Garrett Hawke
what does road hog's right click do? i feel like it puts out less damage overall.
what does road hog's right click do? i feel like it puts out less damage overall.
I've been noticing the same thing for myself. I feel like I have a much more significant impact as a damage hero. Having a good flanker to keep the enemy team staggered is devastating. Or a good Mei that knows how and when to wall. Just playing Genji or Tracer well is enough to make the other team fall apart in platinum rank from what I've seen.I don't feel like I'm playing healers that badly either.![]()
At 8 meters it spreads into a normal shotgun blast. Anytime someone is dancing outside your m1 range, you want to use it if your hook is on CD. Tracer 1 shots with it are so satisfying.what does road hog's right click do? i feel like it puts out less damage overall.
what does road hog's right click do? i feel like it puts out less damage overall.
Shoots a clump of scrap that goes out a certain distance then explodes into a spray of scrap like his main. It only does 50 damage if you hit with the ball but does the same as his normal one once it explodes at the right distance.
hmmmmIt does a ton of damage from the right distance.
It shoots a ball dealing 50 dmg. After a certain distance it dissolves into a hitscan blast that can deal 300 burst damage in total.what does road hog's right click do? i feel like it puts out less damage overall.
Honestly I think Roadhog's hook needs to be nerfed somehow. Wether it's in damage, range or the ability to actually get out of it, I don't care. It's probably the most annoying ability besides Reinhardt's wall slam.
what's the right distance?![]()
Honestly I think Roadhog's hook needs to be nerfed somehow. Wether it's in damage, range or the ability to actually get out of it, I don't care. It's probably the most annoying ability besides Reinhardt's wall slam.
These were the character changes they did on the PTR. Whether or not they stick is another thing.
D. Va
Mech health increased to 200 (formerly 100). Armor remains at 400
Movement speed while firing has been increased by 25%
Particle Barrier
Power gained from barriers decreased by 20%
Projected Barrier
Power gained from barriers decreased by 20%
what's the right distance?![]()
what's the right distance?![]()
didn't they say that they're throwing a lot of mud at the wall with all these changes?These were the character changes they did on the PTR. Whether or not they stick is another thing.
go to the shooting range and practice a bit until it becomes second nature, it will give you so much more power in a fight
didn't they say that they're throwing a lot of mud at the wall with all these changes?
when you one shot the 200 hp characters
Also happens to 250 HP characters. Was playing Reaper early and that happened quite a few times.I don't mind the hook, but my god that tilts me more than the hook.
I am finding a trend in comp where people can't handle Bastion.
Started at 2333 went up to 2446 then dropped to 2100. Climbed to 2499 then finally hit plat. Yissssss
Handle as in a player choosing him or counter him?
I really hate games where I get grouped with people being pulled up by their friends, but they essentially make it a 5v6
It's insane to that I keep running into people who straight up won't swap under any circumstance whatsoever. This is around the 3000 SR mark. Why play competitive when you don't want to try????? Uggggghhhh. Need more friends who want to group.
I lost to a bastion twice todayplease shoot me
I don't understand how we let him go crazy on us on KOTH.
peeps need to stop giving up before the match is over, like staying in spawn because it seems like the enemy's about to cap the point... what do you have to lose? Don't give up! WTF? -__-
I actually kinda love having bastion on my team.
Like, half the time it doesn't work, but the other half I just play ana to keep him alive and boost him which can lead to some hilarious stomps.
You take the good with the bad.
Nano boost nerf, plz no Blizzard![]()
Ugh, just finished a match where we lost to a team playing Bastion... on Hollywood... on Attack. Like, I try my best switching to Genji but I can only do so much.
That's something I've learned about playing this game a lot: I don't mind losing all that much. But losing to a horrible comp... that makes me want to rip my hair out.
I try to keep myself able to play most characters so I never really feel out of place.Man, solo queued from 1700 back up to 2152 (my season high), and just when I was feeling like I had accomplished something and was in control of my own destiny, we get absolutely steamrolled in my last two matches. I mean, completely disheartening, why do I even play this game, I'm useless and so is everyone on my team kind of losses. My last 15 matches or so matches prior were mostly wins, but even the losses were competitive.
Someone insta-locked Zarya AND Zenyatta ahead of me (go figure) and I guess I got...tilted? I hadn't played Roadhog in so long, my old man brain stayed stuck in Zarya mode and had me throw more than one accidental hook when trying to bubble myself.
Shoots a clump of scrap that goes out a certain distance then explodes into a spray of scrap like his main. It only does 50 damage if you hit with the ball but does the same as his normal one once it explodes at the right distance.
Counter, Seems the Bastion Reinhardt combo is making a comeback at least in my matches.
Ana is the best hero in the game.
Nano op
Nade op
Healing op
Dps decent
Can deal with flankers
Sniper scope
It was only 39 damage. Only one was a solo kill.Nah I only got two kills there. That would be the worst POTG ever haha. You basically did the most damage there.
I'd be interested in seeing the whole video just to see how you played that match to hopefully improve the way I use Ana.
That's the second Ana POTG you've had with me! I'm clearly the lucky charm.One day it'll happen for me hopefully