Torb's strongest skill is his armour. The only problem is that he needs to collect it.
Tracer, Genji and Winston with 75+ health can be terrifying
As a squishy main, I support this.
Torb's strongest skill is his armour. The only problem is that he needs to collect it.
Tracer, Genji and Winston with 75+ health can be terrifying
Kind of depends on who you're playing with, but if your tanks are good at drawing fire, Ana is indeed absolutely fantastic. Tanks being easy to hit due to their size is as much to the benefit of the enemy, as to your own Ana. Her gun's hitbox is already quite generous as it is, but hitting one of the big boys or girls is really fast and reliable. You don't have to put yourself in harm's way either, making her survivability pretty top notch as well. If you play with a lot of speedy attackers, I don't feel like I'm healing reliably enough with her. Feels safer to switch to someone else to compensate for my lacking skill.
I don't 100% agree with the meta, and I do often encourage people to play what their strong in, but I just can't find a good reason to play torb, widow, and symmetra on ps4. They just don't add much value to the team.
A lot of heroes can work situationally. There are grandmasters who play "F Tier" heroes exclusively such as Bastion, Junkrat, and D.Va on ps4. That being said, you should know when to switch off a certain hero if they're not really working out.
4 leavers in 5 games how is that even possible![]()
As a rank 1900, am I stuck playing with randoms until I get well into the 2000s?
Any groups I see forming in communities and forums are all 2500+
When I fell from ~2200 to the ~1600 range I still got invited to join groups whenever I performed well. Are you wearing a mic?
Yeah, I'm literally the only one talking in every game. And I'm being helpful, not giving people abuse lol
I am on ps4 though, which I didn't mention
Edit: Also I'm in UK, the land where no one speaks
What characters do you like to play? I have a mic and play UK time, 2800ish SR right now which is still in range. Feel free to add me: Sonovabiscuit
F Tier doesnt even mean unusable ass, just means typically bad. I have a pretty high opinion of D.VA tbh, even if her pick rate is low. I think a lot of bad heroes can do stuff but they either have massive drawbacks or don't fit atm.
I mean, Pharah is honestly mad strong but she can't fit into anything atm. That happens. Other times there's a character like Junkrat or Bastion who have severe drawbacks that have to be considered.
Zarya's right click is better than the entirety of Junkrat lol
For real though, it has close to same amount of damage at high levels of charge, larger explosion radius when charged, it explodes on contact rather than only on direct hits, it's a much larger projectile, travels faster, and it is good for building her infinitely better ult.
And Junkrat can fire 3 of his grenades in the time it takes Zarya to fire once..
I don't even think Junkrat's weakness is with the character itself but rather with the way that Ults factor into how the game flows and how fast they grow currently. It's the same reason why I thought Mei was gonna get a lot of play when she got the buff and the ult system changed awhile back. Ults charge too fast already and Junk was just oil onto a fire.
It's why I find the upcoming changes to be interesting.
How many of those grenades are going to land compared to zarya's just one?
I've seen junkrats emptying clips and land nothing.
And Junkrat can fire 3 of his grenades in the time it takes Zarya to fire once..
That is totally subjective to the Junkrat and Zarya player. I've seen plenty of Junkrats and Zaryas that can't hit shit. I've seen plenty that have infuriating accuracy.
A junkrat with grenades that explodes on impact instead of bouncing would actually be pretty scary.
Junkrats rate of fire isn't even 2 to 1 compared to Zarya.
Abadabadafadi got put on my quick play game. Hey man
Batman.Hello, what's your psn ID?
Guess you weren't satisfied with my Dva play and had to show me how it's done.
I'm not sure if I find the changes to ult charge time to be good, to be honest. As it currently stands, you usually can build up enough charge during a team fight to have one for the next. Slow charge speed would mean a lot slower pushes, less games going to overtime, less clutch games. The game probably will be a lot less interesting to watch, as well.
As I see it, the ult charge time means that folks will have to explore more options in dealing a lot damage up front to make pushes work since Ults won't be available to do that as much. Junkrat is absolutely amazing for a frontal push in this respect, especially against Reinhardt, because of how much damage he puts out. 120 damage at a 1.66 per second fire rate is a LOT of damage. It's the reason why he shreds Reinhardt's shield so fast compared to everyone besides Bastion.
When he doesn't have to worry about incidental damage causing ult to charge as much as well. He can also force opponents to move to a certain direction with splash and help dictate the pace of the fight in a way that Mei can with her wall or a good flanker can. At least, I feel that's the ideal situation anyway. It's just exploration of this concept has been stunted because of how powerful and how fast people gotten ults, nullifying that sort of strategy.
I used to play TFC a lot with Demo and Soldier being my main stays so I have a soft spot for explosions and tactics with these types of characters but it is a different game.
If people want to shred rein's shields they would pick roadhog over junkrat.
If people want to shred rein's shields they would pick roadhog over junkrat.
If people want to shred rein's shields they would pick roadhog over junkrat.
i'd say the biggest reasons why Junkrat/D.Va are not 'viable' or in the meta is Zarya - she eats D.Va alive, and there's the fear that Junkrat will charge her up.
delete Zarya.