I wish more people would attempt to smuggle weapons in. Guilt free detainment, and I get dat bribe money.
On day 21 or maybe 20.
How do I poison the assassin? Also FUCK my supervisor for telling me to take my son's picture off the wall. Dock my pay huh?
Pro-tip: If you ever see the fucker coming out of his car and walking towards your booth in the morning, take down all unauthorized shit from the wall. It's like clearing your desk if you see your boss coming from a distance. Lol.
How long is an average playthrough? Considering buying this right now instead of waiting for a sale.
This game explains why the folks who work at airports stamping passports and whatnot are usually in such a bad mood all the time lol
I don't know what detaining does in the long run, but it can't be pleasant.[/spoiler]
So there's a beta patch out for the game:
Communist state.
My pay is performance-based.
I have to pay for Rent, Heat, and Food.
Communist state.
My pay is performance-based.
I have to pay for Rent, Heat, and Food.
While I can't really argue about how people choose to play the game, I find that stuff like this is somewhat outside of the spirit of Papers, Please.found this, printed immediately jaja
Okay. How do you get past this guy again? Wasted a whole day with his stupid face standing there doing nothing.
While I can't really argue about how people choose to play the game, I find that stuff like this is somewhat outside of the spirit of Papers, Please.
The game seems to glorify how inconvenient doing things is. When genuinely useful things come up like keybinds for noticing discrepancies or taking out your stamps, it feels likea weight is lifted off my shoulders. Not to mention that there's some micromanagement to be had with the desk area in the game itself - once the rulebook has around two full pages, it becomes clear how inadequate the amount of space given is. It becomes frustrating at times and it can get confusing like, say when trying to grab a certain *important* key when you need to.
It's not exactly fun to have a game make you remember stuff or spend seconds every time looking back and forth between stuff, but I dunno. To me, the game's not really about being fun so much as... being miserable? Every failed judgment feels awful in its own way, yet it's somehow addictive, as I'm sure most would agree.
There's always the possibility that I'm just masochistic though.
Check discrepancies before confiscating. If you have unresolved discrepancy, confiscate the passport then stamp DENIED and reason on paper visa.I'm at the part where you have to confiscate Altan passports, but I have no idea how to get the reason stamp to pop up. I keep getting citations for not citing a reason, even during detainment.
No, you're right, you're clearly meant to make mistakes and be short on money most of the time.
i read the names were entered by users, someone must have entered this name.
the jobs and faces are also randomized apparently. every now and again a woman will give you a card to a strip club and tell you to come to her. just because some people saw her randomly generated like that, he is gonna remove the name from the game!
Did my part and bought it off of Steam just now. Played up until day 5 or 6, game is fun and challenging. I am afraid that it will wear out quite quickly though, but we'll see.
Remarkable game for sure, the concept is very clever.
Day 4 and my family was already sick and hungry. Making only 5 bucks in savings in per day. Might as well start over.
There is so much more to the game now. The alpha really was incomplete and just a taste of gameplay.any significant improvement from the beta?
any significant improvement from the beta?
Unrelated: But is there any actual point of buying the booth upgrade? It is absolutely useless but maybe it unlocks better stuff in the future?