I actually think a hiding mercy is a dead mercy. Sombra can use her tp/invis to flank pretty well, find mercy then just delete her with a hack/kill. She'll have no way to escape. Hopefully they make the cues for you getting hacked really obvious. In the blizzcon build it looks like you just see HACKED after the fact lolanother thing with the hacking ability is that we'll probably continue to see mercy stay on the sidelines of the game because it absolutely wrecks her ability to escape flankers with her guardian angel, but this also gives more of a reason for blizzard to give mercy an ability that lets her purge or purify herself (or teammates) that cant be disabled by other heroes.
Any Sombra gameplay footage out yet, other than the Blizzard intro video?
Ya took out the gift! You hate boop now tooooooo? 😶I'm all for more complicated characters, but I have to say, her m1 looks boring. Literally Tracer v1.2
I love theThat Zarya play was amazing.
Ya took out the gift! You hate boop now tooooooo? ��
Is there any gameplay of Sombra in normal non stacked matches? Am watching the start of the stylosa video but it's all Sombra stacking so far. Would love to see how she plays in a proper team comp.
IDDQD is a God
Is there any gameplay of Sombra in normal non stacked matches? Am watching the start of the stylosa video but it's all Sombra stacking so far. Would love to see how she plays in a proper team comp.
McCree and Soldier ults can't lock-on to Sombra while she's invisible.
McCree and Soldier ults can't lock-on to Sombra while she's invisible.
Didn't dev say that soldier ult locks to even cloaked Sombra?
The one on Anne's stream said it doesn't, so ¯_(ツ_/¯
McCree and Soldier ults can't lock-on to Sombra while she's invisible.
The one on Anne's stream said it doesn't, so ¯\_(ツ_/¯
We'll just go with whatever comes on the ptr as what it is. Devs probably confused on which sombra iteration
I love the
lol D:
I wonder what Zarya's role will be like against Sombra in this.
Maybe it'll be like the WoW spray and they'll just give it to everyone on consoles gratis.Sorry if this has been answered already, but is it known yet if it's possible to get the Oni Genji skin on consoles?
McCree and Soldier ults can't lock-on to Sombra while she's invisible.
Overwatch...I made an apple pie instead but might play. I want all these nerfs and Sombras now.
if i had to guess, she probably can purge the hacked debuff from teammates with her ally-bubble
According dev she can't. Sombra can't hack player protected by barrier, but putting barrier on hacked player won't remove hacked status.
not to mention Zarya can't bubble anyone when she'll likely be hacked herself. RIP
According dev she can't. Sombra can't hack player protected by barrier, but putting barrier on hacked player won't remove hacked status.
Is it pretty much a certainty that there will be a Christmas event? As I am trying to power level my way to 100 in time for the event.
zarya is cancelled
So is Dva.. Just saw defense matrix being taken off through the hack and that range on hacking is so long.
Overwatch...I made an apple pie instead but might play. I want all these nerfs and Sombras now.
Ill join up. Been playing Titanfall 2 all week.
Doesn't hack have same range as Mercy's staff?
Anne hacked the med-kit right outside Gibraltar while on the lower level (same level as the payload) through the edge too.
So is all there a place where i can find all the announcements so far?
Overwatch announcements:
Sombra and her legendary skins
New Map Oasis, Control/KOTH, coming in December
Quick Play will have Single Hero Limit
Weekly Brawls will be replaced by Arcade mode
Oni skin for Genji for playing HotS with friends during that game's event
Overwatch League for esports
Arcade mode:
1v1 and 3v3 skirmish modes on new map Ecopoint Antarctica
QP + Hero Stacking one mode
Mystery Heroes is a mode
All Brawls, will have various themed Brawls from past Weekly Brawls and new ones on rotation
You get 1 lootbox as reward for winning once in each specific mode for the first time
3 weekly lootboxes as reward for winning a few games
Local Fog Detail2. I'm using a new monitor that's 1440p and I'd like to play at my native res. I have a 970 and things drop below 60 when shit gets hairy, like when everyone on both teams is furiously attacking to prevent or enable overtime. What's the biggest culprit for settings here? I turned down AA and still seeing drops.
Why does Sombra even need a passive wallhack ability?
Information is power is her whole theme. *shrug*
For instance, I've been thinking about what character would fit the map of Ilios, and my first thought was a grizzled sailor/pirate (cause Greece and boats go well together), but I've come to the conclusion that the best fit for Ilios would be an Indiana Jones/Lara Croft type archeologist/treasure hunter. Perhaps using a whip to restrain enemies and such.
The upcoming map already makes me crave scientist characters, and there's very many things you can do with. There's the mad evil scientist, there's the regal, scholarly professor, or the eccentric tinkerer.
Some other archetypes - kooky elderly lady (you know, the auntie inviting you over for tea and knitting you socks for christmas); or the Duke Nukem/Serious Sam kinda guy - badass dude built like a brick and wielding a massive gun. Benevolent/assisting AI type (Athena!). Special agent/spy kind of guy ala James Bond.
And there's a lot of villain concepts that haven't been explored yet, either. Religious extremist, evil AI/Omnic who wants to destroy all of the fleshbags, Bond-villain corporate/criminal kingpin (preferably with en eyepatch), and so on.