you can't put a price on sparks
Missing basement bizarrely found in father's boy
Me too, fuckers think they're the shit because of a gross growth coming outta their face.I hate unicorns
Me too, fuckers think they're the shit because of a gross growth coming outta their face.
Some of my greatest content to date.Games where your character eats fast food
Games With Blonde Villains
Games where you can jump over a car
Games that let you shoot water guns
Games that have good graphics
Post your favourite game
Games where the female character turns into a elder dragon
Games where dogs walk on two legs
Games where your main character actually reaches out and turns the door knob to open a door instead of the door magically opening when you press A
Favourite characters with black hair
Is The Last of Us feminist propaganda?
LTTP: Watch Dogs (Thread created December 2013)
idk.. I've always wanted to ask this.
why do the suicidal/depression threads pop up during summer?
Great video game composters that when missing in action
quick Freaky Fred and my other parody-loving friends
I need some legit ideas for video game characters involved with the sanitation business. I want to make this thread.
A store doesn't charge you for something...
because you forgot to buy it. Now you're home already with a family size box of Oreos and you forgot to buy milk. Do you go back to the store and calmly explain to yourself that people make mistakes and you aren't a complete idiot for forgetting milk, or do you stay home and suffer through Oreos with no milk, all the while feeling sorry for yourself and licking your own tears in a pathetic attempt to receive some form of hydration to rinse off your cookie encrusted teeth?
What is it with all those new fast food products thread lately. Grown men excitef about the return of some crappy Burger King meal...
Look at this!
A normal McBurgerDonalds burger, right? But LOOK AT WHAT DELICIOUS FOOD THEY JUST MADE IT IN TO:
... So then, GAF. What's your favourite burger?
From your link:I've written drafts for all of these.
Some of my greatest content to date.
Me too, fuckers think they're the shit because of a gross growth coming outta their face.
From "lets generate outrage" series
"Why is Ubisoft encourage Elephant violence with Farcry 4?"
"Why are visual novel games so insensitive to the cause of the illeterate?"
"Why is Nintendo refusing to encourage positive strong female character by refusing to create a Mario sister and imposing the dated helpless female princess trope with Peach in 2014?"
"Left handed handling in fps games - a forgotten cause for concern"
This kind of reminds me of the guy who bragged about getting $30 Italian meal. lol
From "lets generate outrage" series
"Why is Ubisoft encourage Elephant violence with Farcry 4?"
"Why are visual novel games so insensitive to the cause of the illeterate?"
"Why is Nintendo refusing to encourage positive strong female character by refusing to create a Mario sister and imposing the dated helpless female princess trope with Peach in 2014?"
"Left handed handling in fps games - a forgotten cause for concern"
"f2p games: preying on children and the poor?"
Can we talk about how has anyone noticed that am I the only one who thinks Jay-Z sure is looking good again.
From "lets generate outrage" series
"Why is Ubisoft encourage Elephant violence with Farcry 4?"
"Why are visual novel games so insensitive to the cause of the illeterate?"
"Why is Nintendo refusing to encourage positive strong female character by refusing to create a Mario sister and imposing the dated helpless female princess trope with Peach in 2014?"
"Left handed handling in fps games - a forgotten cause for concern"
"f2p games: preying on children and the poor?"
On the flip side we could have "why is it OK to kill men in video games but not women?". That would get interesting. And locked."Killing women in games is misogynistic. Women should not be in games anymore."
On the flip side we could have "why is it OK to kill men in video games but not women?". That would get interesting. And locked.
But did you watch porn in her room with headphones off? That's the important part.I had sex with my sister and she got pregnant and gave me genital warts
If nintendo isn't racist then why did they discontinue the white WiiU?If Miyamoto isn't racist, then why doesn't Nintendo have any black protagonists?
Pikmin basically glorifies slaveryIf Miyamoto isn't racist, then why doesn't Nintendo have any black protagonists?
This or "Pokemon glorifies illegal dogfighting"Pikmin basically glorifies slavery
Also, "we need more representation of children in games (so I can shoot them)"
This already happened twice from memory, but one was in a less obvious way, more along the lines of: 'why aren't there more kids in vidya games'. The threads became discussions about how comfortable some are about killing children virtually and also the maturity level of kids as gamers. Both were locked eventually.