2-5anyone know where I can find the pieces. Do I just need to backtrack in other levels?
if you missed them, yeah.
I believe there's one in each of 2-1, 2-2 and 2-4
2-5anyone know where I can find the pieces. Do I just need to backtrack in other levels?
Man, there was a total tonal shift in this thread. Gonna have to keep an eye on this game.
Sodoes anybody know where i can find the steering wheel for the boat in sunshine harbor?
I did somehow. I saw secret areas but didn't know how to get there. Oh well back to searching.if you missed them, yeah.I believe there's one in each of 2-1, 2-2 and 2-4
You need the lightbulb from 2-2. There's a dark room in the harbor warehouse where you need to use it to get the wheel.
you need to fall off the cliff, not just sink to your doom
So basically, the divisiveness is between reviewers and gamers?
Yes. My guess is they where rushing through this, but as much as I respect others opinions I cannot understand how anyone could give this game a low score or criticize is design objectively. Its my GOTY so far.
I hate Europe, I really do.
Yep. Only Kid Icarus and this game so far this year have me counting down the hours at work until I can come home and start playing again. Definitely a GOTY contender.
World 3 is huge.
Newegg needs to get their shit together.
This shit is projected to arrive next Monday, a week after release. First VLR and now this?
It reminds me a bit of donkey kong country returns, in that each level is very conceptual in design, making each level fun, unique and special. It trully is remarcable.there is more design creativity in some of this levels than in whole other games. makes me want to see whst lies ahead.The level design in this game is ridiculously good. The actual layouts of each course I mean; so good that I would want like, a sequel to Mario 3D Land say, with level designs like this.
It's so fun to play in the portable format, with course designs like this. Just enough adventure type stuff in each course to stay intriguing but not feel like a slog - so far at least. Will see how long world 3 goes on.
It really is a shame so far, I wouldn't mind this concept getting expanded, we've honestly see the max of the previous battle system, and the only thing that would benefit it is better level design, since that was TTYD's major issue for the second part of its game.
Considering I'm not one of the ones who places TTYD on a golden throne even though I liked it, I'd probably like a TTYD inspired game even less considering I've gotten my milege out of em.
uuuuuuugh this exact thing just happenedToo often I've finished a level and then looked away from the screen to check GAF or something, totally forgetting to pick up all of those juicy coins. >_>
Can bomb stickers be found again if you beat the Goomba Fortress before putting them in the museum?
Really? I was given free 3-day with mine, and since shipping never occurs on Sundays, it's scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
Yeah, the more I play this game the more I realize that it's not a game where you can power through. It's designed to be played thoroughly. This game is definitely tailored to an older generation. The non-linear/puzzle nature of the stages calls for a more sophisticated mind and approach. This is certainly not a game for those who are impatient or for those who don't pay attention to the finer details. It's a shame some of these reviewers rushed their playthroughs because playing like that does not do this game justice.
I too am not the biggest fan of TTYD. The original N64 game was my favorite one in the series until I played Sticker Star (now 13 hours in). Super Paper Mario will always be my least favorite (as it is with most). I completed/100%'ed TTYD this past summer for my first time and while I enjoyed it immensely, it was pretty exhausting to play at times. As clever/well written/charming some of the chapters were, they had a tendency to never end.
Climbing the ranks in the Arena in TTYD was one of the most grueling sequences I've ever experienced in a game. "Your next match will begin soon"...wait a few seconds..."Mario, we're here to escort you to the match". Repeat for 20-30 some battles ad nausea! I felt the same way with the train sequence, although it wasn't nearly as monotonous and at least they mixed it up with a well designed mid-point dungeon.
I definitely feel like Sticker Star closely resembles the original game which is why I think I like it so much. This game CUTS RIGHT TO THE POINT and I adore it for that reason alone. There's still that clever dialogue that the series is known for, but it's much, much more palatable.
I find it really damaging that not being TTYD is a bad thing, because TTYD is pretty badly designed in terms of its level structure, which is why I didn't return to it as often as the original. And yet it's held on the same throne as say... OoT. I mean, OoT has an excuse at least. It's very balanced on its design choices which leads to a very well balanced experience, and not do something better but fuck up something worse than the previous game. TTYD is in that latter category. Despite say, adding HP and stuff for partners, there's still the whole optimal party member scenario that was also in Paper Mario.
Has this been seen or added to the OT yet? Team interview with development insight:
I loved the Glitz Pit. A level of pure battles, and then later there's a level with almost no battles at all to even it out. It's an interesting way to do things.
Same. The only TTYD part that dragged for me was chapter 4 when you had to backtrack that area way too much.
It was more than made up for by the godlike train chapter.
I can understand the dislike for Super Paper Mario, both because it really was a almost 100% departure from everything Paper Mario, and on its own merits it's just plain a strange f**king game. Almost too strange for its own good.
That interview is slightly depressing. So much was excised just to facilitate the sticker mechanic. :/Has this been seen or added to the OT yet? Team interview with development insight:
I'm watching the GB Quick Look finally.
Downloading this once Virtue's Last Reward is done owning my mind/body/soul.
Seems to me like a case of them choosing not to simply iterate with improvements to existing design. Is there enough stuff to use coins on, in-combat roulette bonus aside (which I acknowledge might end up being the device which claims the majority of my coins)? Also can sticker combos get very tactical/varied/occasionally specialized?
I'm not someone who has a problem erasing previous franchise impressions from my mind, and I love me some great OSTs. How much am I going to dig this?
The level design in this game is ridiculously good. The actual layouts of each course I mean; so good that I would want like, a sequel to Mario 3D Land say, with level designs like this.
It's so fun to play in the portable format, with course designs like this. Just enough adventure type stuff in each course to stay intriguing but not feel like a slog - so far at least. Will see how long world 3 goes on.
Edit: Yeah, and I'm far enough in now to see how this could be a problem for modern reviewers under pressure with no time.
This game's structure is so weird. Its a turned based action/adventure. Where it takes some cues from old school adventure games and exploring aspects from traditional 2-d Mario games (secret exits, Star Coins, ect.).