enough aim. Can't do shit with McCree though, my aim is a mess with him.
Sometimes I'll burn my ult as Soldier just to make sure a flying Pharah that's terrorizing people goes down. Sometimes just one kill ends up making all the difference.
Been working on my Genji as a more offensive hero to complement my Dva. I'm getting better at utilizing his movement, but still having a bit of trouble with his shuriken. Anyone have any tips on how to be more consistent with those?
PC if that affects your advice.
Right clik on close range, left click on long range.
Also learn to flick, a lot.
You need to play well consistently that way it stacks the rating loss/gain in your favor. I have come to accept that half of my games will suck but the way I've kept climbing is due to the personal performance contribution. 20-25 on loss 30-40 on a win.
I placed 2.6k~ dropped to 2.4k then rose to 3k.
When I see the attack Rein on my team here I shed a single tear for the loss to come.That feeling when Anubis comes up in competitive and you immediately think "well I'm gonna lose this one!"
My rule of thumb here is to ensure the Zenyatta is not looking even remotely in your general direction if you've got to take care of him, the moment you get a discord on your way in is the moment you just lost your life.Don't underestimate Zenyattas as Winston. A headshot with a discord orb does 119 damage and he has 20 of those things to throw out before he has to reload.
had some really good rein games tonight, the ones where your DPSers suck but you still power through and wreck people somehow.
lost all my games but i made them close at least. grouping made it bearable, if i'd been solo tonight i would have tilted.
The first brawl even showcased where Ana's skills lie when the choices were the five tanks and Ana. Fat bodies with lots of hitpoints being healed by 75-150 hitpoints per shot and becoming near unkillable wrecking balls when boosted. And that was before they boosted her firing rate and magazine size.
I expected as much with that guy touting his amazing KOTH Bastion which got shut down in like 30 seconds.
Yeah. And yet people still love to groan when she's pulled out. Or someone will play her when the team comp is almost all DPS with Hanzo and/or Junkrat.
Looking like there might be more Overwatch work in my future. Whoop whoop.
Got the imp skin for Mercy![]()
Well, whose fault is that really.
I was 15 points from Platinum
I don't really ever get tilted but I was close last night. We really got some bottom of the barrel players. I had nearly 50 elims with Zen on Ilios, we were up with a 2-1 lead, and we still lost. I expected as much with that guy touting his amazing KOTH Bastion which got shut down in like 30 seconds. It also didn't help that our Soldier left the game in the beginning of the last round and never came back when we still had a chance to finish with a win.
Every time we played payload it felt like we got steam rolled on defense thanks to having a useless Symmetra, Junkrat, Mei, or Bastion in every single game. Then we would turn around and carry hard on attack only to fall short. For example, that Gibraltar and Dorado where we pushed all the way to the final point only to lose. Those could have been easy wins if we put up any kind of defense.
On Gibraltar, I had like 99-100% energy on Zarya nearly the entire round (thanks Junkrat!) with over 35 elims, gold damage, multiple wipes with Graviton, and only died twice. I think you had over 40 on Rein. I was just melting people and you were cleaning house but we still couldn't close out the match. Dorado was a similar situation. I think you finished that game with around 40 also. I watched that Mcree and Reaper duo die alone over and over again. They wouldn't communicate or listen. The worst thing is when we got them in the very next match we played and they basically lost us the game again. Super frustrating.
I decided to play one more last night and got a win but I hard carried on Rein with 40+ elims and gold damage on Hanamura. Still around 2400 which isn't bad considering the 4 loss streak.
A terrible night all around but it was good fun regardless. Despite the run of bad luck, it's always fun to play with competent people.
Who's on PC EU around 2500? I'd like to add more people.
Ok thanks for the winston tip
What are all these insider terms u guys are using?
Dps, T1 and all that?
Who is a Hanzo's natural predator?
My interview with Harry and Chips from EnVy went up ;w; I hope it turned out nice
Eichenwalde on comp is stressful. Probably the most frustrating map on attack.
You need to play well consistently that way it stacks the rating loss/gain in your favor. I have come to accept that half of my games will suck but the way I've kept climbing is due to the personal performance contribution. 20-25 on loss 30-40 on a win.
I placed 2.6k~ dropped to 2.4k then rose to 3k.
Fucking hate this game, cant win a single match of competitive. Went from shiet teir 2115 down to 1334.
I'm platinum.Anyone on PC in Europe playing in Diamond?
It's hard for me to envision situations where you're racking up 40-50 elims in competitive games and not winning. Are you eliminating all but one guy who holds the point/payload until the team gets back, and that's happening multiple times? 'Cause when I feel I'm doing good and get gold/silver elims I'm usually getting 30-35 kills for the whole match and we usually end up winning.
It's hard for me to envision situations where you're racking up 40-50 elims in competitive games and not winning. Are you eliminating all but one guy who holds the point/payload until the team gets back, and that's happening multiple times? 'Cause when I feel I'm doing good and get gold/silver elims I'm usually getting 30-35 kills for the whole match and we usually end up winning.
Jumped onboard not too long ago (right after the free weekend), and recently started ranked matches. Placement matches didn't go so well, so I ended up with a 2160-ish score, which is actually higher than I thought, all things considered.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around the scoring system here though - I played one ranked matched after placing which we lost, and watched my SR plummet almost 60 points. From there, I went 3-3 yesterday in ranked matches and ended up with a net negative SR for the day. I mean, is this because I'm playing poorly or can one expect this to happen if you have a 50% win rate? I know I'm not very good, but I don't think I'm necessarily bad either and realize it will take time to improve, but this is discouraging as someone trying to mostly solo queue, having no control over my teammates. Can you play to a 50% win rate and end up increasing your SR if you play really well?
I'm also playing mostly Zenyatta, switching to Roadhog, and some Zarya recently, as needed - is getting shafted as a support player still a thing? I thought I had read about that happening in season 1.
Got my 2nd Zenyatta POTG today! They both were for kills tho. lol
Fucking hate this game, cant win a single match of competitive. Went from shiet teir 2115 down to 1334.
I see, thanks.Only Blizzard knows how the SR is calculated. Most of it is probably the game comparing teams and deciding which one's the favorite, and a tiny fraction of it it's your performance.
I had winning games where I dominated and only got a couple of points and others where I did pretty poorly and got like 20-30.
it's funny, whenever I have Bastion on my side the enemy team always manages to coordinate their attack around killing him, every. single. time. Meanwhile when the enemy team rolls Bastion he never fails to successfully fuck up my team. -__-
TFW when the enemy team plays a hero better than the guy on your own team.
How does personal performance contribute?
Define "play well consistently". It's fairly easy to be the best player on a poor team, at least in terms of raw numbers, but my findings are that I am still loosing more on a loss than I am gaining back on a win.
"Play well" IS the best advice but the fact of the matter is you can play well and still rank down over a given period and that's just the way it is unless Blizzard changes the way SR is calculated.
Play well means you need to meet the minimum threshold of other players playing that hero. For example if you want to be at say 2800 rating as mcree you need similar elims/accuracy/damage as other mcrees at that rank. Sadly only blizzard has the complete data.
The points you get at the end of the round is calculated based on.
-difference in average skill of your team vs other
-win/loss (controls direction obviously)
-how each of the characters you played that round compare to others on the same map and skill level.
I notice this any time I switch to a character I am rubbish with, even if I win I get barely any points. A loss is even worse.
I wish I saved a post of someone from the official forums who had this problem, they even linked their MO profile. It showed that while they were winning more on one character (DVa with significant games played) their performance on their main (Mercy) was below average pulling down their rating.
I notice this any time I switch to a character I am rubbish with, even if I win I get barely any points. A loss is even worse.
Why is it when the match starts Tracer's always use her time jump to get into the field, leaving their teammates behind, for an engagement that will always end up with them dead because they have no idea how to stay alive. I mean I get it, if the objective is active but at the start? Come on now. Im only 21 now so I'm assuming this will stop when I get to ranked mode