Afaik transponder despawns, but hacked medkits remain hacked until 1min runs out on hack.
well, that's good I guess. LOL
Afaik transponder despawns, but hacked medkits remain hacked until 1min runs out on hack.
The problem is same range but way higher RoF means she can melt big targets even from range. Doesn't really make sense.
She also has a larger mag than S76.
Games just become shit shows at low 2000s in comp.
That wont happen. Large bullet spread and weapon reaching that large spread fast makes it next to impossible melt targets from long range. You can burst fire, but what is the point most of the time?
No limit on hacked health packs, and they stay hacked for a minute. Hack takes a few seconds to channel and has a 12s cooldown, though.
Range is similar, but spread on Sombra's SMG is huge. Optimal range is quite similar to Tracer, tad longer.
Just going based on the gameplay I saw. She was destroying rein's shield/rein and melting winston who is supposed to somewhat counter her at mid range.
Yeah I'm in that zone right now. It's really hard to climb out of. You can have one good game but it'll be followed by 4 horrible ones where it seems like everyone is playing for the first time.2100-2200 area is really bad too. I think I only dipped under 2100 for a little bit. It's brutal down there. You really get coin flip teammates that have no idea what they are doing. Some games are stomps other games you can't even get out of spawn. Pretty frustrating for sure.
Play Zarya hardcore for next 7 days and solocarryYeah I'm in that zone right now. It's really hard to climb out of. You can have one good game but it'll be followed by 4 horrible ones where it seems like everyone is playing for the first time.
I can't believe I have to ask for healers and tanks still at this point.
Doesn't help that only 1 in every 10 people communicates.
Agreed.No I mean from mid-range sombra was destroying winston even before he could close the gap.
Winston is mid-range hero? Then short range in OW is like from 0m to 3mHow I took it when dev talked about Winston being good against Sombra was that he can break cloak easily with somewhat AoE lightning gun.
Can you imagine some of the current characters being released now?
Introducing McCree!
-Can Roll
-Can Stun
Say hello to Bastion!
-Has turret mode
-Can self heal
-Hack opponents, so they can't use abilities, able to see ultimate charge on hacked enemies
-Hack health kits, unusable by enemies, recharge three times faster for teammates
-Go invisible
-Move very fast while invisible
-Can teleport in and out of battle
-See's all enemies below 50% health through walls, also sees if these enemies have ult.
Ana had a ton of utility as well. I think spending so much time on just one character makes them fall in love with them a bit too much.
"Damn, that sounds awesome, let's find a way to fit it into her kit"
Sombra would be perfectly fine without the invisibility, or if she could only hack health packs, OR enemies, or hell, both of those changes.
I can't fucking wait to use her, and she seems like an insane amount of fun. I'm also extremely confident that she would completely break the game in her current state.
when can us from consoles expect the arcade modes?
I feel like every (or almost every) archetype, whether it be stylistic or gameplay class, has already been covered by the Overwatch roster, so new characters from this point forward have to be really well thought out. Like how Eichenwalde has so much more design in it than other maps.
Heh, nope. It was the second win in a row, but hardly a streak.are you on a win streak?
Heh, nope. It was the second win in a row, but hardly a streak.
I feel like every (or almost every) archetype, whether it be stylistic or gameplay class, has already been covered by the Overwatch roster, so new characters from this point forward have to be really well thought out. Like how Eichenwalde has so much more design in it than other maps.
Huh, interesting. I've only noticed getting significantly more than 20 SR on a win if I'm deep into a win streak. Still don't really understand how that gets calculated
Can you imagine some of the current characters being released now?
Introducing McCree!
-Can Roll
-Can Stun
Say hello to Bastion!
-Has turret mode
-Can self heal
-Hack opponents, so they can't use abilities, able to see ultimate charge on hacked enemies
-Hack health kits, unusable by enemies, recharge three times faster for teammates
-Go invisible
-Move very fast while invisible
-Can teleport in and out of battle
-See's all enemies below 50% health through walls, also sees if these enemies have ult.
Ana had a ton of utility as well. I think spending so much time on just one character makes them fall in love with them a bit too much.
"Damn, that sounds awesome, let's find a way to fit it into her kit"
Sombra would be perfectly fine without the invisibility, or if she could only hack health packs, OR enemies, or hell, both of those changes.
I can't fucking wait to use her, and she seems like an insane amount of fun. I'm also extremely confident that she would completely break the game in her current state.
If you were the underdogs of the game by 100+ points you get a lot more than usual.
It'll be on PTR next week, probably will be on there for 2 weeks. So by the end of November.
Winston can break her Stealth but she doesn't need stealth and will always have a grenade up on a healthkit out of line of sight.
She does Solder levels of damage with a larger magazine, Winston is ult fodder with his hitbox and headshot hitbox ROFL
People thinking of how to counter her invis are missing the point.
No I mean from mid-range sombra was destroying winston even before he could close the gap. It's the whole mccree thing all over again. Is her role supposed to be to melt tanks because it looks like she can out-dps reaper against tanks right now from further out.
It'll be on PTR next week, probably will be on there for 2 weeks. So by the end of November.
There's a lot of archetypes we don't have yet. I can easily come up with like at least 10 character archetypes that aren't yet in Overwatch. The thing is, it's also hard to realize those archetypes into proper playable characters.
So given that Blizzard requires standard skins for the Overwatch Open. Is it fair to say that Blizzard rather wants Overwatch to grow as an esport rather than sell more loot boxes?
So given that Blizzard requires standard skins for the Overwatch World Cup. Is it fair to say that Blizzard rather wants Overwatch to grow as an esport rather than sell more loot boxes?
Yes. But Dota for example doesn't require it and makes many people see skins that they later drop a coin on.What?
Having players use default skins makes it easier for casters and viewers to tell what hero is where by glance. Those are maybe best known skins after all and makes game fast to read for everyone.
Gods is awful. Switched four times that round and got no kills.
Why would a good Winston matter?Winston and Roadhog are ult batteries for quite a few heroes. Hitboxes on them are so generous. Will be interesting to see how high mobility Winston [read: well played, none of this BlizzCon scrubbery] does against Sombra. Making Sombra's cone of fire tad larger could be in order tho if she starts to creep into Reaper territory too much while doing it from range.
Having players use default skins makes it easier for casters and viewers to tell what hero is where by glance. Those are maybe best known skins after all and makes game fast to read for everyone.
Would you care to share some ideas? I'm always down for theoretical heroes
Why would a good Winston matter?
Sombra just instantly recalls out of line of sight.
If your Winston is babysitting your squishes he's not doing anything like disrupting the backline. And Sombra most importantly only engages with stealth when playing safely. Basically opopop
For instance, I've been thinking about what character would fit the map of Ilios, and my first thought was a grizzled sailor/pirate (cause Greece and boats go well together), but I've come to the conclusion that the best fit for Ilios would be an Indiana Jones/Lara Croft type archeologist/treasure hunter. Perhaps using a whip to restrain enemies and such.
The upcoming map already makes me crave scientist characters, and there's very many things you can do with. There's the mad evil scientist, there's the regal, scholarly professor, or the eccentric tinkerer.
Some other archetypes - kooky elderly lady (you know, the auntie inviting you over for tea and knitting you socks for christmas); or the Duke Nukem/Serious Sam kinda guy - badass dude built like a brick and wielding a massive gun. Benevolent/assisting AI type (Athena!). Special agent/spy kind of guy ala James Bond.
And there's a lot of villain concepts that haven't been explored yet, either. Religious extremist, evil AI/Omnic who wants to destroy all of the fleshbags, Bond-villain corporate/criminal kingpin (preferably with en eyepatch), and so on.
Does someone know the results of the France v Russia and Spain v Finland games, please?
Also, Kryw was using skins earlier, but he was the only one.
Russia and Finland won.
Well, you could say Ana and Reinhardt already take a few of those archetypes, but yeah, those are cool. An adventuring type who traversed using a whip like Spiderman's webs would be super cool. But yeah, the gameplay utility is the challenge.
Any Sombra gameplay footage out yet, other than the Blizzard intro video?