Liking the game so far, wish the girl would stop with her sex noises though :/
Yeah it's annoying, but what should she do if her boyfriend forces her to swallow his meat all the time before they're going to sleep. (Oh lord.)
Liking the game so far, wish the girl would stop with her sex noises though :/
Yeah, I'm in. Thanks for the headsup. would have missed it otherwise.
I should get mine tomorow... I hope -_-
I may have to kill someone if I don't get on of those coins.
anyway, how is the voice acting compared to XB/TLS? how is it in general?
I wonder if this has a lower inital print than the other two, there was hardly any advertisement, and somehow hardly anybody seems to be interessted in it.
- Really who can trust Mavda?
Any game featuring characters from one of Nintendo's "legacy" franchises is never going to happen. It was the same for Mother 3.RSG tried to get it, but Nintendo said no.
Could be possible, if you know an European who will send the coins to you. NoE always asks you for your address when you order an item from the "Star Catalog(ue)" (dunno the right english term, translated the German version). So it should be possible to enter the address of your European buddy.Hmmm. As an American that imported all three of these games, is it possible to secure the coins?
I think that it's really relevant that at the beginning of the first and second boss battles that.neither of the masters attack you until you attack them
I finally read up on reviews and the concept. Sounds GREAT.
Pandora's Tower is pretty damn decent.
I can't quite afford it right now and I didn't expect it to be any good anyway, so I gave it a rent over the weekend. The concept was always quite intriguing to me and I thought that it would be good enough for one or two hours worth of fun.
To begin with, I think that the story and art-design are pretty great. The background story is unique in an awesomely disturbing way, the art-design isn't anything special but it's interesting to look at and gives me a little ICO vibe. Pretty cool. I think the first five minutes are already more intriguing than the whole of Last Story's architecture and story, no kidding.
Story-wise it's all a big mystery in the beginning. There's that cursed girl who's slowly turning into some tree-monster and the only way to cure it is giving her the hearts of some disturbing monsters to eat (when she eats these hearts she's making bizarre orgasm sounds and that's not enough: she even moves accordingly. :lol ). There's the player character who's kind of a bland white knight, who's doing everything to save his beloved one. And there's some kind of strange demon merchant grandma who's obviously not to be trusted, but hey, you trust her anyway, because she's awesome. Oh, and then there's the 13 towers that are floating above a big chasm and which are holding the world together with some pairs of giant-ass-chains. The world is quite nice, really. The story isn't the main focus of the game and it doesn't really move forwards for quite some time, but it's still omnipresent in its own way. It's kind of like ICO: the story is a little in the background, but what is given to you makes you feel pretty immersed with the world and gives a great atmosphere. It feels like more than just the sum of its parts.
The gameplay? Not quite as interesting. The combat is a little shallow, the boss fights are not as epic as I thought and the usage of your own chain could be fleshed out more. When I finished the first tower I actually felt confirmed with the assumptions I made before I started playing the game: It has a nice idea, it's fun to play, but not fun enough to keep my interest. At that point I turned off the console and thought that I'd probably never touch the game again.
Well, I was wrong. I booted it up today morning again and ... I played. And I played more. And I couldn't stop playing. I'm now at the sixth tower and after pretty much every tower I was thinking "okay, it's enough, I'll stop playing for now". But I didn't. I don't even quite know what is capturing my interest, but something is.
Long story short: If you have the chance to play it, give it a try. It really is worth it. It won't make any GotY lists, but it's the kind of game that will be considered a "hidden gem" in a few years time. It's flawed, but nevertheless fun and even though it doesn't do anything groundbreakingly new it still feels fresh and interesting.
Could be possible, if you know an European who will send the coins to you. NoE always asks you for your address when you order an item from the "Star Catalog(ue)" (dunno the right english term, translated the German version). So it should be possible to enter the address of your European buddy.
If you register at the UK's Club Nintendo your buddy should live in the UK (the same for the other countries) and you should you use an e-mail address which is from the country you register.
I hope I didn't forget something.
Just ask a British/French/German GAF memberSo I guess not. But thank you for the detailed response.![]()
Already localised for the English speaking market.
If you meant a release in the US, then yes, that would be nice.
Overall, Pandoras Tower is a great action game that manages to combine a very interesting and well-developed locale with some truly innovative and well thought-out battle mechanics to provide a solid action adventure. Sure, there are light RPG elements in equipment crafting, but this is wholeheartedly an action game or to be more accurate, an action-drama-puzzle-romance. Its a weird combination of genres but surprisingly it handles them all rather well.
An unexpected and unfounded gem in the Wiis library.
Yesterday, I went to a friends house and brough my wii with me to play some golden eye together. After kicking their asses (we played 4p splitscreen) 20 times, they wanted to stop playing for a while, and asked if I got something new to show them, so I said "yeah, maybe" and put Pandoras Tower in.
Usually, after 2 minutes they would get bored and start babbling about random shit ignoring the game entirely, but this time, things were somehow different. As soon as I hit the start the "new game" button, the room got quiet, and stayed that way until I beat the first tower. They really seemed interessted in the games strangeness and were mesmerized by all the weird shit going on. They also wondered why they had never heard of this before.
THIS is the power of pandora![]()
By the way, if you register all three of the RPGs with Club Nintendo, you get this message.
This applies to the UK. Not sure about other countries. Nice surprise, anyway.
this.. is... gonna... hurt... meh :|but the melee combat is too simple and doesn't evolve at all since the beginning of the game.
When you're strongly bound to Elena, you can't get the bad endings with the new game +? Cause you keep love at the level you finish the story.
The last towers were impressive too, you discover their proper mechanic and begin soft then it get really intricate and end with a really fun boss battle.
Intense last part too.
Xenoblade whilst I have really enjoyed all that I've played so far, it is just too damn expansive for me to really sink my teeth into it at the moment.
So true. It's more than a week that has been released and makes me a little sad that this thread is still in the fourth page. I know the game isn't out in America, but I thought EuroGAF would lend it a little more attention. It can hardly be compared to Xenoblade, but I think it's a pretty good game.Got to the fifth tower, i'm seriously loving this game.
The atmosphere, the setting, the gameplay, the level design, the boss fights... it's seriously damn good.
It's so sad everybody's overlooking it.![]()
The game is definitely not a masterpiece, maybe not even outstanding. But except for the combat, which is totally mediocre, I think it is pretty good. The towers are well designed (especially later ones), boss battles are usually fun and the story has some high points. Not one of the best Wii games, but I think it deserves a shot.So this game is actually good?
I hope this is not another case of GAF being contrarian and rooting for the underdog.
So this game is actually good?
I hope this is not another case of GAF being contrarian and rooting for the underdog.
Did anyone who imported from HMV get their's yet? I'm still waiting here.